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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Suppose you are referring to Muslim or whoever and genitalia mutilation of usually females ? A bit off topic, and of course I'm against that silliness. Or simple circumcision, as the wee one had no say in it ? Not sure about that one, and debatable. Glad I was, but other's may think differently.
  2. Actually not a bad Idea, and best use of any remains, after any salvageable organs are donated. Donate to a medical Uni for hands on experience while learning 👍 Though bob could have left out half his reply
  3. Reading comprehension fellas. Even the person I replied to hasn't bought (possibly seen) a printed newspaper in a coffee shop. I've seen reading material, not that any would interest me, and the point of the person I replied to, pointed out, unlike days past, coffee & newspaper was a good part of the coffee shop experience. Same as using as a time killer on public trans ... ... now it's on your phone So let us know when you actually see a newspaper at a coffee shop, not a weekly or monthly magazine. Only place I've seen them of late, was CS waiting room at MG dealer.
  4. Agree with parents should have total control of their children's medical treatment, all medical treatment. Unless life saving, and parents refuse to allow. If a boy or girl think they are something different than their birth sex, then let them be what they think they are. They shouldn't need drugs or surgery to make them be what they think they are. If they want to go that route, wait until they are adults and can legally decide their medical sex realignments. Children shouldn't make life changing decisions that can't be reversed, or will affect their bodies the rest of their life.
  5. Thanks ... ... note to self: don't give visa entry advice Haven't entered since 2006, hence the 'if same' notation. THANKS
  6. Obviously those needing to pay, aren't hiding very well. If all your paperwork is legit, and you're not doing anything illegal, then it's easy to just say ... NO If running a bar, playing western music without license, or have P4P folks there, then yes, to operate illegally, there's always a 'fee'. Or they simple set up camp, until they see a violation, then shut you down for a month, or pay a huge fine. Reads like OP wants to open a scooter rental shop, on surf side road. Unless a proper building, with parking, he'll be paying "rent' to PoPo when they make their rounds. I sat on suk rd (BKK) and watched them making their rounds with the street walkway vendors. Stopping at each one, collecting 'rent' and issuing receipts. Too funny, and I'm far from naïve.
  7. I'm rarely impressed with the coffee, and no better than I can do at home, with French press or drip cone. Occasionally get a cup of ... 'damn that's good', but rare. Think they could a better job with fancy beans & and expensive machine. Hopefully good pastry, as something I don't do at home, as too much work, and don't need that much sitting around, as I'll end up eating it all, in a short time. I have no will power to walk past a plate of sweets. AC and pleasant setting or view wins also. I stay of the internet when O&A relaxing, except for sending the daughter a snap of what I'm munching on. Reading material and newspaper aren't necessarily the same thing
  8. The real issue isn't that they are in a sanctuary, as if no riding allowed or interaction, then it's basically just a 'petting zoo', and if treated properly, no worse or better than any 'nice' zoo. Which IMHO, none should exist for wild animals. The issue is the treatment they endured as calves, to fear humans. If not, you wouldn't be able to be near then, as a good possibility, they'd kill you, just like in the wild.
  9. That's not typical. Haven't seen one of those in over a decade
  10. OP's original thought was to open illegal business, as already plans to 'pay off locals'. Please stay in the USA, as TH doesn't need more criminals Or you could actually let your wife run it legally, and you simply play silent (very silent) partner.
  11. @Danielsiam steve187 got it correct. If still the same, on entry form, there is a blank to fill in visa number, leave it blank, and you'll enter on 'visa exempt'. I did this by accident, as I had a marriage visa, and wasn't paying attention. When I went to do my 90 day exit/re-enter thingy, IO told me I overstayed 2 months Huh ... no prob, and corrected without incident. Just leave it blank ... but ... make sure you use your visa, before it expires, as they used to have expiration dates.
  12. Just outside 7-11 ambiance ... 39 baht lemon cheesecake & 20 baht Hazelnut Cappuccino, in AC comfort ...
  13. Pretty much everything here is sub standard size, but, I am a Yank, so nuff said.
  14. SB does give you a proper size cup of coffee, about 3X the size of most vendors, thus priced accordingly.
  15. If they got the money, meet the visa requirements, then ... WELCOME I'm thinking some of the replies are from folks a bit envious
  16. Most people, worldwide (non war) get killed by someone they know. Even the gangbangers in USA know who they are shooting act, though may want to get a little more time on the target range.
  17. Polishing off leftovers, Asian chicken, and Bok Choy prepared a bit different ...
  18. One still has to live within one's budget, and should dictate how large or small the family should be.
  19. Try here, as we've sampled elsewhere (not Patts) and enjoyed their offerings. Or go surfside (have not sampled), looks good, location, high reviews;
  20. Or Iranian (mid eastern illegal alien)... ... Dems welcome everyone
  21. With a current lifespan of 2500 cycles, 500k+ kms, and that's conservative, I'm pretty sure we'll get our baht's worth, How much is any car worth in 20+ years. If they come out with a reasonably priced (750kms range) pick up truck, we may have to make room in the car port for 2 vehicles. I'm thinking camper conversion
  22. #1 ... elephants never have been, or will ever be domesticated. Scared into submission, yes, domesticated ... NO 2. Didn't see it mentioned, but most if not all elephants are too young to have been saved from the logging industry, as banned long ago, and most don't live that long in captivity 3. All can be returned to nature ... don't listen to the BS 4. Govt doing what .. still see them promoted in the tourist brochures. Never attend or pay for any 'animal' camps, prisons, shows. You just perpetuate the problem and are the reason it exists. Wild animals belong in the wild. You want to see wild elephants, in natural setting ... go here
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