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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I would need 45-50m², no less. Basically 1 bdrom/bath & eat in kitchen. Don't need living room/sitting area or anything else. Balcony is also a must.
  2. The implication you are poor and need charity. Actually considered rude in some places, or so I read. When I first got here, I've gotten some strange reactions when I tried to tip, so leave it up to the wife. If I happen to be by myself, rare, at rest/venue, then I'll just watch the locals pay their bill and follow their lead, which most times, no tip, or just coins left on table, if server takes the payment. If pay at register, then never a tip left, or coins in top box, if one available. Probably different in tourist venues, which we rarely frequent, and a tip may actually be expected. Or worse, 10% already added to your bill. Whether service was good or nonexistent.
  3. Except for the look, hard to get excited about that scooter at all, especially at the price point. Except for probably a larger motor, no advantage over the 2000w & 3000w motor DECO scooters available from 40-80k baht. Obviously for a single person, as no seat room for your partner .... boring.
  4. I handle/control the money, but she pays for everything. This way, I don't tip, as I would, and usually over tip, so not to offend anyone, either way, she pays all the time. Only time I pay, is at chain stores or vendor, if I'm by myself, and those vendors don't get tips from anyone. Leave restaurant tipping up to her, and rare that she does, or very little, depending on venue & service. I need baht in the bag/pocket, so withdraw a stack from the pillow every month or 3. She always has baht in hers, and simply takes out of my bag what she needs, 5k at a time and just lets me know she did, so I know to make a withdrawal from the pillow again, when that stack is getting low.
  5. Don't those describe everything in life. ... I crave sh!t ... tolerate the risk/stupidity of it ... I want more of what I crave ... and yep, sometimes it causes problems in my life. SUD ... Smile Use Disorder ... therapy recommendation, Join AN's SUD Anonymous group therapy to help you lose the smile and be grumpy. Hi, my name is LA And I smile too much I tried being grumpy, but it's so hard One day at a time ... thanks for listening.
  6. Pretty cool ... I like it. But @ UK price of ฿330k Extra battery @ ฿30k NO THANKS But to call it a super bike ???? 100 kph & 60 km range. Range is kind of low, as battery spec'd about the same as mine, and pretty sure I can squeeze 90 kms out of ours, if needed. Not that I'd want to go that far, that slow. Which gave a chuckle while watching, when he said 'comfy for longer rides'. Not stated, but guessing motor is 5000w, vs my 3000w, and explains take off speed, and lower range.
  7. Simply mind boggling ... ???? "3 to 7 years Binet's original scale of mental measurement had included two gradations of deficiency: the “idiot,” who had a mental age of 2 or younger, and the “imbecile,” who had a mental age of 3 to 7 years." Source
  8. Just in case you are not trolling???? lets try it this way. I'm a baker, and I make 1 apple pie every day. I need 5 apples for one pie. I go to the market, and pay for 5 apples, as that all the money I have for apples. The vendor gives me 8 apples, because I'm handsome. I make my apple pie with the 5 apples I paid for. I make apple juice with the other 3. Did the apple juice cost me anything ? I install solar to provide 30kWh a day The house uses 30 kWh a day, every day. I only get 30kWh a day on overcast rainy days. I used 30kWh a day, every day. So the system has to provide a minimum of 30kWh a day. The system cost this many $$$ to produce 30kWh a day on overcast, rainy days. That's what the system must cost. The sun comes out today, I get 50kWh today. I use 30kWh for the house, and put the 20kWh in the EV. Did the 20kWh cost me anything extra ? edit: I just showed this to my 7 yr old niece, and she correctly answered NO to both questions.
  9. Now we're back to the porous borders. Truly is only 1 solution, stop making them. Simply ban production worldwide, UN, world peace and all that, and actually would be the easiest to do. Any UN member that doesn't stop production, is banned/sanctions from trading with any nation. But that wouldn't be profitable, worldwide, and we all know what is more important. Lives or profits, rhetorical obviously. Humans are a horrific species, one of the few, that kill their own. for sport or profit.
  10. I was thinking the same thing ... Your simple logic and example explains why you are having difficulty understanding. Maybe call a friend for guidance.
  11. This discussion is as useless as all the other 'gun' threads. PEACE OUT
  12. Or simply ban the production of firearms to begin with, then you don't need any laws to regulate them.
  13. The excess solar with used to charge the EVs, is just that, excess, and FREE of added cost, as didn't cost any extra to get or have, it's just there Our solar system would have cost the same, whether we have EVs or not. Since charging the EV didn't cost any additional money, NO money was spent to charge the EVs. Now read that real slow again ... it might sink in. Maybe this will help ... IF you went to the petrol station and AND you had access to 2 pumps, one charges you , and one is free, which one would you use ? Would that be free ? We have 2 cables in the carport, one is on the grid, and cost to use. The other is on the solar system, and didn't cost extra to have or use, and when excess is available, we use it. Sounds like free to me.
  14. Oops fund is in tack. Just spend what comes in every month for ret visa, or try to, failing of course. Hard to do when a CC at times, most times ????
  15. As you should European history, colonialism, Crusades and slave trade, of a 1000 or so years. That 'rocks in glass houses' thing. USA was established in 1783, and only took 82 years to ban the slave trade that Europeans loved. And firearms have kept the citizens free of tyranny, from foreign or domestic tyrants. 2nd Amendment Rocks
  16. A couple interesting stats. Highlighted one the most relevant for school shootings. Possibly over 80% should have been prevented. Believe it concerns responsible parents, locking the damn guns up. and most states have laws about that. AND YET ... do we really need more laws. Simply enforce the ones on the books. Any parents of shooters sent to prison for allowing their guns to be used, whether school shootings and just oops in their house, kids accidentally shooting kids .... I think not, or very rare. "Notably, most individuals who engaged in mass shootings used handguns (77.2%), and 25.1% used assault rifles in the commission of their crimes. ..... In cases involving K-12 school shootings, over 80% of individuals who engaged in shootings stole guns from family members." source
  17. So 1 dead kid doesn't matter, or 2, or 3, as mass shootings are described as 4 or more, I think. And few mass shootings happen at schools or are committed with rifles, but hey, let's ban all 'assault (semi auto) rifles', them AR-15 types, that usually are rarely used in mass shootings. People should stop living in the headlines, and try living in the real world.
  18. And yet, the USA is a melting pot of immigrants from Europe, Mexico & Asia, so you probably meant 'cultural import'.
  19. Do try to keep up, as the incident, (not even a fire) in the OP, had nothing to do with the main battery bank.
  20. "The Crime Clock represents the annual ratio of crime to fixed time intervals.) A violent crime was committed every 26.3 seconds. A murder occurred every 32.1 minutes, a rape every 3.8 minutes, a robbery every 2.0 minutes, and an aggravated assault every 38.5 seconds." ... nuff said
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