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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That would obviously depend on the 'choices' you make ... who you decide to live with or marry. Being in a relationship, for me, is definitely cheaper. Though definitely not a reason to be in one. #6 was a winner for me, 3 marriages + 2 living in sin relationships prior to. If not meeting her 19+ years ago, I'd probably still be single. Definitely not as happy as I am now. Do agree with the premise, there is no reason 'ever' to get married. I didn't even bother for 8 years with the present wife. That piece of paper isn't binding at all in my world, as before, if wanting, could simply walk away from this or any relationship.
  2. That should be more than enough. Considering what the Apollo missions had and used for those instant calculation for landing on and returning to Earth from the Moon with Power equivalent to a calculator ...
  3. An intelligent person would realize, expats living overseas is less of an impact on the budget, than living in the USA. Imagine the added hit on Medicare, if all us ol' farts had access and used it for our healthcare. Unhealthy folks with cardiac issue, on going cancer treatment, or dialysis. Purchase of insulin & statins and other crap unhealthy people are told they need & use, and sold at silly prices. Of course if big pharma made that decision, then nobody would be allowed to live overseas
  4. I try avoid traveling to BKK on Sundays, or leaving on Friday after noon or Saturday. Usually gridlock. Timing is everything around BKK or other metros at rush hour also. If we can make it to Ibis Riverside in < 4 1/2 hrs, I'm happy. That includes about a 30 min munch stop.. If crossing the river and into 'town', that's another 30 mins. We're about 1 hr 15 mins below HH. Which we were at 3 times in the last 10 day 1 pit stop, coming back from BKK, and 2 trips to the vet for Sniffy the WonderDogs's check up 🙄
  5. I think 45 yrs in one country is enough. Not much there I haven't seen, or want to see. Staying would be a bit boring. Staying would be stupid. Doesn't matter who is in the WH, it's a temp job with little long term effect. The country runs on auto pilot, and the politicians have little to do with that.
  6. Apparently Z has no interest in cease fire toward peaceful resolution. Leaving town and all. Does he expect NATO or EU to help, without any USA backing. He's done and just doesn't know it, or, he does. Maybe not that stupid after all. Guess he'll be retiring somewhere quite comfortably soon.
  7. Woman in combat ... no Serve with, yes, but not in combat. Don't know a whole lot of woman that could carry me. At least to, out of harm's way. When in military, women were not allowed in combat zones. Changed in 2016, for ground combat. Shower with men ... no If I'm showering with another person, we're probably having sex, or prelude to. Not saying haven't been without clothes, with other people, men and or women in different settings, in younger days. And not so younger days, just before TH. Drunken parties, out in nature, 3-somes or whatever. No desire lately, well, while in a relationship, and not since in Thailand.
  8. I don't go th HH either, as a beach or holiday destination. First time was as a holiday, as wanting to sample the 'train journey', along with being a close beach (not Patts) to BKK. That was enough, as nothing there to make a repeat visit, for Hua Hin itself. That was before I owned a car, and it was nice, 2001. Further visits were pit stops, to points further south, or to attend the Jazz Festivals, which were excellent, until beer advertising was banned. As the financing dried up. Think I attended the first 8 festivals. After I discovered Muang, PKK, I simply drove the extra hour for a more relaxed pit stop, on the way to Phuket, usually, 2X a year, during school breaks. HH has a beach, most won't swim in. So not a 'beach holiday' destination. Really no reason to go there, IMHO, unless as the weekenders do, just to escape the city for a few days, for a much better view. Flying, as pointed out is a joke, silly prices, and unless a conx flight, then takes just as long to fly, as to drive, or public trans. Go to airport, 2 hr check in, 1 hr gate to gate, out the door, then deal with the taxi mafia Repeat to return, when all you have to do is hop a van, train or bus if in BKK and don't want to drive for fraction of the cost. Arrive ground transport, and most things are within walking distance. Taxi for door to door convenience, and still cheaper than flying.
  9. Means a trans woman, may not be as physically fit to serve, if stating he's a man, since training requirements aren't always the same. Again, not sure I would want to be on the front lines, with less physically able person. If injured, will he be able to carry, assist me back to medical care. To serve as a trans woman in US military, the must transition ... BUT ... that does not require sex reassignment surgery. Simply living as a woman, and you get to train as a women. Less physical training then men. Hence the problem. Same as competing against women. If you can't 'qualify' as a men, just say you're a woman. NO THANKS ... prefer not to have my life depend on you on the front lines, combat zone.
  10. With their mental illness, they may be serving Beyond Burger and think it's Beef My plants identify as animals 😎
  11. Doubt that ... and the same as epstein, booted out
  12. Been one of the chilliest for us, while at PKK, last 7 ish yrs. Damn MMGW That sure did change fast, and using the AC at night again. It's called the weather for a reason, ever changing. Tic Toc ... just waiting for the rains now. Was nice this week with a bit of rain, and things came back to life, and turned green a bit. Won't last though 😎 I think we peaked, hopefully ... https://scontent.fbkk17-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/480919586_2301209510256254_6056953676417023231_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_eui2=AeF9eL7wPEpeNhXPUrKbFTMnYWVr8avOUzJhZWvxq85TMmCFOg-T1YeRrYry2k_QzLbmZP_myducp0Wq2xjAuV2q&_nc_ohc=CdE7udGqm9gQ7kNvgG_JQkr&_nc_oc=AdiAStsuPMNhVkxoU0IEq_7omvRICdbyLSLscYcYvhz3ZvSY2FBKe4Maa9beWfxh0VU&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fbkk17-1.fna&_nc_gid=AT0JPlYxFhXsewQBcSLGRrd&oh=00_AYCaatM4DfKFauacah_-zMO0LjJJeJ4JW05ETgDf8nKoOw&oe=67C8984B
  13. "Proud" ... again ... after exposing all the money corruption, and then the Z interview (?), and nice to have a few guys in the WH with a set. Damn embarrassing this century, so far, with Cheney/Bush, Obama & Biden. No need to tell people I'm Canadian
  14. Not sure I'd want to share a fox hole with a mentally unstable person. A man, thinking he's a woman, or, vise versa, just ain't playing with a full deck. What other imaginary things might they be thinking when the enemy attacks
  15. Damn ... all them Big Macs going to waste. Hope they invited a tour group to the lunch 😎 Z should have thrown the towel in years ago, and day one. Would have saved lives & territory. NO, the idiot listened to the war mongers' lies. Oh well, you can't fix stupid. JD steppin' up. Can't wait till he's President Vance in 2028 👍
  16. Feels like 38°C / 100°F ... and it's only March 1st
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Bangkok_bombing
  18. Do the crime ... Do the time Oh well ... what goes around, comes around. Hint ... Dzungar genocide
  19. Had good service (ICEV) from both, Toyota (2 Vios) @ Udon Thani, and MG (ZS) @ PKK (Muang & Hua Hin). Can't say the same about Mazda (M2), and dealer dependent. One very good, Hua Hin, one very bad (Pranburi), and daughter had no luck with 2 at Krung Thep. Would never recommend a Mazda to anyone. Service for MG ZS EV, excellent. Not the 10k kms check ups, as nothing for them to really do. Had a major oops, and they did an excellent job putting it back together, body and mechanical (rear axle assembly) @ PKK (Muang), regional body & repair shop for MG 👍 👍
  20. Doubtful as they weren't even in the same room. She, supposedly in the bathroom on floor, and he was elsewhere, on floor with cane nearby, from one news-blip, quoting sheriff's dept. 1 dog dead, in a kennel, inside, and 2 other dogs outside, so a bit strange if suicide.
  21. It's hit & miss, trial & error. Did find quality shorts, days (years) past. I think 'Neo' was one brand, and another, name escapes me. Many items sold here / TH, aren't made with preshrunk material, so yea, may shrink a size or so after first couple washes. They're all cheap enough, 500 baht range. Actually 200 baht back a couple decades 🙄 Wife makes all my clothes now. Good Luck
  22. Just chicken ... and a Cappuccino with pending sunset ...
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