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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Went there once, and was the most disgusting beach I've ever been to. Sewage, literally, was in the water. Think their treatment plant had an oops, or would hope so, and not happen more often. Although I think an on going issue, as I've never seen algae covering a beach area, and there was no 'algae bloom' in the area Obviously feeding off the sewage, as I've only seen that thing before, at overflowing septic tanks. It was gross, and worst part was, I was in it the night before, and since night time, didn't notice it ... yuck. Nothing like waking up and realizing you were swimming in a toilet the night before. Explains why I was the only one in the surf.
  2. If you say so, although I thought we were discussing TH, or the USA, since OP's link is referenced to the USA. Of course globally, you have to consider Islam, and not fans of gays, with a 23.2% of the population. That's a big chunk who are probably against it. https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/sj14-soc-religmap/world-religions-map/
  3. You must know a lot more different minded straight people than myself. As I don't know anyone, I think, straight or otherwise, that is against gay marriage. Same-Sex Marriage Support Inches Up to New High of 71%
  4. My thoughts would be way off topic, reported & deleted. So maybe another day, another thread that would be on topic to discuss.
  5. You have something against members who simply enjoy reading and getting needed info. Some don't want to get involved with conversations with people they don't know. If not thick skinned, completely understandable.
  6. And yet, I got a decent, and expected price for our 2yr old/40k kms 2020 MG, considering market, low customer base and average depreciation rate of 15%-20% per year, the first 2 years. Less depreciation as time goes on. Also during Covid, when many weren't splurging on new toys. A buyers market. Happy with the sale. Of course wouldn't have minded getting a bit more, and if located in BKK and a bit more patient, probably would have gotten 10-15% more. But wanted a quick sale.
  7. On topic, Hunter & the Fed felony firearm charge. We bit of research, very we bit ... but, it seems anything less than a 10 month sentence, will need some explaining to do. So the judge telling them to come up with a Plan B, seems to be appropriate. Also consider, though not sure, Hunter is not a 'felon'. That would make a huge difference. "Penalties for Felon in Possession of a Firearm Under federal law, the crime of Felon in Possession of a Firearm is a Class D felony, punishable by up to ten years in prison, three years of supervised release, and $250,000 in fines. Under the United States Sentencing Guidelines, a person convicted of Felon in Possession of a Firearm would be assigned a base offense level between 12-26, which carries a guideline ... ...range of 10-78 months in prison... before taking into account any mitigating or aggravating circumstances. As of 2016, the average federal sentence imposed for Felon in Possession of a Firearm fell between 46-75 months in prison." Hornsby Law Firm As far as Tax issue goes, nobody goes to jail for not paying taxes, unless circumstance dictate. I owed $70k+ one year, and didn't even file. Jail was never mentioned during 'negotiations' to pay. He owed a wee bit more, but unless doing something extremely scrupulous, jail shouldn't even considered. It's not like he refused to pay it, simply not in a timely manner ???? "According to the tax Information, Hunter Biden received taxable income in excess of $1,500,000 annually in calendar years 2017 and 2018. Despite owing in excess of $100,000 in federal income taxes each year, he did not pay the income tax due for either year. " Not a fan of the Bidens, but it does seem to be a bit of selection prosecution on the tax issue, unless I'm missing something.
  8. Oh contraire, I know their history oh too well, and why I'd never buy one, unless it was made by China.
  9. I think you are forgetting who controls the news and flow of information. Using your thought, the 'people in control of the news', tell people a plane was flown into the Pentagon, with some of the most protected airspace in USA, with more than a few active CCTVs going 24/7, and not one photo or vid of the event. Let that one sink in. Take as much time as you need. Freedom of the Press / information ... that's funny.
  10. Myself & other AN member who are MG owners have. Myself with no problem at all.
  11. Only 8 times. Myself, probably 20-25 times, and 4 or 5 times in the last 3 yrs. On topic ... Patts, and I really can't think of a reason to go there, or anywhere east of Krung Thep along the Gulf.
  12. Flew into Phuket 3 times, and simply rented a car, which turned out cheaper in the long run, for the 24 hrs of use. Along with having it to explore during that time. I refuse to take a taxi that doesn't use the meter.
  13. Hopefully the Thai tourist would vote with their feet if presented a higher price. Would I not support, enter a place in home country (USA) because of foreigner dual pricing ? ... NO, as doesn't concern me.
  14. In case you missed it ... apparently many did, the increases don't apply to Nationa Parks. Getting in NPs @ Thai price is all a bit irrelevant, whether successful or not.
  15. Quality, value, bang for baht, excellent cust. serv. Added plus, if owning an EV, using their Super Charger network. Free instant coffee, (sometimes a coffee machine), water, clean toilets and sugar fill snacks in waiting room, while charging and using free internet. #1 reason, it bugs the hell out of @transam ????
  16. Had to be an EV ... what else could it be ?
  17. It's nice to know my $24.8k USD was spent on a new vehicle that won't leave me stranded in the middle of nowhere. If having a mechanical oops, the 24 hr roadside assistance is available, though I've never needed. Never needed with previous new $22k vehicle. No new car purchased has left me stranded, though I can't say the same about 2nd hand vehicles I've owned. Rare, but did happen.
  18. I read somewhere IT did create Adam in it's image. Maybe Adam was non-binary and never came out. A Super Genius, thinking outside the box. And an Atheist ... ????
  19. Do you enjoy paying a premium price to support USA, UK, EU, JP ? Did you join/create new username, just to reply to this thread, but I'll ask anyway.
  20. Following the western world's lead I see. I can't remember when most news wasn't fake. It has simply gotten worse, since monopoly ownership regulations were eliminated. Nothing but Op-Ed echo boxes. Calling any of it news is a stretch.
  21. I'm stocked up, all of 2 beers (490ml). Took 3 with me on a 10 day O&A, and opened 1, didn't finish it. 2 remaining beers probably won't get opened, unless I make a pizza or something else worthy of pairing with it. Maybe wash down a doobie, ever rarer. I came here for the Tax Free, easy investment opportunities & healthcare. Not the bars & hookers. 'What I need to know' ... not much, except avoid hwy#4 on first & last day of holiday, direction dependent. Whatever your vice ... Stock Up & ENJOY
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