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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Noted, although bringing in that pension, is voluntary. Skip a month or two, and it would probably be under the 120k. I don't need the pension, as SS is more than enough to meet the 65k monthly income for IMM. We bank half my SS, so when I stated on that other thread 'how much baht you got', that we have a bit more than enough, that was a bit of an understatement. Fortunate enough to still live a pretty comfy lifestyle. With deductions, and if all was taxable income, we'd still only be in the 20-25% tax liability bracket. Beats the 40% (fed + state) that I got hit with in the USA a few times. I like the very fair flat tax of VAT here that most pay. USA could learn a lesson in fairness ... topic for another thread. Spend it people, you can't take it with you.... tick tock
  2. I calculated we would have 600k worth of deduction, once daughter drops off as a dependent. I wish my pension was enough to get taxed, at least a wee bit ... Depending on exchange rate, it barely breaks the yearly 120k mark 😭 My pension is a pittance, but since we lowered our mandatory monthly bills to basically food & water, its actually enough to live on, if had to. Owning house & EVs, (car, MB & ebike), along with Solar to energize all eliminates most bills others have. The garden after 1 year is even starting to supply some nice fruits & veggies. Now if I only had some hens & a fishing rod.
  3. Yes & NO, depends ... as that's exactly how I do it now. My SS (USA) gets DD in TH bank, and my pension, DD allowed only in USA , so I use ATM to access. For pure convenience, not having to Q up in the bank, for a half hour, to make a withdrawal. As not allowed to use ATM with SS account, it's the easiest way to access my pension. I can actually live off the pension, so take that as needed. I only go in the bank every 3 or 4 months to withdrawal SS, so it doesn't exceed $10k USD balance to avoid FBAR filing. @Ben Zioner So I won't actually be changing the way I do it, since it's simply more convenient. I ran the #s, and it/pension, is not enough to warrant a tax anyway. My situation, it's NO, as being evasive.
  4. Keep the 400k or 800k in the bank for IMM, and bring in your living expenses via ATM. Not sure how they would tax that, as hard to tell if you're an expat or tourist.
  5. Michael Monarch of Steppenwolf (not lead singer) but on lead guitar :
  6. Thought police will have total control once digital currency is forced down your throats. Major advantage living in TH or any 3rd world country. It will be while longer before instituted here. It's just a matter of time when every aspect of your life will be controlled. Go shopping, and try to buy bacon, and it might be rejected if your latest health check up showed high sodium or BP. Your car, if allowed to own, will have geofencing. You'll need to apply to leave your '15 minute city' ... Be afraid of the inevitable ...
  7. If anything, the larger population of non heterosexuals will benefit mankind's existence on this rock. As too many people will lead to our extinction, not too few. There have always been and always will be, gay & bi people, by nature or choice. Same as plenty to keep mankind reproducing. Worry about over population, not under population. One is the reality, the other isn't. One will cause our extinction, the other won't. Long live the gays & bi s, it's a good things for mankind. The more the better, just STFU.
  8. I would have simply stayed in the USA, as an option to retiring here. No regrets being here, but I certainly wouldn't have come here, if having another million USD to play with. Retiring early was more important to me than working any longer. I could of simply bought 5-10 more houses in USA, and that would have compensated for the crazy inflation the past 10 yrs in western countries. People can spew out what ever amounts of money they have, but why would someone with the silly numbers they state, want to live in a country, Hua Hin or Patts & north of, where the air is unhealthy almost half the year and the seas polluted. Believe what you want, but I believe people smart enough to make those #s, would be smart enough to live elsewhere. From reading the posts of many, most seem to have significantly less than I have. Some with use of agents to bypass long term visa financials. Live out of a hotel room size condo, not by choice, and can't afford the luxury of 4 wheels and enjoy out & abouts. Nothing wrong with that if happy. Home is where the heart is, or the party. I don't boast of what I have, as was raised not to. Simply stating having more than enough is fine, and no financial worries. People can read into that what they wish. Never concerned with people having more, true or not, and if able, lend a helping hand to those who aren't so lucky as myself.
  9. As free thinkers, we don't have to accept everything the govt, elite & big pharma is selling. Controlling and censoring all media, then convince billions to take a drug, stop working, producing income for your families, and take a break on being educated. Along with limiting your movements, ability to go back to work and or school, if you didn't comply. All my opinion of course, as that's how I saw it play out. And I don't know 1 person that died from covid. I don't even know anyone that died with covid. YMMV
  10. I don't eat it often, but enjoy it when I do. Usually seafood. Just tell them no 'balls', whether fish or pork. They always put the spicy sauce on the side, so you decide how much or little. The soft boiled egg is a nice touch. Think OP needs to pick better vendor for their Suki.
  11. If you say so ... I can't post on this thread, since not following the MSM spin. We just have to agree to disagree, about everything & anything, covid & vaccine related.
  12. Not exactly known for it's nightlife, thankfully and why It's so nice. Sit around the lake and sip a few, at restaurants, or not, just lakeside. Who wants to sit in a bar/pub, when it's that beautiful out, non smog season, that is. Something I don't understand. Unless a meet up with someone, though prefer a restaurant. I can't remember last time was in a bar. Maybe 10 yrs ago, and that was a monthly meet up thing with friends, and more restaurant than bar.
  13. One annual booster ... how many have you had ? I'm not a fan of my tax $$$ being spent on programs I don't believe in. Part of why I retired & left. And NO, most Americans don't pay their fare share of taxes IMHO.
  14. There is no free lunch. Plan B up more than SS COLA. Health ins up, taxes up ... who and how do you think they are paying big pharma for the vaccines. Your TAX dollars.
  15. Especially on an anonymous forum, as if people are really that honest. If I had some of the money some boast about, I wouldn't be in TH.
  16. You really can't plan your budget more than a few days, and leave it to the last minute. If I don't 1-200k in the house, something is wrong. What the manager (and a-hole) told you is BS. Should have just told him your flying out tomorrow & need it. A lowly staff member was going to retrieve it, and the manager stopped him ... think about that one. They have a key for a reason.
  17. I thought most everyone got vaccinated, 2 or 10 times, so how's that possible
  18. TH is not wheels friendly. Need to be living rural if relying on wheel chair to get around. One of these would help.
  19. I couldn't do a short cruise, with just the wife & me, let alone a week or more. I did a tester, live aboard (diving) for long weekend, and no, stuck in one sport is not enjoyable. Had 3 dive buddies with me, so not alone, but can't imagine the feeling 'of being trapped' any less on a large cruise ship. As stated, eat, drink, sleep. Sit around the pool, nah, gamble, nah, seen movie, nah, dancing or a crappy show, nah. At least land base holidays, you can go somewhere and explore. After 1 day on a ship, ain't much new to see. A cruise around the Caribbean would be cool, island hopping basically. But on open seas, which the tester/live aboard was, Gulf of Mexico, no islands, nothing but water for 4 days. Boring, as you can only safely dive so much in one day. As suggested, think real hard about a long cruise. Take a tester to Singapore or somewhere closer.
  20. Agree, nice to have access to liquid cash. Over a year ago, I had med oops, and needed 200k on the spot to get treated, since I self insure. Without easy access, since not immediate life threatening, treatment/procedure would have been delayed, and possibly the result wouldn't have been as positive. Without immediate procedure, condition could worsen, and then become life threatening, and only then would the actually do the procedure, without paid for in advance. Not telling what damage done while delayed.
  21. Don't have any, closest newly built/occupied house is 100m away. ... coconuts to the S, now pineapples (not dirt) to the E:
  22. I couldn't be psychologist, as too ethical, and I'd have to commit myself, as an obvious danger to myself & society.
  23. They wouldn't be a 'news source', as most entertainment news sources today are not, and hard to call them news at all. Simply propaganda (BS) machines or Op-eds to be kind. But news, no ... not my definition of. Maybe that word's definition has been official changed also.
  24. DISCLAIMER: this is an example of FAKE DIPLOMA ... posted as a PSA
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