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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Either Daiso shop or LAZ. Works excellent and had if for a few years. I'll check my LAZ history & update if I see it. Didn't see it in LAX or Shopee history. So guessing Daiso shop, or HomePro or Global House, as only place I can think of buying at.
  2. Brew my own everyday at home. Usually drink the 3/1 when on the road, away from the house. Even then, I usually prefer a coffee shop, if convenient. Use to take my coffee fixins with me. Getting lazy though.
  3. Have you tried the 'espresso' 3/1s, as they have sugar & creamer in them. Begs to ask, how sold as 'espresso'. They do come in decaf. Not decaf fan, but I like the Moccona Trio (green) espresso 3/1, and that basically tastes like a Cappuccino. Definitely not expresso or even an Americano. I think they offer a decaf version. Birdy, Buddy Dean & Super are decent brands also. Anything but Nescafe.
  4. After having for first year, Plan A, and even B, cancelled B, as knowing I wasn't going to return to USA. Plan A is still in place, JIC, I need some high tech surgery that might actually be successful, not offered here/TH, and enough warning, that it's elective, time wise, and life saving of course, with prolonged results. Actually worth hopping on a plane for 30 hrs. Really can't see that happening though.
  5. ...... GOOD MORNING .... It's the season of great sunrises & sunsets again ...
  6. I AM NOT A DOCTOR ... Take in as much good cholesterol as you can. Eating healthy doesn't mean cutting all fats & cholesterol from your diet. Whatever cholesterol you don't eat, your liver will compensate for and make. Liver makes bad cholesterol. Statin is a drug that slows, prevents the liver from doing this. When I was younger and ate everything & anything, my cholesterol was excellent. Enter 'eat healthy',... lower fats & cholesterol intake, and my numbers were completely reversed. On statin now, liver 'controlled', and numbers instantly back to excellent. I'm weening myself back on all the fats & good cholesterol I used to eat, and will be weening myself off the statins. It's almost like they tell you to 'eat healthy', to sell drugs ... shh
  7. You ain't kidding Check out an area where I used to live, suburb Philly, PA, USA Off peak - peak price @ CS: $.42-49kWh For our ZS, normal driving, 360 kms, cost about $19.45 - $22.69 Petrol for 360 kms would cost about $25.00 So not a whole lot of savings, if using CS. Charging at home, would cost $7.50 ... 1/3 of petrol cost for same kms 👍
  8. More than enough CS out there. Taking short trip, up to Krung Thep and back. Will charge twice, once adding about 60% (20-80%) and another adding 30% (20-50%). These are filtered down to DC/fast charging & must have 1 type of plug.
  9. That was just a silly set up from the get go. Only the dumbest tourist used that.
  10. Nah, don't do it that often. I know how much 300 & 360 kms cost me vs petrol. Once is enough. With the ever changing petrol cost, I'd have to adjust it anyway. This is ball park enough for me, though I really don't think of it much, just if posting here. I just keep track of O&A trip kms, for a quick calculation at end of the year. So I know what to subtract off total kms for the year. Not sure I'll even do that again, as once was enough. Post elsewhere on AN, after 1yr / 19.990 kms:
  11. The poor don't take the BTW/MRT, new rail lines to work. Who pays 12-15-20-25% of day's wage for their work commute. They take the bus @ ฿7-10 one way. Wage; ฿350-400 a day BTS/MRT: ฿40-90 round trip to work
  12. TTL is wrong, and more like ฿338 correction
  13. If we don't believe in GOD, ergo, can't believe in the Devil. For the believers, do think about ... ,,, Man was made in GOD's image,(Genesis 1:27), means GOD is real A$$hole, evil to the core, and has no sense of humour.
  14. Hoping they double the fares myself, as may give some relieve to the congested platforms & carriages. Much of the system is already way obsolete and can't handle the amount of users. Higher prices might send some of them down to the buses, for savings.
  15. Using your 'live in fear' logic, nobody should ever try to cross the road ... Uncommon common sense, crossing at traffic light intersection provide much more safety.
  16. EV savings vs ICEV. One of our common short overnight O&A trips, where we need a CS, is when visiting daughter at Krung Thep. PKK - KT - PKK is about the 600 kms, a bit less. We leave PKK @ 100%, and good for 250 kms, with nice reserve. We top up and try to make it back home, with about the same reserve, 50kms, so topping up at home with solar for 250 kms. 600 kms + 50 kms reserve. 650 kms trip, with 500 kms of that, from solar. If all goes to plan, that means we need 150 kms worth of energy, which is about 1/2 of battery use or 23 kWh, @ ฿7.5 / kWh = ฿173. EV - 600 kms = ฿173 ICEV - 600 kms = ฿1500 (600 ÷ 14 kpL X ฿34.88 (91) Savings pays for nice meal or inexpensive hotel. Price of 91 so far for 2023 Low - ฿34.18 (7 Jan) High - ฿40.18 (20 Sept)
  17. LAZ, and I only use LAZMALL or 'Flagship' vendors. Same with Shopee. Product has no review, or less than 10, then I'll probably bypass the vendor, unless one mentioned above. Wee bit of research and sorts most things. Been very lucky myself.
  18. Bangchak stations are a favorite also, using PEA chargers, and they just bought Shell. Having Inthanon coffee shop, sometimes a convenience store. New plazas are large, and will compete with PTT Parks.
  19. We're headed to Krung Thep Saturday, hang out with daughter. To KT on Saturday from South is good, as everyone else is leaving KT southbound to the beaches (Cha Am/HH). We'll probably top up at the 250 kms mark, at MG outside KT, on hwy #35, so don't even need to think about charging, in a city of 10 million+ people. Nice break after 3ish hrs on the road, before hitting city traffic. Hotel only being another 30 kms away. Leaving MG at 80% will be quick and more than we need while at KT, and getting away from the city when leaving. If we only stay the one night, the same applies for heading South on Sunday, when most are returning Northward from the beaches. One top up, and a short one at that, will get us home, with 20-30%, then we top up to 100% using solar. Makes going to KT/daughter, ridiculously inexpensive vs petrol.
  20. We use PTT/EV Station Pluz & PEA Volta quite a bit also. EleXa if available is nice, as usually next to a good vendor, coffee shop. EV Station Pluz, and timing is important, as need to get there as close to the top of hour, just past, as possible. As machines reset at 55 mins after the hour. Have EA Anywhere, though yet to use, and eVolt, mentioned, want to use, but yet to find one/DC, convenient or needed. Yet to be stuck for choice, while O&A, and plenty available. MG a plus, since restricted to owners or card holders, so little concern of a Q. Haven't needed to Q up yet, anywhere, any vendor, even the few times we traveled during weekend. A little common sense, avoid high traffic tourist areas, which isn't our thing anyway, and know where the next CS is, JIC, a Q or inop machine. PlugShare and vendor apps give you all the info you need. Gmaps is slowly catching, but a poor source for CS station location or info.
  21. The wife is still fun 😎 Along with simply cooking or dining out together. Out part is more just getting out, though a couple restaurants are pretty good, or simply getting something that we can't or wont' bother making in house. Pastry probably tops that list. Two fold, either a hassle to make, or, make too much, and I really don't need to eat that much of it. Full kitchen & comfy home, makes dining in quite enjoyable, especially since we're decent cooks, and usually better than most restaurants. Really is easy to teach yourself. Sites, been there, done that, comes into play, and not many I'd revisit, or have already. There is nothing I can think of, hopping on a plane for, as dread even 2 hrs, let alone 6 hrs or more, on a plane if not in First Class. And nothing is worth the silly price they charge for that, if even available now of days. Activities, thrill seeking, did pretty much all I ever wanted to. At 69, don't bounce like I used to, so glad all done and sorted. Can't explain it, but what I do enjoy, is simply driving around, whether locally, <250 kms round trip, or an overnight, one night or 2 weeks. Having the EV Really is a plus, and main reason we got the EV, as can do local, and not pay for petrol. Gets us out of the house more, as buying petrol just to drive around is not really economical. Like a bit of nature (short strolls, hiking) with a view, or simply a balcony with a view. Landscape, viewpoints, and if a coffee shop or restaurant there, a major plus. Only minor problem with that, TH is so small, we've been around it a few times. And smog season limits the Northward direction from home/PKK a bit time limiting, and only good during rainy season. Dog gets me out of the house everyday, to the park or surf, for a stroll. Really don't know what I'd do without her. Great therapy seasons also, and nice to have someone listen to you.
  22. If memory serves, Bluport Mall/Hua Hin, was 10 baht for fast charger, and 60 baht an hour for slow 7kWh charger, so also around the 10 baht per mark. Need to verify that, but think it's accurate. ICONSIAM review, not sure the vendor, stated 10 baht per kWh. A lot of the eVolt CS are by the hour, and we made the mistake of putting 1000 baht on the app, which we've yet to use, and you can't transfer it off the app. That may take forever to use it, if even possible for us.
  23. https://www.facebook.com/reel/865090578669196
  24. Does a wee bit more than just get financing. Surely some EP get more involved than others.
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