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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That did not apply to my situation, as I was not married to the mother, child was not born in (my) wedlock and I was not the birth father nor adopted the child. Mother did sign an affidavit stating I was the sole provider for the child. This done by US Embassy staff, and translated to Thai. Father was MIA, as was the mother most of the time. Forget if I had to show financials. Had Grandparents if needing further verification, but none needed. That visa was extended at least once, then I turned 50 and simply got the retirement visa. This was 20 yrs ago ... so there's that. I would simply ask at the Imm office you plan on using, what 'they' want, and ask someone higher up the chain of command.
  2. Good thing we're not in the UK. Although I did think the "Thai EV market" was the topic. No real need to simply repeat that the UK is an EV sh!thole ... that was already pointed out: ... "Thai business operators maintain an optimistic outlook for the local growth of the EV market. They attribute this optimism to unique local conditions, differentiating them from the European market. High insurance and repair costs, inadequate charging facilities, and termination of governmental EV subsidies have contributed to the European market downturn, according to Bloomberg." Unlike some forum folks, a few of us have some 'reading comprehension'.... .... "However, the FTI advises against drawing early conclusions, suggesting a 4-5 year wait for a more definitive understanding of the Thai EV market." But please tell us all how bad EVs are now, and what our future holds. Give me some lottery numbers or stock picks. I might be more impressed ... ... or not
  3. KhunLA

    Seahorse Ferry

    Ignore this, if you don't already ignore everything I post ... ... was thinking of the patts / HH ferry 🙄
  4. Someone doesn't live in TH, or get out much ..
  5. Trailer was enough of a turn off for me. Don't even think a doobie would help
  6. No need to research charging points, as they are pretty much everywhere we've been, and yet to make a detour to get to one. All been quite conveniently located along our journeys. You know, just puttering around. Our puttering since owning the EV (car), for 1.5 yrs: Of course if it's your work car, and you're on the road, and time is money, then an EV might not be the right choice. But the traveling sales rep, is a thing of the past in most industries. So you are the new EV troll who will be regurgitating all the old myths / BS that's been proved wrong again and again. BYE BYE
  7. you're quick, as I actually edited that, thinking you were talking about something else.
  8. You couldn't be more wrong ... again We put on 20k kms, first year owning EV (car), and half of those were away from the house, requiring hotel stays & use of CS. More than half of the 'local' kms, were also away from 'puttering' around, and 40-100 kms away, not requiring any charging. es: house at mid PKK province to Hua Hin for instance, and a 200 kms roundtrip day out. Or down to Ban Krut 130 kms, for a munch.
  9. Seems those numbers were taken from the same Swedish one already mentioned.
  10. that is overpriced .... wrong heavy ... wrong costs more to insure ... wrong takes ages to charge ... relative, but basically wrong, since will charge while you're sleeping depreciates ... unknown keeps you on the edge of your seat worrying about where to get the next recharge ... wrong Troll along now ....
  11. Tourist areas were on hold, not the domestic vehicle market, though did dip a bit, as more than a few worked in the tourist industry. That didn't happen, no tourist, till April 2020. 6 months of unknown after that, then most of the country, not relying on tourist was getting back to normal, except now masked up all year round. We're talking auto sales not hotel bookings. Tourist returning high season 2022. So only 2 slow years. Wouldn't call theses numbers on hold:
  12. Pick a survey. I like this one, as insurance pay outs, so probably more accurate
  13. Does it matter then. They better cross at the light, on the green then. Another silly 'what if' ... what if deaf & blind ... oh crap
  14. Relative to who owns it. We drive 20k kms a year, and apparently, from another post, that's quite a bit. And if all local kms, we save 55k baht a year with solar, or 42k baht a year if using PEA for those kms driven. So if keeping EV for 5 years, that's 200k baht of depreciation one gets back. Our ICE MG ZS cost 699k, sold for 400k after 2 years / 40k kms. Our EV version was insured (write off value) for 11k more than the purchase. And when renewed, is the same value, as a new ZS EV when discounted to 869k. Plus the 42k (PEA) to 55k (solar) baht a year we are saving by not using petrol. 10 years down the road, and we're ahead 400-500k baht by not using petrol alone. Don't think depreciation is a concern. And, we still have 46kWh of battery bank. That's worth a pretty baht if added to the solar system.
  15. Maybe people should look before jaywalking, look both ways again, then again, before crossing the street. My ICE MG ZS was pretty damn quiet. For the life of me, I don't how people get run over crossing the street ... that actually looked first. Take responsibility for yourself and never depend on others. All these news blips of people getting run over in TH ... any of them by EVs ... ????? ... nuff said
  16. KhunLA

    Seahorse Ferry

    Aside from any hassles about the piers, from my reading, the amount of cancelled ferries and their no refund policy was a huge factor in discouraging people from booking & using. A voucher to use later doesn't really help most people, as plans already ruined, and may not be able to use later.
  17. So when I'm at Krung Thep and take the less expensive pubic trans, the bus, instead of driving, or a taxi, that means I'm not a quality tourist or expat. Being a non alcohol drinker or using P4P services and have a few million in assets with wife invested, and sending daughter to Uni .. and I'm not a quality tourist or expat. Where's my pedestal so I can look down on you all Not that any of those who do indulge in such, means they are not quality. As long as almost legal & must be consenting adults. Being thrifty or just enjoy a less expensive mode of transport, defines ones quality ... ... interesting, as I know a lot of well off A-holes that are the lowest of human beings. Both in their actions & thinking Some folks do things by choice, even though having other options, and some smartly live within their means. Yea, what he or she said below seems about right ..
  18. Yikes ... that's doing something for all the wrong reasons.
  19. I realized that after I posted, got distracted ... oops
  20. I think Nam is for those, with no real plan of setting down long term roots, since no real guarantee of retirement visa available. Simply the extended holiday in retirement mentality, till bored, instead of 'this is where I'll be till I crap out' mentality. Guess a lot depends on age. If retiring at 45 vs 65. Why settle in for the long haul, if on borrowed time. ROCK ON
  21. So you want everyone to pay more taxes (carbon bla bla bla) to solve the problem, but not willing to spend your money on the problem, or make scarifies for what you believe, for future generations. Don't need a car, could just get an E-MC. You're in NZ ? Thought you were in UK. Me, I just have solar & EV to save money, and to be independent & spiteful of big oil & PEA. Steady current at the house saves my electronics also, hopefully.
  22. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-12-06/state-abortion-bans-have-new-doctors-staying-away "As Abortion Laws Drive Obstetricians From Red States, Maternity Care Suffers" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/06/us/politics/abortion-obstetricians-maternity-care.html
  23. Anything and everything they are told ... USA #1 bla bla bla After 45 yrs living there, I know it's all BS
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