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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. When they fall under the 'broken record' scenario, sorry, that's the best they deserve. When they post on the 'EVs in TH' thread with all the negatives of owning an EV in the UK, then yea, they are laughable. When they post repetitive vids from anti EV/CH haters, that are just plain false info or fake stories, yea, I chuckle at their silliness. Read one the other day, Luptin parking garage fire, implying caused by EV, with nothing in the story suggesting. Even fire marshal stated suspected from a diesel vehicle. Then at end of post adds, wait to more info .... after stating, probably yet another EV fire. Then when shown it was an ICEV, posts, then it probably ignited an EV, causing more damage. All laughable. How many times can you tell an idiot about battery longevity, LFP safety, priced the same, perform better, CH is not the anti Christ?
  2. I've been on the receiving end of bad/schizo women, both in USA & TH, and luckily/smartly, not married to them. They are their own worst promoter of evil bi-atches. Thankful in one aspect, as I used to be a defender of women, now, I don't believe a damn thing they say, especially if money & control is involved. Still a romantic, but one does have to tread lightly. Though married 4X, I would never endorse it for anyone, for any reason.
  3. Yep, nothing but 'broken record syndrome' from the anti EV/CH folks. Are EVs for everyone, not yet. Will there be continual issues with the developing perfection of the tech, of course. At present, there IS something for everyone, in every price range, especially in TH. I stop refuting their silliness, and simply ignore them. Use the laughing emoji.
  4. KhunLA

    Back Problems

    @lelapin If it persists, especially with any discomfort or pain down the leg, then getting MRI is definitely advised. Most lower back pain & leg pain will be associated with Lumbar discs. Myself, 2 herniated disc (T12/L1 & L4/5), back in 1974. Put off surgery till 1997. MRI confirmed 2 herniated disc & 5 degenerative (not the best adjective) disc present. 2001 aggravated again to the point surgery was suggested. As stated, simply eliminated to cause of aggravation, and retired. 22 yrs on, and behaving, stretching & exercise, (low/no impact), walking, cycling, weight control, and not lifting a damn thing .... no issues since.
  5. BYD electric pickup truck patent leaked, revealing new EV expected by the end of 2023 news-blip
  6. There are ways around that, simplist is write up a loan agreement, zero interest balloon payment in 10 or 20 years and give that to the bank when you transfer large sums, and it will avoid any tax.
  7. That's what I thought until I was on their sh!t list and the target of the harassment. People haven't a clue until you're on the other side of that equation.
  8. KhunLA

    Back Problems

    Hell NO @lelapin Agree, and one of the worse exercises for you back. Simple stomach cruncher much better, and counter with back 'inward & outward' stretches' to counter strength of abs. Crunches ... simple lay on padded floor and raise legs & chest off the ground at same time, hold until you can't, or do 5 second reps, until you can't. You feel it right away in the abs. back stretches ... knees bent under you and chest as far down to floor as possible (bend over bi-atch) ... then the opposite, legs extended, pelvis pushed as close to floor, with arm pushing chest upright as far as possible (concave back curve) That works the muscles that support most of your lower back discs. Lose weight if heavy, and take as much weight off your spine as possible, during daily routine, along with carrying weight. Avoid sitting at 90 degrees or less. 50 yrs experience of bad back management. Surgery in 1997, wanted to slice & dice me again in 2001. No thanks, I'll leave my job and simply stop aggravating it. 20+ yrs on, and feeling good.
  9. 8+8=16 times ???? Free speech/expression is not free. probably just a coincidence, critical emails & audits. Funny how didn't happen under any other administrations.
  10. TH found the right role for them. People simply need to accept it, adapt, and deal with it. With any luck, we'll get some savvy politicians, encouraging (incentives) for everyone to put solar panels on their roofs. Long overdue in any tropical country. The uncommon common sense ????
  11. Anything is better than more ICEVs, especially diesel.
  12. Damn, got me beat. I've been audited by the IRS more than anyone I know. 8 straight years under Bush 2, and 8 straight yrs under Obama ... free speech comes with risks. Before careful what you say in emails to WH ... ???? They don't like being criticized. Most of those years, I didn't even have income ... ????
  13. Spread some down here ... been overcast & raining most of the day.
  14. They work just as they were designed for ... Profits
  15. I think you'll be out of luck, and I wouldn't bother. Sad they basically banned, the only thing that truly works as a good decongestant, if that's what you need it for.
  16. Try to keep up ... there was a referendum, and it was 'voted' in: more source if needed
  17. Got to get my 'energy' from somewhere, so might as well enjoy it. Hard part is burning off the excess ????
  18. Find it a better place to live, than holiday, as doubt I would ever come here, strictly for holiday. Since living here, wouldn't recommend it as a holiday destination. That said, I haven't been to the places I did love, as a holiday destination in over 23 years, before TH. They may all be overpriced crap now, and I wouldn't like them. Who know ? Who cares ? ???? Living in the here & now, and quite liking it.
  19. There's a lot missing, that I did when first got here. All along the far E, N, W borders. Still haven't made it down to far South/Gulf side. There, and always change my mind. Really isn't that much further than bottom of Phatthalung province. Just a few 100 kms to most Southern point.
  20. And yet my Gmap timeline says I'm not hiding at home, though a great place to hide; custom build house designed by & built for us, in lovely environment & living area. Independent of the grid, and even petrol stations ???? Water if we installed more holding tanks ???? Surf 2 ish kms away, can walk there. and nice rolling hills, a few kms further the other direction. And my timeline is missing the first 14 yrs of traveling around:
  21. I enjoy taking the city buses at Bangkok, a great way to get around and sight see, whether from the window of, snapping photos or strolling around:
  22. Doesn't appear to be a regular menu item: https://www.duckdonuts.com/menu/ Unless looking for a maple flavored breakfast sandwich ... kind of interesting: A few other offerings w/Maple flavoring: • French Toast – Maple Icing with Cinnamon Sugar & Powdered Sugar • Blueberry Pancake – Blueberry Icing with Maple Drizzle & Powdered Sugar • Maple Bacon – Maple Icing with Chopped Bacon • Bacon in the Sun – Maple Icing with Chopped Bacon & Salted Caramel Drizzle
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