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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yep, that's all people talk about, taking guns away from legal owners. As silly as having helmet laws in the TH. Gang banger don't buy their firearms from FFL'd gun dealers.
  2. Every new administration taking more rights away from businesses and citizens. Covid silliness pointed that out. Keep your firearms close, why the 2nd Amendment was put in place to begin with. The world on the brink of WW3... 350 million gun toting Yanks, good luck invading & occupying the USA. Keep your firearms close.
  3. Not sure if I have any sympathy for people anymore, that complain about firearms, but keep re-electing the same politicians who obviously don't care. Not rep or dem party issue, as both have controlled Congress, and nothing changed. Here's one for you, make owning a firearm outrageously expensive. 2nd Amendment can't restrict you from, but can regulate the ownership. ALL firearms owners must have a license to buy, cost of license to buy/permit to own, $10k a year. Problem solved again. Simple solutions to simple problems. Except for one thing, not enough people want to change the laws. THAT'S A FACT. Y'all can quote all the surveys & polls you want, stating everyone wants to ban or limit firearms, BUT, that obviously isn't true, or it would have happen. They wanted to ban alcohol ... they did. They wanted to drink alcohol ... they repealed it. They wanted to make Ganga illegal ... they did. They want to smoke Ganga ... well, nuff said When enough people want something, they get it. Now someone tell me again, they don't want access to firearms in USA. Raised kids in the USA, never worried about them get killed by firearms in school, or anywhere for that matter. Or getting hit by lightening. The chance are so miniscule, it's not worth worrying about.
  4. Islands that don't have an open southern border , and yet, they still can't stop firearm killings. So nothing is working there either. Kids getting kill in school by firearms, is less likely than getting hit by lightening. Just accept it, as it's never going to change. Unless my suggestions are taken seriously, and that's not going to happen, as profits rule, and death is very profitable.
  5. Please click on a country, and show me where firearm laws have worked stopping people getting killed by firearms. I can't be bothered, but I'll wait for you to finish searching. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country
  6. And what suggestion was that, as I don't know any country, that someone hasn't been killed with a firearm, this past year. Did I miss that news-blip?
  7. Stopping gun violence in the USA is a fanciful proposition. Only one solution to stop gun violence, stop making them. Nothing else has or will ever work. Every day, I'm proven correct in those statemen. You're suggestions, if any, are NOT working. Nobodies' are.
  8. The solution is easy, but would never be accepted, so why suggest it. Since you asked, 2 fold ... 1. The UN, all countries, including the 5 permanent members of the 'Security Council', also 5 of the largest manufacturer & sellers of firearms, enforce a total ban on manufacturing ALL firearms. 2. Death sentence, carried out immediately, for anyone carrying a firearm. Give it a month ... school shootings solved. Anything less, and people will still be shooting each other. Why...because they can. Simple solutions to simple problems.
  9. Yea, already suggested, vote. You can't stop nutters, never could, never will. Accept it. Be thankful, you got a better chance of getting 'hit' by lightning, than killed 'in' school by a firearm.
  10. As a Yank, I really do have to chuckle at most of the replies. THANKS Solution - vote Until more people vote against the 2nd Amendment, it will remain.
  11. Guessing it will work, as used in the past, and yes, it died. Having used both, burr grinder is much better. You really do want a burr grind for consistent (size) grind. Some say the heat generated by the blade grinder makes a difference also, though can't imagine much of. from that listing:
  12. And here I thought the thread was about the 2nd Amendment & firearms, not trump. Must be getting senile, I forgot, every thread is about trump with some people.
  13. If in the USA ... i'd have firearm, and carry, legally, concealed permit if required, as I did the 25 yrs I did live there. Why: "The Crime Clock represents the annual ratio of crime to fixed time intervals.) A violent crime was committed every 26.3 seconds. A murder occurred every 32.1 minutes, a rape every 3.8 minutes, a robbery every 2.0 minutes, and an aggravated assault every 38.5 seconds." ... nuff said If you want to call and wait for the police to respond/take a report, that's your right. Don't interfere with my right to defend me & mine. Report being a victim, if still alive, or prevent being a victim. UP2U
  14. If in the hood, and got kids, very young, as teen my be bored, PKK has Waghor Aquarium & science/astrology, though haven't been in the latter part. Behind it, surfside is a Joy coffee shop. Had a decent Black Forest, their name, though strawberry, instead of raspberry. Along with a rather nice Cappuccino, from a not so hi-tech espresso machine, a bit of surprise, but tasty. Lo-So, but nice place to take in the surf. If lucky, may see a Frigatebird from one of the islands out there, as I was lucky to get a snap of a couple. A bird rare to see. Or just some of the usual suspect, as I did yesterday:
  15. Been driving ICEVs for almost 50 yrs, and no car fire yet. Since they are how many times more likely to flame up ? I'm not worried about driving my newest tech, LFP Battery BEV the next 5-20 yrs, or how ever much longer I got on this rock. A car fire is the least of my concerns, past, present or future. Y'all need to get over yourselves, as this thread proves. A thread about a car fire, that never was. Let that sink it ... get on with living, instead of worrying about EVs you apparently will never own.
  16. Agree, and after a bit of a burping session, the instant relief is a welcome change. Snoozing follows almost immediately. Best advice I ever got, a bit of baking soda, mixed with warm water. Easy, cheap, very effective ????
  17. @steph83 did you have an endoscopy done, and diagnosed with HH, or are you self diagnosing, as running out of things you think cause your reflux ?
  18. Revised BYD fire tracking #s for Thailand Total fires as of September 2023: 0 So it wasn't even a fire or smoke. ???? The 'mist' you see in the photo, was simply either AC refrigerant, or fire extinguisher spray. https://www.nationthailand.com/special-edition/ev/40030792
  19. So it wasn't even a fire or smoke. ???? The 'mist' you see in the photo, was simply either AC refrigerant, or fire extinguisher spray ... <deleted>
  20. The mini is a BMW purchase of yet another failing Brit line of auto, looks good, and good sales, same as MG, after someone took over the reins of the company. I see the 'CountryMan' model here quite a bit.
  21. You & your Celerio seem very happy together. Not sure I'm buying the 'quiet as a mouse on the road' part though. Our Vios & Mazda, I thought were much better built, and noisy on the road. A boy & his Celerio
  22. Yea, I got quite the chuckle when he posted that little tidbit. Kind of diminished the 'TransAm' motorhead image some may have assumed.
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