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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. First year owning, and we had 8 O&A that required accommodations, from 1 to 10 ish nights. Total of 9300 kms of our 20k for the year Minus maybe 4000 kms for the 100% leaving house & 20% returning to house. 8 X 500 = 4000 kms (250 + 250 kms from solar) All things being equal, 5300 kms needing CS, if 200-250 kms per charge, then 21 to 26 CS visits. Probably closer to 30 times, as being overly conservative the first few trips. And only registered w/MG first two O&As. They did involve a few user errors, no real problems or concerns, and no Qs, I don't think, and one almost oops, as 18%, and CS was inop 😂 although knowing next one was right down the road, on the way. If that was inop, then we'd be plugged in with granny charger, or get the closest guesthouse to do the same. Plugged in twice at guesthouses, just convenience, as not needed. Almost every time at the CS, the EV was done charging, while we were preoccupied, w/toilet breaks, walk the dog, coffee/snack and or lite munch. Along with simply checking route & accommodation up the road, as nothing is ever booked in advance, just options available, bookmarked. Then fine tune on the way. We rarely travel weekends, so Qs avoided. Just recently did a weekend, and luckily no Q, though that may change in the future, another year or so. Helps being retired and not restricted to weekend traveling. All and all, great experience, and much better than expected. Before owning, I didn't expect to get the WLTP range rating of 320 kms, and thought 250-275, maybe requiring CSs at 200 kms. Thankfully proved wrong and we consistently exceed 320 locally, and average 360. On the road, and straight highway driving, rare, and no need to charge till about the 250 kms mark. As 300 seems to be the full charge range at speed (90-110 kph), the rare occasions that we can average 85 kph over 3+ hours. At that point, a very welcome break from driving. That's usually just the first leg of any trip, N toward Krung Thep & beyond, or S toward Chumphon. Most other highway driving has too much cross traffic to average even 80 kph. So we might need to charge closer to 275 kms. Recently, if multiple legs same day, first day usually, it's actually quicker to not top up to 100%, and stop around the 90-95% mark, as last 5% goes in rather slow. For our driving, traveling style, EV fits our over the road needs. Those that need to be there as far & fast as possible, then you'll need to keep the ICEV for your O&ASs. Especially if driving consistently 100+ kph for 6-8 hrs. Them days are way behind me. HAPPY TRAVELS.
  2. Query if I may ... what else was in that update, as I've yet to update, since only thing I read about itM is Android Auto & IOS play in the update, neither which I would you. I'm a 'if not broke, don't fix it' kind of guy. All running good and didn't want to risk something else updating that I wouldn't like changed. Anything in the update about the operation or performance ? THANKS
  3. Solar ... why I rejoined EV EV Charging stations Out & Abouts Food (not restaurants) Humorous signs ... that's about it
  4. Try to watch YT vids about the V88, which I only found promo, and basic instruction vid. Have you tried flying the drone, without the app ? You can still use, take vid/photos, you just won't see what the camera is seeing. I didn't have FPV for years, and still managed to get so decent photos from cheap drones. Don't expect much, especially 4 or 8k. V88 has brushed motors and no axis gimbal for camera, so you wouldn't put an expensive camera on it. Any luck and it will be 720p vids & 1080p photos. Has the smallest battery they make for toys, 3.7v, although if 2200mAh, that would be impressive. Still a fun toy to learn on, and you may even get a some decent photos. Vid will be crap without a gimbal. Not sure why it won't connect the wifi, although it could be you phone, not being compatible. Or you're just doing the wrong sequence to conx. Take it to an open field, windless day, or you'll lose it, as not powerful enough to fight much of a wind. Don't go up to high, and keep it close till you know how to fly it. Good Luck
  5. That's unavoidable, and simply print something once a week. Why I no longer have a printer, since daughter done school, I have no printing needs. Did all the iron on t-shirts, etc years ago, and really have no need for a printer or scanner.
  6. They're great. Quality printing at a fraction of the cost. My old minute amount in the HP ink cartridge replacements, cost about the same as a new printer with side mounted ink wells, full up. Amazed anyone still buys cartridges.
  7. No need to track anything ... it arrives in my bank, after a few months, I withdrawal it, spend it, or try to. At end of the year, what ever is left, actually about 40% of it, goes in the wife's retirement/oops fund.
  8. Trump again ... 😂 ... the obsession, mind boggling. Oh well, moving on ... ... seems once again, that 600 million baht is always missing from the account ledgers, go figure. Those 'please stop criticizing and asking me about that' ... rings a bell.
  9. ... ignore it with every other repetitive scaremongering, doom & gloom BS 😎 Maybe if OP actually searched for real info ... he/she/it may have found it 🙄
  10. Damn Mayans ... a decade later and still here ... oops Some more: ... 'Harold Camping has publicly predicted the end of the world as many as 12 times based his interpretations of biblical numerology. In 1992, he published a book, ominously titled 1994?, which predicted the end of the world sometime around that year. Perhaps his most high-profile predication was for May 21, 2011, a date that he calculated to be exactly 7,000 years after the Biblical flood. When that date passed without incident, he declared his math to be off and pushed back the end of the world to October 21, 2011.' ... UFO conspiracy theories, and Taiwanese folk religion. Chen preached that God would appear on U.S. television channel 18 on March 25, 1988, to announce that he would descend to Earth the following week in a physical form identical to Chen. The following year, he prophesized, millions of devil spirits, together with massive flooding, would result in a mass extinction of the human population. Followers could be spared by buying their way aboard spaceships, disguised as clouds, sent to rescue them." (that one maybe half true, as GOD arrived, was arrested and still in the nut house) ... "Halley’s comet passes by the Earth approximately every 76 years, but the nearness of its approach in 1910 created fear that it would destroy the planet, either by a celestial collision or through the poisonous gasses it was rumoured to contain. A worldwide panic ensued, stoked by the media and such newspaper headlines as “Comet May Kill All Earth Life, Says Scientist.” A group in Oklahoma tried to sacrifice a virgin to ward off impending doom, and bottled air became a hot commodity. The Earth probably did pass through part of the comet’s tail, but with no apparent effect." (did someone say 'follow the science') I'm still waiting for those ice caps to melt, wanting to be beachfront of course ... almost 10 years later ... still waiting 🤬
  11. "With 36 municipalities across 25 provinces already certified as smart cities,: Where are they hiding those at ? Where is the list of ? They might want to concentrate on providing electric and running water to the 1000s that don't have it yet.
  12. Noticed last week, EV Station Pluz no longer resets the machines at 55 mins after the hour 👍 Off peak of ฿5.5 charged last Sunday. PEA charge was ฿5.3 on Saturday
  13. @Dario If you want a decent inexpensive vid drone, then it's going to cost around the ฿7000 / $200 USD price point. Decent 3 Axis camera & GPS. Not expensive, but not cheap either, and need to decide if you'll actually get some use out of them. Two I have and would recommend; ... MJX Bugs16 Pro (power vs high winds) ... ZLL 906 Beast Pro 2 (Sony sensor camera) Anything less, and it's basically a toy.
  14. Not in Surin area, but have had drones for a few years. What app did you download to use with it ? Is the drone WIFI showing in your phones WIFE available list ? If that's the exact drone you bought, then that really is a 'too good to be true price', for the specs it advertises. Just peeked at a YT vid of the V88, and it really is a toy. Don't expect much from it, good to learn how to fly one, since inexpensive, so no loss, if you lose or crash it. Teach yourself how to fly in a wide open field (footy pitch) on a windless day.
  15. I wasn't far off, as it turned out to be 611 kms @ ฿306.12 Leaving house @ 100%, returning @ 20% Charging 2X along the way ,,, ... ฿162.82 @ ฿5,3 per kWh X 32.72 kWh ... ฿143.30 @ ฿5.5 per kWh X 26.6 kWh vs 611 ÷ 14 kpL = 42.64 L X ฿34.68 = ฿1513 for petrol if using ICE version of MG ZS Saving ฿1200, paying for our bungalow & dinner at our pitstop @ Phetchaburi on the way home. Thank You.
  16. Maybe the size (too large), but also took screenshot of same, and tried/failed. Resized & accepted. What is the size limit. Either get the 'upload failed' box, or the 'error' pop up window, with not upload attempt box showing. Trying to paste a screenshot of the last photo '21A' and that failed also. Along with trying to paste here, failed, even though small photo, but using 'choose file' option succeeded. Think it still needs a tweak. Good Luck Attempts on this post:
  17. Testing the photo uploading, apparently tweaked, since posting above, which was a challenge. @ CS w/nice munch, while dog chillin' in the AC
  18. We've owned the 2020 MG ZS ICE version, for 2 years / 40k kms, and no complaints, and loved the car. So much so, that we upgraded to the ZS EV IN 2022, since they upgraded the battery (size & IP rating), along with govt incentives, and having solar at the house, it really seemed a no brainer for us. After 1 yr / 20k kms, still Lovin" it, and very happy with our choice. Estimated battery degradation (unscientific) at ~ 0.277%
  19. @george uploading photos is quite iffy also. Failing more often than uploading. Had to post, edit, save, edit, save a few times, just to get 3 photos on a post. Whether pasting or 'choosing a file'. Along with increasing the size when uploaded.
  20. Think it has more to do with CP Group basically having an almost monopoly of major food chains, now, parent company to: Makro 7-11 Lotus's
  21. A short O&A posted here, and typical of highway driving.
  22. A typical trip up to Krung Thep for us, last week to visit daughter. On a Saturday, just an overnight, and headed back to PKK on Sunday. With overnight pitstop @ Phetchaburi. Left house at 100%, traveled 232 kms (w/101 km reserve) before using CS. PEA @ Bangchak, for 41 mins, going from 29% to 87%, with off peak rate of ฿5.3 / kWh (฿162.82/30.72 kWh). Getting about 333 kms per full charge at highway speeds, IF staying at highway speed, which the rest of the trip was not, so actually more. Note the WLTP range rating is only 320 kms, so once again, exceeded that at highway speeds. We drive at speed limit / 90 - 110 when available, and averaged 85 kph over the first leg of highway driving, hwy #4 & #35. Topped up earlier than usual, as we/me, wife & dog, all had to pee, and starting to get hungry. Left at 87% as while there, an Atto 3 used the other machine, and as we returned to the car, another MG pulled in, and so not to wait, we stopped/unplugged and departed. Since not needing any more. We charged up again, at pretty much the same area on the return, and just enough to get back home with 20% taking advantage of our solar to top up again. Back home @ 20%
  23. I use Charge Loma app on phone, while O&A, and has most locations, until actually deciding when to charge, then go to the vendor app or the one want. Usually only use plugshare at the house if planning a trip off the main roads, as cross reference/reviews. Hopefully no surprises. Vendor apps are good to let you know machines are available once in the area. Very rare that they are not. As much as I welcome the break while charging, can't say I would be a fan of Q'ing up to charge, so I just go to the next available machine.
  24. I just use whole milk (DutchMill), about 100ml/gr in microwave for 30-40 seconds, and use a milk frother. Really inexpensive at Daiso or on LAZ ... <100 baht. Works a treat.
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