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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. There is no physical addiction, but if someone can make money off of it, they'll surely tell there is. What would be the withdrawal symptoms ... ... social boredom ... less coughing ... loss of weight ... favorite pastry vendor going bankrupt
  2. When you're getting punched in the head, that time to de-escalate passed a long time ago. Now it's self defense, and best defense is a good offense. They were totally justified in kickin' his butt, and lucky for him, they stopped. If I was there, I'd buy them a round ???? Play your hooligan antics at home ... ????
  3. Just some friendly advise, as you seem to forget all the previous replies to the same questions you continue to ask, or thoughts you state, over & over again. Could be an 'anti EV & CH' syndrome ... maybe theirs a vaccine for it ????
  4. Both brothers had no problem fixing their cars, when needed, sadly too often. Yes, I know all about them, as I usually research things before I plop down shy of a million baht to buy something. Does that mean I would attempt to fix an electric motor or the energy source to it when I have no experience or tools to do so, NO, only an idiot would do that. Got a battery warranty for 8 years, I don't think I'll ever need to touch, as I'll probably, be long gone before something goes wrong with that car, as electric motors, they basically run forever, or will outlive the rest of the cars parts, as will the battery. YMMV You may want to pop into your GP I think you're getting senile,
  5. I've never owned or wanted to own a MGB, as USA versions were crap, so why would I attempt to fix one. I have towed them before, after they broke down ???? I even have a photo somewhere and next time in the photo box, may dig it out and post. Brother being a fan of ragtops, but you knew that. Again, something you already knew, that record...around and around again. As you say, since no experience with EVs, I'd simply call MG's free roadside assistance that came with the car. Actually needed it (almost) with the ICE version, as wife was toying with the app, and apparently left something on, and drained the battery overnight (?). Neighbors weren't home, so called the free roadside assistance, and they came out straight away & jumped it. You know I'm mechanically inclined, as I've stated before, that I've swapped out motors, trans, rears, and there isn't much I can't fix, or used to, on an ICEV, days past, before buying more dependable JP vehicles. Proof again, of your repeating silliness. Not a fan of rebuilding carbs (damn little parts) or replacing U-joints/drive shafts, as frustrating as all hell if needing to be shimmed. Anything else, just too easy. But luckily, haven't need to do any of that, the past 35+ years, as buy vehicles that last longer, without the need to. I can't remember the last time I changed the oil, pre-1999.
  6. I don't need to read any links posted. Experience is my guide. Wife goes to sell land, 6 lot, 4 separate sales, 1 w/house, I have usufruct on all 6 lots, she can't sell till I sign off/cancel my usufruct. (Udon Thani) Wife submits blueprint for addition to her house, (laundry/storage rooms) not on original blueprint. I have usufruct on land (chanote), it sits on, to use & modify, I have to sign off/approve the addition. (PKK), I'm not in blue book, but have Yellow Book. I don't want to be in any blue book, as simply a complication for her, after I crap out. One less thing to do. Again .... YMMV Have a nice day ... Bye Bye
  7. Yep, why I don't bother with them. Same silly 'what if', or flat out 'false info', or dated. Most having nothing to do with current production and or TH. TH, where most of the EV owners on the forum reside. All the BS been debunked numerous times, but that record keeps on spinning and spewing the same BS. Over and over and over. Same questions & thoughts posted 1 year ago, repeated again & again. Same with the Anti CH BS, for the past 3 years almost. All from people with NO experience of what they are going on about.
  8. I'm up the road from you, Ko Lak, Muang, and complete opposite. Read the news-blips of dangerously low reservoirs, along with La Nina season, pending drought coming, and nothing but rain since. Along with, flooding advisories ???? Late start with rains, but since started, mixed drizzle, (like now), sometimes all day, along with heavy downpours, also sometimes all day. Our rain storage tanks (14k liters) were overflowing, then down to a lower level, now full again, and been using since raining season started. 1/4 rai garden on dry days needing watering. Only thing missing this raining season, is news-blip of Bang Saphan Hosp being flooded, as usually a annual event. A good thing anyway.
  9. As I stated, he's here on a marriage visa, and yes, I saw his name in the Blue Book, 1st named page. Again ... YMMV
  10. Just my experience with 8 usufructs. Wife couldn't even modify present house, without my approval, as I had to sign off the building permit. Couldn't sell the previous 7 lots without my approval @ Udon Thani. Anything I state/post, is from "my experiences", or I'll note that it is not. As I said, YMMV
  11. Has life been easy or hard ... yes & no .did you have a hard manual job ? ... a few involved manual labor, w/bad back to prove it Jail? Divorce? Gambling? Recession? ... Jail ... just overnights ... Divorces 3 ... Gambling ... me/no ... wife #3/yes, ... Recessions ... laid off or industry died 5 times (steel, lithographic printing, 3 airlines/bankrupt) What about those who did shift work? ... worked all shifts, some by choice, some not, a couple (3rd/midnight shift), low pay job, by choice only till I found something better. Why keeping days open. At times I worked 3 jobs, not by choice, and other times, I ran 3 businesses (self owned), by choice. 1 salaried job I worked 80 hrs a week, mandatory 5 double shifts every week. Other job, could come & go as I please, and usually 2 double shifts w/5 days off a week. Why that one lasted more than 1-3-6-12 months, actually 13 yrs, w/pittance of a pension. Great airline flight bennies though. Damn roller coaster ride, as sometimes, barely enough money, but at least always enough. Other times, too much money. Retired @ 45 ish, so kind of hard to complain. 68 now, 69 at year's end.
  12. And yet, I know a Brit who is top dog in 'his' Blue Book. YMMV
  13. Guessing you didn't watch the vid of bouncer being assaulted, unprovoked. Agree, hope the bouncers press charges, but they won't. Karma served. I would feel reassured of my safety with bouncers handling drunks & violent people as they did. If not, they have a tendency to cause trouble, attacking customers. If you hit someone, especially a sneak punch ... expect a can whoop A$$ to follow.
  14. Just the ones as an infant, and nothing like the amount they give today. Hep B & covid to an infant, that's just nuts. Ones I got as an infant, about as krap as most vaccines, as got measles, mumps & chicken pox, as almost everyone did in the hood as kids. Yearly flu vaccines are a joke, and covid, that not even a vaccine IMHO ... nuff said On Topic ... twice here, sick from food. Once at farang managed restaurants, chicken improperly cook, damn raw in center. As soon as I bit into that, saw it, knew it was going to be coming back up later on. Other time was a buffet, you cook. Made the mistake of eating something coming out of the kitchen, freshly restocking, and yet, barely warm. Damn, knew it was a mistake as soon as I ate it. Twice in 20+ yrs, so not too bad. I avoid most display items, not all, but as cautious as one can be, but do enjoy eating. Chain donuts suck, so no worries there. Luck & good immune system, so far so good.
  15. Maybe the Rabbit (BTS) card, as yet to try, but need to get the balance down, since rarely use it @ Krung Thep, and they want 100 baht top up to update it.
  16. 2 thoughts ... ... CC company charges them too much, so not worth it for them, maybe a flat fee till certain amount spent. ... they're tired of holding up the line for such a small purchase, just pay with cash and be gone already ... hopefully
  17. Don't even need to have TPRB, as a house is personal property, and anyone can own. Getting the Amphur to issue you a blue book may be a challenge. I only know of 1 person (Brit/marriage visa), who asked and got it done @ Udon Thani. I had no interests in doing so, or personally know anyone else doing. Not saying they haven't, just don't personally know anyone.
  18. Nice ... can't complain about that, mere 15%. ???? My Mazda 2 wasn't worth selling, and simply gave it to my daughter.
  19. Reading comprehension ... ... not because of Brexit ... but why Brexit hit so far Other point, we'll just have to agree to disagree on quality out of CH. Big fan myself ????
  20. Obviously, but chances are, if buying a Triumph, with few exceptions, it's not made in the UK. Appears not much is any more, was my initial thought, and why Brexit has hit the UK hard. Lack or manufacturing, for UK or export, and not being self sufficient on feeding itself. So many defunct vehicle manufactures. Though same worldwide, when labor & taxes are simply too high an overhead, and cheaper to make UK products elsewhere, then import them in. Whether simply cheaper or better made (ex; MGs) outside the UK, USA or where ever they keep a HQ, probably for import tax purposes, or just to say, a UK or USA brand ????
  21. 'IN' is code for India 'ID' is Indonesia
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