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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. And of COURSE every one of those pages makes a valuable contribution to keeping Thailand safe.
  2. You got anything to back that up? The Google machine neither supports nor refutes your post.
  3. X2 on the Bayer Quantum. The ants take this stuff back to the nest and it kills ALL the little bastards.
  4. It's sneaky nagware. Not a threat, but anything that gets loaded behind my back gets two thumbs down from me. https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-remove-rav-antivirus/
  5. I'd disagree that it's always been this way. In the 1950's, in the US, a man could have a basic job (my dad delivered milk to homes) and still afford a stay-at-home wife, a house, and to send his kids to private school. The Teamsters Union was very powerful, mostly honest, and everyone profited. These circumstances created the greatest economy this planet has ever seen. Bridges/roads were build, healthcare was available to most - hell, we even sent a man to the moon. Reasonable corporate management pay was the norm. Enter corporate greed. That shameful "Raw Knee Ray Gun" bullsh!t of trickle down economics and union busting started to corrode the system. More and more, profits over people became the word of the day. This was SUPPOSED to be the golden age of The Jetsons. We are on the verge of flying cars, technology is performing menial jobs. There are now McDonald's restaurants with NO EMPLOYEES. There are enough resources on this planet to give everyone the basic necessities of food, housing and healthcare. Corporate greed has literally gone off the scale and those at the bottom of the human social ladder are dying of starvation and/or thirst. Something's gotta give. As a species, this is not sustainable.
  6. Good. Sum num na.
  7. Wow! I came here to see what fun was being waged in Pattaya. Instead, I find a bunch of haters hating, and the haters of haters hating right back. Ferchrissake, lighten up! I personally hate participating in Songkran, having had my fill years ago, so now I just go hide in my bunker and let the revelers go to town. I honestly hope they're having a great time, and post about it here. Haters - go away.
  8. Many attempts at banning/"fixing" Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Those two are still fighting the good fight. Same with To Kill A Mockingbird. Netflix, however, is joining the pc brigade:
  9. Silly me. Of COURSE that's how it goes.
  10. I haven't kept up with this nonsense - is selling buds back to legal as long as you're licensed?
  11. Thai culture has promoted mask wearing for years. Same with not wearing helmets. There is absolutely no need to wear a mask at this time yet they still wear them faithfully in Chanthaburi. There is every reason to wear a helmet yet they just don't get it.
  12. All too common to see Thais in Chanthaburi wearing no helmet but by gawd they have their masks on!
  13. I worked IT at a US government place many moons ago. During a staff meeting, our division head announced that the head honchos were creating the "Fast Action Response Team." Well, being an IT guy, we live by acronyms. I pointed out what should have been obvious to them, and they quickly changed the name to The Tiger Team.
  14. Only amongst the die hard bamboozled fools who are still wearing the MAGA blinders. People are just exhausted by his idiotic tantrums. At first, he was a train wreck that you couldn't turn away from. Now, he just regurgitates the same spew ("witch hunt, no collusion, stolen election" etc.) and it's not even slightly entertaining any more. Election after election, Republicans who hitched their wagon to MAGA lost. Thankfully, they're going the way of dinosaurs. Buh bye.
  15. Every presidential election cycle I ask myself, "Is this really the best their money can buy?"
  16. Green New Deal is just ambitious and would do the planet a world of good (see what I did there?). Abortion on demand up to birth is a myth.
  17. I saw that interview - it wasn't a speech impediment moment, his cheese is sliding off his cracker.
  18. I'll offer to reimburse her fine if she'll come to my place and perform a re-enactment.
  19. And some possible idiot stragglers on the 20th.
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