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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. No talcum powder??? Not a fan, but why? I guess it is because you are getting close and touching people?
  2. If you remember can you let me know what they suggest? Cheers.
  3. Told this story a couple of times on here, but it bears repeating.... Local dam being built, all employees have to hand in their bank books and passwords if they wanted work. Managers allocate overtime payments to the workers, which isn't worked, and then claim those overtime payments back out of the workers bank accounts for themselves.
  4. Got the same situation. Looking at sowing that viventer (?) grass, and maybe a soak away/drainage ditch......if the worst comes to the worst we might have to consider a gabion mattress.
  5. Crazy notion, but is there any (significant) demand for tourism in this part of the world? Tourists generally want to go to places that they want to go to, not where government ministers would like them to go to. Cart and horse spring to mind.
  6. Good point....though only one of these is associated with a total megalomaniac who has access to a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons.
  7. If I detected an eastern European accent it is certainly a topic I would avoid.
  8. More a reflection of a certain age profile that doesn't have access to/doesn't bother to/doesn't understand...... online stuff. If this was circulated in the bars and cafes of the costa del sol it could be up in the millions.
  9. Benefits that cannot be reduced or stopped The following benefits cannot be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: State Pension Something at least!!!
  10. ...and yet the SA doctor who won his case against unfair dismissal, having promoted a meat and fat only diet, won on the evidence he presented??? Variety is the only way to go.
  11. .....yet. It is all about tickling the odds in your favor. Some non-smokers get lung cancer, most heavy smokers don't. Still better not to smoke.
  12. .......nine guns and nine licences........not a problem.....dear God!!!
  13. Sudetenland is German.......I was entitled to it.
  14. Read that first line as .....thank you for your castrating options.....
  15. Nod sage like, pretend to be listening, agree with every word......then finish up your beer and move on......keeps you out of hospital.
  16. Just received my med's from the UK....posted up country (back of beyond) less then seven days ago!!! It was 'tracked' though.
  17. I doubt many Thais could locate Russia on a globe let alone Ukraine.....for the moment it is a war in a far away place between people (other than tourists of course) for whom they have little concern.
  18. Call me Shirley......but I would hope these are already actions that are a matter of routine.
  19. Has anyone ever come across the 'findings' of one of these probes???
  20. I pray every night for the health and wellbeing of these soap stars........God forbid another one dies within the next five years.
  21. I did once......but I think I got away with it.
  22. The wife employs locals in her fields from time to time.....250 baht/day......I asked, but isn't the minimum wage 300 baht?.....she just shrugged and said they have breaks.
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