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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I think a few AN members may have a drinking problem, as alcohol price & availability seem to be a priority, as mentioned more than a few times 😎
  2. Except for that monthly payment .... 360M - 12M cars/year, sounds about right. A bit less, as 1/3 too young, and maybe 1/6 too old = ~180M people. Top 3 best selling 2022 were trucks (+ 2 more in top 10), then the Rav4 @ #4 And here I though the yanks were struggling. MSM doom & gloom BS strikes again. Top 10 and none are inexpensive entry level: source
  3. I believe you are correct, along with, not really allowed to drive a motorbike, I think. So why would someone go there, as just a matter of time, before rules enforced, or prone to tea money all the time. All silly what if and or alternatives. Neighboring countries are fine, aside from those little things ... IF ... you don't need good infrastructure. Then is only good for the 'stay in 1 city/barstool folks'
  4. Not that small, as easily found, and don't know how any Tesla buying could miss it. Who doesn't read the warranty of the car they are thinking of buying ? Som nam na Is Tesla stating they think the owner 'drove through flood water' ? He said/he said, and sad that civil court may be needed to sort it out. If all is as reported. Who to believe ? I posted earlier, I wouldn't drive my ICEV though flood water in Krung Thep last year. Though many other were, and damn floor board+ depth. Surprised many didn't stall out as I watched. Went back in the mall and killed an hour till it subsided.
  5. FB, if in TH, may fall under flood damage, though not sure if that's an exclusion, though would think so. Common sense would be, don't let you car get flooded, and certainly wouldn't be MG's fault or responsibility. If where I lived was prone to flooding, as other EV owner has stated, I certainly wouldn't own one. A Celerio with snorkel would be the way to go ... 😂
  6. Agreed, as just doesn't sound right. Warranty states it does not cover 'flood damage', and was my first suspicion.
  7. Since most Yanks can't rustle up $1000 for an emergency expense, does not buying a new car in the future surprise anyone. Didn't read, but sounds like just another silly anti EV hit piece. Not sure what UK, AU, EU or USA has to do with TH motor forum.
  8. One thing I always check, as best as possible. Warranty exclusion, and MG doesn't have any unrealistic ones. Water damage ... that's enough not to buy, and may hurt sales if reported enough. Though saying that, can only find non Thai script warranties, besides the basic summary of 8 yr & performance. But no water exclusion in any of them. If something like that was to happen with me, the car might get parked in a 'high theft zone' and left running ... 😂 Which with the insurance I have now, I would get a new at no cost, as totaled/stolen value is at the new discounted price for same car 😂 As long as the dog is not in the car, feel free to steal it.
  9. Yea, that crossed my mind, nice marketing though. Like selling cars doing 0-100 in 3+ seconds. I've yet to need that when merging into traffic. Or the ability to have top speed >150 kph. Does show what they are capable of though, now if only gov'ts & grids can catch up. Put solar on every roof with a respectable buy back of excess.
  10. Been hearing the same doom & gloom for over 20 yrs. For me it's actually gotten easier to stay. Only people need to worry, are the ones using agents, because they can meet the requirements to stay. When the Embassy stopped issuing 'income letters', that made more than a few leave, as could no longer BS Imm w/the phony income numbers. Not Imm change, but an Embassies change. Imm hasn't changed much of anything in 20+ yrs, just applied the rules they use to be a bit lax on. Only because of the scammers getting caught, so now tend to verify everything, a bit redundant at times.
  11. I believe trying to get rid of current stock, before the 4C LFP battery versions start shipping, 1Q 2024 ? "Neta EVs to carry the first 4C LFP battery that adds 400 km after 10-minute charge October 9, 2023 CATL presented the Shenxing battery in August as an ultra-fast charging lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) battery that adds 400 km of range in 10 minutes of charging. The world’s first LFP battery, allowing 4C charging, will start mass production by the end of the year and will be commercially available in the first quarter of 2024. The first electric car to carry the battery will be Changan’s Avatr 12, presented at Munich Auto Show. Avatr is a joint venture between the car maker and CATL." source Changan will be coming to TH soon also: "Changan to build $250 million NEV production base in Thailand with initial annual capacity of 100,000 units" source
  12. 23 yrs on, so not sure what options out there, since haven't researched. I know it wouldn't be SEA, Asia or Europe. Though Czechia was a consideration back then. If it happened 22 yrs ago, then simply back to USA, probably FL as a base, and play nomad from there. If happened now, damn near impossible (hate what ifs), probably the same, back to USA, no base, till done playing nomadic traveler/tourist. Still keeping address at brother's house, as I do now. Haven't a clue where I'd end up, if anywhere, as happy to be nomadic. Living out of RV/backpack would suit me fine. Only have a house here because of the wife, since she'll need when I depart to the next dimension.
  13. @Yellowtail Personally, though more expensive, I really would stick w/Makita's. All the toys I have, no after market batteries were worth the lower price. As one poster stated, fit is important also, as you do want a tight fit ... with all things 😎
  14. "due to the approaching winter season" 🤣 Classic blame game
  15. Short O&A, up to Imm @ Hua Hin, and returned home. EV @ 29%, not about usage, as car on the whole day. About 6+ hrs, as the dog was with us, AC on. Total 205 kms for the day w/99 kms showing left. But, about charging back up to 100% when returning home using the MG wall charger/cord. May be 1 ish kWh off, as not knowing if top or bottom of %. Along with PEA meter. Wall charger provides 7.4kWh per, and except for last 16%, that seem about right. Last 16% took less than 2 hrs, as didn't notice when finished, but started at 1230, ended 1430 hrs (noticed done ?) Meter = kWh used/added to EV 520 on meter - start 541 = 21/17.6 kWh 552 = 11/8.8kWh 562 = 10/7.9kWh EV % = kWh @ % +/- 29% = 13.4kWh 67% = 31 kWh 86% = 39.8kWh (used for morning chores) 83% = 38.4kWh 100% = 46.3kWh Only thing on the PEA meter, so accurate. House running off solar.
  16. South St area Philly mostly. Never been 2 Stones. Didn't do happy hours in the Ches/Del county, as lived next to Penn Central line, and too convenient/safer to just hop on to Philly. Lived in Sharon Hill, Delaware County mostly during Philly HH days, <200 meter from RR station. I follow the ex (#2) on FB, and she still hits the pubs, Ches. & Delco county, living at Media. Philly area still one of the best food/drink towns, in USA & world. (For others) Yea I know, hell of a statement ... that's saying a lot, but still true ... IMHO I do miss a few things, the simplicity of having everything close, or easy to get to/from. Although if still lived there, I'd need a liver transplant 🍺
  17. I've seen that, though yet to sample. If not between 2-5pm yesterday, I would have had one with my late lunch, @ Gourmet Market/Hua Hin
  18. Interesting .. THANKS Yank mass produced are almost as bad as TH mass produced beers. Sam Adams was OK. Pennsylvania Pilsner, still the best I've ever drank. Had a couple good German beers here, but really are silly priced. Chit Beer on Ko Kret, allows you to sample more than a few crafts, but none really doing it for me, or a steady supply available locally at reasonable prices. Really enjoyed the Porters & Stouts (lite/not Guinness) that were available at the pubs in Philly, PA, USA during my 'happy hour' days. Kind of spoiled me from mass produced crap available there & here. Beer Laos Dark still a winner here, 68 baht for small bottle now. Not too bad a price. Again, a box takes me too long to drink.
  19. Just OK as a time killer ... download the torrent, as not worth the 100 baht. Much better than MI4, though not saying much. '57 Seconds' was s different take on a plot, done too many times already. Again, torrent, as yet to see anything of late worth 100 baht ... 😂
  20. Ignorance is Bliss In case you missed my edit: enlighten yourself
  21. Tell that to the people who don't have chanotes for the land they work, or electric & water at their house. Yet the royals / 'they' have a net worth of ... which can't even be discussed. Lèse-majesté laws ... really. Makes some folks hard to respect. Your ignorance weighs heavy on you, though does explain a lot. enlighten yourself
  22. Same, as sampled most reasonably priced here, and seems I don't need AA now, as they stopped producing the only one I really liked, Kopper. The rest aren't worth the 50 baht, maybe Snowy 55 baht/490ml, but won't buy a slab of, since took so long for me to finish the last one. None in the house, not worth a special trip to 7-11, and most restaurants don't sell. So much for even bothering to have another. The blissful memory of a Kopper in frosted mug is fading fast.
  23. Why TH will always be 3rd world. Respect is earned, not a birthright, not because you are older, or your perceived higher status, or lighter skin/job. Definitely not because of you bank account balance. EARNED. #9 ... yes, to the ignorant. #10 ... not so much
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