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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Don't be a CC, turn the lights on once in a while, they don't use much juice ????????
  2. As long as you don't have bank accounts in TH with $10k, then you have no worries. And that would be an IRS issue, not SS, as they still wouldn't care.
  3. "The report highlights Thailand’s low rates of poverty" How low a bar do they consider living in poverty ????
  4. Not that I ever voted, but what does happen there (birth country), does affect the exchange rate & COLA
  5. Makes sense, considering the demographic of people watching gangster/killer movies, most being male. Along with Thailand being one of the most visited country, with apparently most males coming here as sex tourist. Pattaya's reputation precedes itself worldwide. Even the most ignorant movie goer couldn't avoid Hangover 2's, Bangkok nightlife storyline. Any USA military movie will mention it as R&R stop.
  6. I get greeted every time I enter a 7-11. Recently, I get the same greeting when leaving ????
  7. Only thing worse you could do to that flavorless white fish, is deep fry it.
  8. I read their 'financials' one time, and IMHO, thought their administrative cost alone were way OTT
  9. Sugar will enhance the Maillard reaction in baking and all cooking. Also why onions brown & caramelize. It will also make the bread softer & wetter, as sugar, since dissolves in water is sometimes considered a wet ingredient, as it will add volume to the water. "Here are some ways sugar affects baking: Sweetness: Sugar is primarily used to sweeten baked goods, providing a desirable taste that balances other flavors in the recipe. Flavor Enhancement: Sugar enhances the flavor of baked goods by adding a subtle caramelized or “browned” flavor during baking. This is particularly true for recipes where sugar is heated, such as in cookies or caramelized toppings. Texture and Moisture: Sugar helps create a tender and moist texture in baked goods. It absorbs moisture and helps to retain it during baking, resulting in a soft and moist crumb. Browning and Caramelization: Sugar aids in the browning and caramelization process during baking. The Maillard reaction, which occurs when sugar combines with proteins in the presence of heat, leads to the desirable golden-brown color and the development of complex flavors in baked goods. Structure and Volume: Sugar contributes to the structure and volume of baked goods. When sugar is beaten with fats or eggs, it incorporates air, creating a light and fluffy texture. Sugar also helps tenderize gluten, resulting in a more delicate crumb. Moisture Retention: Sugar has hygroscopic properties, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. In baked goods, sugar helps to keep them moist and fresh for a longer time. Shelf Life: Sugar acts as a natural preservative in baked goods. Its ability to absorb moisture and reduce water activity helps inhibit the growth of microorganisms, extending the shelf life of certain baked products. Yeast Activation: In yeast-based baking, sugar acts as a food source for the yeast. It helps activate and feed the yeast, allowing it to ferment and produce carbon dioxide, which contributes to the rise and texture of yeast-leavened breads and other baked goods. It’s important to note that reducing or omitting sugar in baking can affect the overall taste, texture, and structure of the final product. The specific amount of sugar used in a recipe should be carefully considered to achieve the desired results."
  10. 3 thoughts: ... why did I even bother ... people (men & women) are all the same ... women lie just as much as men
  11. Depends what address you have given SS. If a USA address, they wouldn't know where you live. And simply assume you are in the USA.
  12. Just rechecked the site I peeked at for ones I listed, and all ICE, though did have a 911 turbo @ 2.6 seconds ???? Still slower than the fast EV out there, but 2.6, that's damn impressive.
  13. Doubtful. There were a few more 911s listed on the site, quicker, but that was the query, and don't know if they EVs either. Surely if a 911 EV, it would be faster than the Volvo.
  14. Yes I know, you stated faster than a Porsche 911, he asked, which one ... more than a few ????
  15. 2023 Porsche 911 Carrera 0-60 Time: 4.0 seconds 2023 Porsche 911 Carrera T 0-60 Time: 4.3 seconds 2023 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet 0-60 Time: 4.2 seconds 2023 Porsche 911 Carrera 4 0-60 Time: 4.0 seconds 2023 Porsche 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet 0-60 Time: 4.2 second 2023 Porsche 911 Targa 4 0-60 Time: 4.2 seconds
  16. Brekkie today ... an excellent Chicken Massaman. Guess I'm having cereal for dinner ????
  17. Yea ... at my age, if I don't know what's good or bad to eat by now, I don't think drastic changes would make much difference. Most adjustments have simply come with age. More about activity level & metabolism, and realizing, eating and drinking as much as I did up to 50 yrs old, just isn't going work in these later years. TBH, very little has changed, some minor tweaks on types of, but most around volume of, overall, and moderation of the less healthy eating habits. In the past, I'd eat half an apple pie, washed down with a liter of whole milk. Now a slice with a Cappuccino. ????????
  18. Am I suppose to list every website and or vid I watched about sugar ? Over my adult lifetime. Did I read a study, research paper ... NO, as those results end up satisfying the folks that funded the research. Then someone will fund another research study a year later, and counter the previous one. We've all seen that over & over. I did post a most informative vid about sugar, and if anyone watched that, that pretty much explains most things. I even noted many would probably want to skip through to the more pertinent stuff that might interest them. Explains all types of sugars and how used, and with that info, you can make an informed decision to eat, or not. If watched ... Explains why I pretty much stick to good ol' white table sugar. Most foods we eat are home cooked from scratch, so we get to control all the ingredients. 'L' follows (trolls) me enough to know that.
  19. And ...SA paid a premium price: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/6/south-africa-held-to-ransom-by-big-pharma-overcharged-for-covid-vaccines
  20. How this is a surprise to anyone, is the amazing part. Remember, so "Safe & Effective", the big pharm, companies, CDC/FDA got the definition of vaccine changed. In the USA anyway ... the "vaccines", basically a pre-exposure prophylaxis” or “PrEP”, re-classed as a vaccine, which falls under a different set of rules (liability/compensation) and in a different court, where settlements are quick, and big pharm not held 'liable'. Why I never Q'd up for the silliness, of experimental PrEP s. Vaccines every 3-6 months, that's some funny sh!t right there. Maybe in 50 yrs, you'll be able to read all the drug trial info ... they are trying so hard not to release ... ???? DISCLAIMER: These thoughts are IMHO and IMHO only. Your opinion may differ.
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