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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Been making these the past 3 days. Make 2 a day, so we only eat 2 a day. Apple turnovers, ingredients; Apples, any kind Brown sugar Cinnamon Corn starch/flour Butter Puff pastry squares/PP (Makro) Amounts depends how much you make. I used 4 apples (medium size) and least expensive. Since adding sugar & cinnamon. Actually best apples I've bought so far ... go figure. About 2 tbsp of butter, apples, in saucepan, soften them up for about 2 or 3 mins, add 1 or 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon to start & about 1 tsp of corn starch, and continue mixing for about 2 ish minutes. Taste & adjust. Let cool down. Take PP out of freezing, trim 2 edge sides of plastic off, (make a folder) while keeping PP covered so not to dry out. Wait till soft to the touch, Add filling in center, wet the one edge lightly with water, and simply fold over. Press to seal. Preheat air fryer 200C/5mins, then place in, on greased foil, cook at 180C/5 mins, flip, and another 5 mins. If in a regular full size convection over, probably take 30+ mins to finish, depending on your oven. If wanting a frosting/icing, then simple; X/icing sugar, wee bit of milk, very wee bit of vanilla, if having, stir till desired viscosity. 4 apples made 6 so far, probably got enough for 4 more.
  2. Y'all need to get off the ... ... really not a good look for you
  3. Chit chatting with our installer this morning, as rung me up, and asked what & why, the wife was asking about, via email, "is it safe to go up on roof ?". Of course she didn't ask me, so I didn't have a clue. Apparently small roof leak, she wanted to seal, and simply wanted to ask about being near the panels if on the rood. No issues. Point of post ... he said they did 150 installs last year. And since Jan 1st, had/has 20 installs lined up, and buzzing by our house on the way to Ban Krut to install a system. Great the home owners are so much smarter and active with solar installation, and sad the govt/grid operators aren't as savvy, and taking advantage of the free energy source available year round in the topics. Damn embarrassing really. Another thing we talked about, and what I recommend when asked 'what I'd do different ?" which would be instead of our 8kw inverter, use two 5kw inverters. He actually doesn't install 8kw inverters any more, as many ask about PEA/MEA buy back excess. 8kw inverter isn't on the 'approved' inverter list, but the Deye 5 kw inverter is. 10kw for 3 phase, if heaving. Besides being an approved inverter, if wanting more than 5kw, then gives you some redundancy, if one as an oops. He also stated, PEA not battery friendly. So if considering getting on the 'buy back excess' system, hold off on hooking up the ESS/batties, until approved. One customer signed up, and they told him no, (PKK province), if having batteries. So he disconnected till approved, which they did approve, now will simply re-hook them back up. They really don't want us to be independent of the grid, or use a little as possible. Love their power of control. 🤬
  4. Top burner, we've/I've always referred to as 'broiler', in USA, here, I just say top heating element, since electric oven. Basically upside down 'grill'. Which I use occasionally, or at least set food close to it. Especially when making pizza. Bottom gets crisp'd on the cast iron on the hob/gas stove, then top gets melted under the 'broiler'/top burner. Did one just yesterday, meatball/under the cheese:
  5. Is 'air quality' the govt mentoring system ? If so, it's been criticized before for 'inaccurate' to be kind, readings. If i'm think of the same site.
  6. that's one opinion ... Failed ... far from it, and got name recognition, planted seed for next election, expressed his policies on a national level and found out, without Trump, he IS the frontrunner. Win wins all around in the pollical arena. Only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about. His FL gov/state policies ... well that depends who you talk to. FL residents don't seem to have a problem with him, and that's who he works for. Even managed a surplus in the budget one year, so cut the gas tax. Not really seeing any negatives worth noting, though confess to not pay attention too much.
  7. He can resign as gov anytime he wants, and he won by a high margin, when elected, so no reason to think he won't win again. "DeSantis won the November 8 election in a landslide, with 59.4 percent of the vote to Crist's 40 percent; it was the largest margin of victory in a Florida gubernatorial election since 1982."
  8. You need to enlighten yourself about Lithium Ion batteries, and Lithium Phosphate batteries. Then get back to me. Both MG & GWM uses both types. As I stated, most are moving toward the LFP chemistry, unless LR or performance models. Ora Good Cat has at least 3 different models using different chemistry in a couple, same with various MG models, including our ZS (standard & LR) Also as I stated, manufacturers may use different chemistry, depending of location vehicle is sold/used. As much as these things are discussed ... repeatedly, you'd think some of it would stick. Have you been checked for dementia or Alzheimer's ?
  9. Wise choice on his part. Wait for years and he should be the front runner in 2028. Not sure how they get along, but would be a good choice as Trump's running mate & VP.
  10. Not sure about that, as this states best 13 warranties on US cars, and only 4 get 10 yrs on drive train. 100k miles is only 16k kms a year and kind of low. For us, that's just over 6 years.
  11. Ah yes, the marvel of electric motors ... at a preset controlled speed, the manufacturer controls. Have you seen people drive their cars ? Same car last some people 15 years, while other kill theirs in 5 years. Yea, bean counters got that one correct, with warranty what they can control. Apples & oranges ...
  12. Same with me, 5+ years/125+ kms for my first 3 ICEVs here.
  13. not really, just Google X1337 for a different link
  14. Anyone actually qualified, wouldn't bother to take that large a pay cut, and don't need to enhance their finance as most seem to do by becoming president. Net worth before & after Presidency (source ???): Donald Trump Before: $3 billion After: $2.3 billion Barack Obama Before: $1.3 million After: $70 million George W. Bush Before: $20 million After: $40 million Bill Clinton Before: $1.3 million After: $241.5 million George H.W. Bush Before: $4 million After: $23 million
  15. JFK .. as he was against senseless wars and central banking/the fed. No wonder they capped his A$$ ... 🤣
  16. With that, mine uses external USB / NO battery power:
  17. The city is good for food options & shopping, but same as most metros (small), not much more. Better than Surat Thani (city). ST having better countryside landscape, limestone karsts, vs rolling hills of Chumphon. Plus of both, having an airport, if we wanted to pop up to Bangkok to see daughter. But add time to drive to airport, check in & flight, along with airport time at DMK, not really much saved over simply driving from PKK. Along with, dog makes both impractical for air travel. But for others, worth checking out, along with others south of us/PKK. Lifestyle dependent of course.
  18. It's hit & miss on getting hit with customs import duty. Used to be anyway. Then it seemed everything of any size/weight or higher price was getting scrutinized. Though now, especially from CH, most get ignored, unless size/weight/price is upper limits. My experiences anyway. 100s of overseas purchases, most small/liight/inexpensive, and no problem. Some laptops and larger electronic, not problem. One heavy juicer, problem, but still cheaper than TH. TH, LAZ & Shopee vendors have gotten much better with their offerings. Most things can be sourced in country/TH. If importing, appliances, Amazon/EU for proper voltage, and they WILL charge you S&H + DUTY, but, will refund if they/duties are not collected, which apparently happens quite often. I've never ordered from Amazon, other do happily. I've actually had things sent over by independent shipping company, slow/boat and never import tax. Though not really inexpensive, and someone packaged it for me in USA. Hard to pass up the savings of the LocknLock suggested earlier, and seems to be lasting poster. 25ish % of price vs the Ninja & Instant Pot versions and seems to do the same. And if it craps out, most electronics do very early on, as in first couple uses, you can take it back to HomePro easily (2yr warranty). Happy Shopping
  19. That's just silly, 20 yr warranty, and the bean counters wouldn't have it. Especially considering how long people keep their cars. So not to go too evne further off topic, again, let's continue here.
  20. Continuing thoughts from 'EVs in TH' Another reason to buy an EV vs ICEV, 50% more longevity, for less operating & maintenance cost: source Y'all UK folks seem to rid yourself of cars earlier.
  21. I'm surprised, after all your reading and postings, you still don't know the difference in EV battery chemistries. Why most manufacturers are using LFP. Location & use (LR/Performance) dependent. And been explained 1 or 100 times on the forum, even with visual aid. LFP batteries have a life cycle of 2000-10,000 cycles, depending who is talking, so 2500 cycles is a good low (negative) #, and that is still retaining 80% of battery. My calculation, we'll still have 95+% capacity at the end of out 8 year / 180k kms battery warranty.
  22. That's one opinion ... ... I'm not scared, for the other opinion 🤣
  23. MI / Xiaomi Official Store/where to buy: Shopee Lazada
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