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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. Well, these lemmings march our salaries to the bank and sail our boats on that sea. I used to manage NT SQL and Oracle Enterprise servers. I played around with Linux and found it to be a toy, useful to only those who had the time to waste. We had productivity to maintain. I'm glad you are happy with Linux. Don't throw stones at the majority of the world who has real work to get done.
  2. Just like all MAGATS - no substance or logical arguments, no cogent points, just projecting what is really going on in their own shallow souls.
  3. An obviously myopic and unrealistic statement. I've taught using M$ and Apple (only because I had to for the sake of connecting with my misguided students). Most of what I do is M$-based, as is the majority of software available world wide.
  4. For the life of me, I can't figure out WHY anyone would use Windows 11. I tried - I bought a laptop that wouldn't accept a Windows 10 install, so I tried to accept Win 11. EVERY task took 2-6 more steps to accomplish and some of my basic favorite features (task bar on top being a major one) weren't even possible. THEN I tried doing a Win 10 install AFTER a successful Win 11 install and LORD ALMIGHTY - I got my OS back! All I can say is, "Shame on you, Micro$oft!"
  5. Nah. Better to add you to the ignore list. Byeeeeeeee . . .
  6. I could, as I have in the past. I just find my time more valuable for doing things like watching grass grow than to waste it on those who remain intentionally ignorant.
  7. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-do-i-completely-remove-copilot/94f158ab-bc04-48e2-a49f-4cc813fdd5f5
  8. Also, when you have the task manager open, click on the Startup tab, and if the program status is "Enabled," right mouse click the program status and change to "Disabled."
  9. I stopped wasting my time on "Fox" viewers long ago. They are obviously NOT interested in facts or truth. Duh.
  10. These people are sadly living in the past. I am still required to wear a mask at work, and just about everyone is masked out in public. At least I now have the process down and just update the dates on the TM-30 forms to hand in to them.
  11. Go away like the bad smell you try and use as a source.
  12. No, in my case the IO was quite irate and remembered me specifically when I went in to ask what the problem was. I had spent 3 days in Pattaya and didn't report back to them when I had returned to Chanthaburi. I really love living here but key-RISTE do I grow weary of the incessant pedantic, unnecessary bologna.
  13. My last 90 day online was rejected because I wasn't aware how anal Chanthaburi immigration was about TM-30's. Now that I have that squared away, I'm curious how my next one will be.
  14. Won't waste time on anyone using "Fox" in any way, shape or form.
  15. You tend to conveniently forget, not all MAGATS are white supremacists, but all white supremacists are MAGATS. Don't pretent for a moment they aren't. Pfah.
  16. Any time one of you truth deniers brings up "Fox," I have to remind you about the lawsuit that cost them almost $1 BILLION for being LIARS, and that there is another lawsuit in the works for almost $3 BILLION for the same thing. I understand your real agenda is to troll, but we will call you on it each and every time.
  17. You have been listening very closely to your magat master - you have that projection down to a T!
  18. The WORST part about all this AN pontificating is that it makes no difference WHAT she said. This is a case about covering up a stupid mistake by cooking the books, taking what WOULD have been a misdemeanor to a felony because of the WHY for the coverup.
  19. Those "built into the wall" aircon systems are deal breakers for me. I'll no longer rent a place that uses them.
  20. Huge difference between sitting and soaking suds versus teaching/learning in sweltering heat. Sorry, that dog don't hunt.
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