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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. to the title ... because they are Alkies. Agree, thankfully do see them anymore, but post's are pure fiction.
  2. Another CS vendor to consider, Altervim @ Lotus's. Seems like a good place to kill time, at Lotus's mall (KFC, Swensen's) ???? May give a test run today, since Swensen's Tues, 2 for 1, though I think the car is @ 100% now. I registered, without any request of ID #, and payment via app via CC, which I have NOT entered the wife's CC # yet. Wife's CC was used with my Elex app CS, and worked fine Could not find app of GPlay on laptop, but did find on phone ... hmm Dual authorize code sent to phone & email provided ???? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.altervim.econnect&fbclid=IwAR13am_5oC0wb6iu_B5NReAcVNhg7rkB5Ni9hokDAyvphqwmTIhY_x0aFhw
  3. I was a little disappointed, maybe expected too much. After the one scene, the rest was a bit predictable, and done so many times. I enjoyed '57 Seconds' more, as much faster pace to it, and a different spin, again, on something that's been done, more than a few times. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18083578/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_57%20
  4. For those interested in Keto-ish diet, or if going hard core, here's a link to what is considered Keto approved, by a popular Keto Guru ???? https://www.drberg.com/ketosis-approved-foods Actually interesting, and way more of a selection than I thought. And NO, not giving up my carbs; pizza, pasta, taters, bread or pastries. Maybe some more moderation, as I can easily eat half a loaf of bread, in a day, when out of the oven (435 of 870gr loaf). Scale that back to <200 gr. even though I don't add sugar to my bread, that's still a high carb count for 1 item. And the dog doesn't help that much. Made of list of things I actually eat, or may (couple item, not yet), along with being available here. Let off some things, as don't need any reminder (ex: whole milk): One thing I notice about those pushing the Keto diet, the admit, due to lack of some carbs, you don't get full day's worth of nutritional vitamins and or essential minerals. AND ... always a link for you to buy a supplement ... how convenient ????
  5. This mornings harvest, Spinach, and not planted, as it grows wild, in the garden, and unattended lot next to the garden ????
  6. This is our usage overnight, on an overcast day, before & after, production stopped & started the next day, to exceed use. ESS use during no production hours. If sunny out, might squeeze another 1 to 1.5 hrs of production, but at very low rate, maybe 1kWh more. Seasonally, TH's length of daylight, only differs about 1 hour daytime vs nighttime, We average 6-8kWh overnight, as ESSs (20kWh) usually @ 70-60% @ 0800 hrs. 2 frigs & 1 AC (14 hrs) & 2 laptops / 1 TV (65") (6 hrs)
  7. 2 years owning our DECO SUSU and (nothing changed from earlier post, a few posts above, and one after, with info) except motor warranty now expired ???? Another year on the battery warranty, and don't expect any surprises. More accurate kms on the clock, as we did an O&A, so didn't drive as much as I thought in earlier post. Since the scooter is used more for my morning local cruise to park & surf. Not exactly racking up the kms on it.
  8. Not a whole lot changed in my mind, sexual maturity/decision making, at 13-15-18 yrs old. I wouldn't do anything different. IF ... the youngin' initiated it, guessing it surely wasn't his first time. Not justify it, as the older guy should know better, if not just morally, then legally. Although I know a couple classmates in high school, age 15, that could easily pass for 18, though 20 yrs old would be pushing it.
  9. Another thread about CS, and may be helpful:
  10. We're signed up with: ... MG - wife ... PTT EVSstation PLUZ - wife ... PEA Volta - wife ... Elexa - Me Elexa is the only one I tried to register on. Has 3 pay options, which can be done after you unplug. CC, bank transfer, QR All the apps are good, and customer service/phone is also good, though wife does all of that. I would not bother with eVolt PlugShare app & website, Charge Loma app are good to have;
  11. they couldn't find a charger in TH to take a photo of, or even a file photo ????
  12. Makes sense, as USA invests nothing in TH, except a bit of money, to have access to the military (air/navel) bases. Then mostly DEA, and support for what's left of the aircrafts, still used by TH, F16s, and maybe F35s if they ever arrive, and doubtful. TH has no use for the USA, except what little money they can squeeze out of them. All the USA wants is FTA, so they can sell their overpriced meds here ... NO THANKS.
  13. Geez ... answer the query ???? @ExPatInChiangMai I believe Lulae is a dependable brand, and yes, electric. Main thing to look for is Lithium battery, preferably LFP, though doubt having at those price points. Lulae has a 'flagship' store on LAZ. Never heard of Anchi. If just knocking around campus, a much better value for baht, would be one of the 1000w scooters from DECO. Better spec'd, components, registered, and govt incentives. & warranties, 1-2-3 yr/all - motor - battery. https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/en/ I own a DECO and very happy with it.
  14. Some of those speeds are jaw dropping ... less than 3 seconds will pull you back in the seat
  15. Hey ... W T ... no choppers falling out, yet, almost a full set, and only missing 2, thankfully.
  16. No MGs ... W T F I don't think I really need to get to 100kph in <10 secs. I think the ZS is something like 8.2-8.9. More than peppy enough. The power is nice passing on short stretches of road, where you might not with an ICEV, since not having the performance level of the EV. I guess we'll just keep put puttin' ... oops ... mmm mmm along in our cheap A$$ Chinese family car. Maybe buy a house or 10, with the baht saved ???? Them some silly A$$ prices ????
  17. 18 is the distinction between adult and minor. That's the same in every state. Consensual sex with a minor depends on many things, age of, age gap of, parental consent. and as stated, 50 states, 50 sets of laws. You may be an adult at 18, but some states restrict, alcohol and gambling till 20 or 21. Federal law for age to purchase alcohol is 21. 31 states allow parents to give the kids alcohol if in a controlled environment.
  18. I didn't even get that far, after reading the plot summary: "The film concerns a deranged German surgeon who kidnaps three tourists and conjoins them surgically, mouth to anus, forming the eponymous "human centipede".
  19. Must have been a hot month, as the only month we broke 1000kWh ???? with April, a close 2nd, and just shy of 1000kWh.
  20. As stated, a cousin made past 80, but aside from him, I don't know anyone, family or peers that have. My mother/73, and father/69, oldest in their family line. Most self induced, alky & smokers, and cancer killing most early on, pre-60 yrs old. Peers, I've outlived most. My brothers are 63, 70, 76, and all healthy. Non heavy drinkers, and only 1 smoker, quitting long time ago. I probably abused my body more than them. Though rarely sip anything the past 10-15 yrs, and never smoked cigs, quit regular ganga smoking almost 30 yrs ago. I'll be happy, thrilled with 75-80, if healthy, but don't expect to be around after 80. Certainly wouldn't waste any of their inheritance, keeping myself going, if having a medical oops, that wasn't 100% recovery adding 5 more years, and no doc can guarantee that at my age. Exceeded life expectancy for being born 1954, which is 67.7. On borrowed time ... Tic Toc Tic Toc ????
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