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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. TH snuck in top 10, in 2013 ... oh well. TH back in top 10 now, 2023, as they were in 2022.
  2. 125 kph did an edit with more accurate info If not needing top end or range, then take a peek at DECO Motorcycles Less expensive
  3. Kids at school in close proximity getting sick ... ... who would have thought ..
  4. We all know the COLA adjustment are BS, unless you actually think there was -0- inflation some years, and <2% inflation per year the 12 years before biden ...
  5. Nothing like living in fear ... how are we all not dead already I read a bunch or people die from accidents in their home ... ... can't find anything TH specific, but, if all things being equal, all countries, it's not safe to be home either: TH population about 1/5 of the USA, so 20% of 200k = 40k 😲
  6. Cut all foreign aid and stick the equivalent of the last few decades and future estimated foreign aid into the SS fund, and stop stealing from it. Or simply return all the money you stole / borrowed with interest. Doubt very much they cut SS, ever, as >1/3 of the voting public receives it. No party wants to lose those votes.
  7. Wasn't paying attention, but obviously ESS topped up before 1030 hrs 👍 More like 1000 hrs, as the blue stops a bit before 1035, and has produced 12.5kWh since sunrise, using 5.9kWh since last midnight / 0000 hrs;
  8. Patts definitely qualifies as a '15 minute city', so nobody has to have a car, or even a motorbike.
  9. Once again, if people need to ask these kinds of questions ... ... strongly suggest you rent
  10. Why we live where we do ... choose wisely
  11. Inflation, as don't remember paying more than 300 baht, for whole boat. More than a few years, but petrol wasn't 35-40 baht either.
  12. I guess the blue / red bandana (for top / bottom), hanging out of rear jeans pocket on Thursday (or so I was told) is a thing of the past
  13. Rise up against the oppression of your fellow changs in captivity ... UP THE REVOLUTION
  14. I don't think negative reviews are allowed on TA ... I prefer Gmaps for my research. A couple more believable (besides the OMG reviews), and repeat visitors, and gets 'just OK'. Scroll down to the 3* reviews. Still gets an overall 4.2 though, so not all bad, depending what one orders. I wouldn't expect anything at normal spicy level, as caters to tourist, hence the lack of Thais reviewing.
  15. Rain forecasted and arrived yesterday, about 1400 hrs, and stayed steady all afternoon & night. With no real production from about 1400 hrs onward. Copy & paste of chit chat I had at about sunset, and state of ESS at that time ... ... "Hasn't stopped since about 1400, not heavy, but steady. Just went to take dog for her evening walk ... she wasn't having it. P'd and turned around. Solar @ 82%, usually 95+%, so we'll wake up tomorrow in the 40's % instead of 60s. Hope the sun comes out for a couple hours, or I'll need to turn on the grid. Temps are fine, and fan is OK, though think I'm going to need to turn the AC on dehumidifier. Ambient temp is lower than we keep the AC anyway, but RH is a bit too much" Surprisingly, woke up to ESS @ 54%, as dehumidifier & fan apparently use less than I thought. Still used laptops & 65" TV/monitor, till midnight. Sun is out, and producing ~3kwh and sending ~2kWh to ESS, so if all holds, ESS should be topped up in a few hours, before noon, and just a bit later than usual. Saw the thick dark clouds coming from the west, and turned everything off, as the graph shows. Clouds coming eastward, sun going westward, nah, wrong mix ... going dark Yesterday ... Now, w/morning spike @ 0600 hrs / morning coffee ...
  16. Really ... it was years ago, so hopefully much better now, but some of the blandest food I've ever had in Th.
  17. Condescending or just knowledgeable ... ... Ignorance is Bliss ... until it isn't Until you open your mind, you just won't understand ...
  18. His lyrics took on bit of a different meaning after coming out a bit. All understandable back then, as celebs would lose jobs/$$$, if 'out'. Especially actors, and certain roles would not be available any more. So many leading men of days past were gay or bi. Everyone in Hollywood knew, but not the public. A few fake marriages & public relationships for smoke screens. Must have sucked living that lifestyle ... and not in a good way Even today, it's not a good financial decision to come out.
  19. So, since pansexual ... I'm thinking I should go with a mohawk with long ponytail
  20. More of that MMCC & Global Warming .... PLEASE
  21. The rains have finally arrived ...
  22. Nah ... where to go next, or more like ... revisit, see if I missed anything last time
  23. Length of hair now gender-ized ... That explains it, I was a trans lesbian woman in my youth, and now I'm have a dyke haircut ... F'me
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