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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Nah, just worked out that way. Also have to consider, I was only 45 in the USA, and could easily pass for 35, or so I was told. When I say date, means a relationship, lived with or dating monogamously. Did have a few friends w/bennies, in my age group, few years younger, when the mood struck us. A couple co-workers at the airlines, quite convenient. Menopause, wife going through that now, emotionally fine, but damn hot/cold is annoying. Especially when I'm asleep and she adjust the AC. Either wake up sweating or freezing ... ???? Me, 69 come December Wife, 47 next month 1st Thai wife 22, me 44, 2 months shy of 45
  2. The post is about censorship & how it's done. Not about Dr Berg, as a few things I do disagree with him on. Wiki - More censoring & misinfo ... IMHO
  3. Rarely use, but yes I always round up, and don't ask for change. Unless they took an unrealistic time to arrive, which is also rare, as they are quite good at what they do. A savior when in a metro area and feeling lazy.
  4. @gargamon @Lite Beer "The most common form of vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) in supplements is cyanocobalamin and although this form includes a cyanide molecule, it is very safe. Why? Even at a very high dose, it would provide about a thousand times less cyanide than is toxic, and the cyanide is excreted in the urine" source Equate that to fluoride or chlorine that is added to drinking water. At higher amounts, they also can be fatal.
  5. Along with cost of charging, at home or CS substantially cheaper than petrol, in TH. Apparently not so in the UK. And no penalty, added tariff, if applicable, for charging EV at home. As someone posted that they were forced to add a 2nd meter at 2X the house rate to charge at home. Not sure I even believe that, as sounds OTT. Also not sure if that was UK or not. Comparing other countries to TH, whether EV cost, charging or CS, even cost of solar, and applying to discussion here is silly. USA for example, ICEV are cheaper, across the board, and EVs seem to be more expensive. Electric (Philly metro) is about the same as here/TH, but more in the heavily taxed state, and different providers. Solar is ridiculously expensive, even with incentives, and our system would cost 3X in the Philly metro area.
  6. Amazing people still fall for any phone/internet scams. Title should be changed to 'fake land dept. official' scams dentist / idiot. " Despite his clinic staff noticing the suspicious activity and advising him to stop, he did not believe them." I hope he uses more common sense in his dentistry.
  7. 'Transvestite' ... haven't heard that term in like ... forever. Is it even PC to say in the West, as sounds so intimidating & demeaning ???? Over to the alphabet crowd ... thoughts ?
  8. What if she wanted to marry a Thai guy, would they still demand 1M baht ? ... I think not
  9. 50 yrs, don't care, 25 will suffice. Some state LFPs will get 10k cycles, so 2500 is actually on the low end. As long as the battery bank last as long as the rest of the car, I'm/She'll be thrilled. We save over 450k baht, at least, every 8 yrs (if driving 20k a yr) by not have an ICEV. If it last just 16 yrs, we got almost the full price of the EV (949k) back in petrol savings. This will be our/hers last car, that's almost guaranteed.
  10. Then I'd buy the car, good chance it would last longer. 3 of my marriages, lasted less than 2 yrs. And I'm being generous ????
  11. That's not dilemma, that a 'declaration of freedom'. Simple, either she ignores parents, or he walks away. I personally would never pay a sin sot, or ask for one for our daughter.
  12. I think you're being generous, considering all the one's on AN that have to use agents. I'd say $1500 USD at best, w/no reserve. Many probably got and stay married, just for the lower financial requirement.
  13. yea, I know. not showing Khon Kaen. Don't care enough to bother and feed the trolls. Think I'll put him back on my list.
  14. If there's one with our, within next 7 yrs (8yr warranty), MG will deal with. I would think within 10 yrs, battery shops will start popping up, as the supply & demand will dictate. Unless an oops, I'm expecting the wife will get 25 yrs out of ours, before any need to be concerned, and that's if it only gets about half it's life expectancy. 900k kms ... if we drive/she drives 20k kms a year, that's only 500k kms. Battery pack isn't the concern, and just hope the rest of the cars lasts. I doubt very much if she'll drive that much after I'm gone.
  15. You can't find a Makro or other chain store, you're not looking very hard... ... just Makro locations:
  16. @wijit Do NOT use the NY USA branch, as I believe that incurs unnecessary bank fees. SS will DD to Thai BkkBank. and at the time I set it up, BkkBank was the only option. Not sure if SS will DD to other Thai banks.
  17. Hope you show the same concern for all your other LiPo batteries, or is it just the ones you don't use that you worry about.
  18. Ask again in 20 years, as some may have opened by then, if there's a need.
  19. I think you got that backward, as at present time, no probs, though maybe sketchy in the future as more EV hit the road. So far, we've haven't needed to Q or even reserve a slot while O&A. Heading out Friday, have 3 spots already picked out to top up. Friday shouldn't be a problem, as before 1700, and not weekenders yet. Not sure about Saturday, as will be on the tourist trail. Though anyone coming from the 2 closest cities, Surat Thani or Nakhon Si Thammarat, won't need to top up if they are just out for the day, and easily be able to do R/T if full up leaving the house. We will have topped up before ST, and need again, before NST. Although last choice is MG CS, though depending how much we drive, actually not much extra even possible, but gets close to 280 mark, I think. May hit the earlier one, if going to stop any before MG. We will have munched already, cruising down the lower gulf coast of the Gulf. Actually been down there before, nice area. Plenty of CS in between, I just prefer PEA & MG.
  20. OMG ... it was a MG ZS ... ???? Suggested elsewhere, and makes sense, since "in a holding yard near Sydney Airport", possibly long term, that the battery was removed in an attempt to steal it. An electric MG ZS EV – which had its battery removed
  21. Nah ... too lazy, and bullets too inexpensive, that relative to one's finances. 22LR are inexpensive, Anything else, and looking at about $1 per round +/- For my 7, 7.5mm, I bought 'surplus', damn dirty powder. Cheap, but involves more cleaning than I prefer. 8mm non surplus, a bit high cost. Was easy to shoot 1-2-$300 worth of ammo on 4th July ???? Pop off 30 rounds with the AK in 15-30 seconds, and you just spend $45. And that was 30-35 yrs ago. One reason I had the FFL, cut my cost of buying & shooting.
  22. Apparently you don't, if you think they are the same.
  23. I wouldn't care if they threw all the foreigners out, inclusive, as motivate me to play nomadic back in USA. Something I really want to do, but too lazy to do. Saw a good part of the USA, easy working for airlines, but envy my brother a bit, as he visited every national park in all 48 lower states. Something I'd love to do in a RV. Only issue, renting one for couple years, would cost the same as buying one, and that would depreciate a bit more than I willing to give up. Although a 50% return wouldn't be the end of the world. Then sell up here or not ? Too much to voluntarily deal with. But if hand force (never going to happen), that would be my course of action. After couple of that, then think about returning to SEA, which probably wouldn't happen. 20+ years is enough. This one is way too cool, or something similar.
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