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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No, I didn't, but you did miss my point. The USA alone & Americas are large enough & diverse enough, there is no need to leave to be 'adventurous'. You did state stay in 'one' country. USA is just a wee bit smaller than Europe. United States ... 9.834 million km² Europe ...............,,10.53 million km²
  2. Reckon you've never had good venison sausage. I don't hunt, and as stated elsewhere, IF I had to kill my 'protein', I'd be on a seafood diet. My brother hunts, but leaves the butchering to me, used to. Yea, weird. We're opposites, I won't shoot it, but he can't butcher it ???? There are millions of yanks, that fill their frig/freezer with venison every year. That alone probably saves more lives, yes, human lives, than are lost during mass 'school' shootings. Check that (edit) ALL MASS SHOOTINGS, with few exceptions, per year. Deer & cars don't mix well, and hundred+ people die every year when they meet. Amazing stat on number of deer, number of accidents, and number of deer hunted/killed (legally). Educate yourself. More lives are saved with firearms, than lost in mass shooting, per year, with few exceptions. Gang bangers & cheating spouse .... oh well, have at it, there's a price to pay, your choice. A few snapshots, with source shown, if wanting to enlighten yourself: Now imagine 6 million more deer out there, with just 1% wanting to cross the road. Obviously you've never driven a night in the USA. With few exceptions, it seems deer kill more people every year, than killed in 'mass shootings' https://www.statista.com/statistics/811504/mass-shooting-victims-in-the-united-states-by-fatalities-and-injuries/
  3. hmm ... May have to watch the 'Yellow Submarine' again Damn Blue Meanies
  4. Or usage is up ~40% over last month; 24.6 to 34kWh a day Use 3kWh last night, from midnight till 0700hrs, just keeping the bedroom AC on low, as outside temp was 30°C @ 2230 hrs. Usually use half that. Prices the resort charges, should cover the bill. ACs are only on if people in the rooms. It is high season, so assuming they were busy. Lighting doesn't cost much, or shouldn't. Cost of business, suck it up, or raise rates like everyone else. Most hotels are 50% more now, that we've used in the past.
  5. You've always had a right to defend yourself and we'll just have to Agree to Disagree. DYG laws, just political BS Most of those states are Republican, Dems noted. Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,Florida, Georgia, R / D Idaho,Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, D Mississippi, Missouri,Montana, Nevada, D New Hampshire, D North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, D South Carolina,South Dakota, Tennessee,Texas, Utah West Virginia Wyoming. Rep/Dem info from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_U.S._states
  6. You've always been allowed to shoot an intruder, IF, you thought you or yours lives was threatened. Just now it's a headliner for MSM. Funny how not many 'true' self defense shootings make MSM.
  7. The law does ban detachable mags/clips. So you'd be limited to 5-7 ish rounds, as my previous owned rifles held. They use to sell a Marlin model 60 / 22LR, held 18 rounds, barrel fed, no mag necessary. Those rifles, you could pre-load speed loaders, so adding 5-7 more took seconds. Of course the manufacturer could also simple redesign the weapon. All kind of mute, since few people are killed with rifles vs hand guns.
  8. Guess it would depend on the country, how large & diverse, or not so. Coming from USA, I think TH is extremely small. If from the UK, I guess it would be large. With more than a few states larger then the UK, and a couple larger than TH. You can literally drive the whole length of the country in almost 1 day (28 hrs), and it's a long country. Doesn't even get you half way across the USA, and just E coast (Philly) to San Fran (W coast) Get your point though, and kind of wish I realized how easy, and possibly better pay for working overseas. After 45yr in USA, was getting a bit board of it, even though moving around a bit for work, and travelling for holidays. And still didn't see a lot of it or Canada, another large country.
  9. Reading comprehension .... ... or new specs ???? https://aseannow.com/topic/1292366-top-10-reasons-to-retire-in-thailand-in-2023/page/5/#comment-18029728
  10. Not sure I'd call it a 'worker shortage', more like a decent pay shortage. Will say the 'immigrants' seem to earn their pay a bit more than some locals. Wife now uses 2 from Myanmar to tinker around in the garden with her, when needed, @ ฿350 a day, each.
  11. Couple take aways, from link: 1. girl hit with a ricochet (not in the yard) as implied in title, but yea, still nuts. 2. why is this guy even out of jail, "known to police for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend with a sledgehammer in December" ... sounds like attempted murder to me. One of my pet peeves, that revolving prison door. 3. also charge with..."possession of a firearm by a felon" Didn't buy that from an FFL, or state the requires use of. As I suggested earlier, that IMHO, should be a life sentence w/NO parole. But hey, what do I know. Make the time, not worth the crime, and they might just stop committing them. Or at least, remove them from society. There is no reason for that person to be walking amongst us.
  12. Same here, can't remember last time I was in a bar. At least 10yrs. More for food than alcohol. One of those box bars, where alcohol is the main course, even longer. Even our monthly local forum meet ups in Udon Thani ended up in restaurants, after the first year or so, That's easily 15+ yrs ago. Can't even remember last time I opened a 3rd beer (490ml) at the house. And usually struggled finishing the second. That's embarrassing ???? Back to normal ... ... normal = like minded, good luck with that. 1. Happily married 2. Un-happily (cheating) married 3. Un-married Judging by the forum, not a whole lot in group #1
  13. TH truly may be an EV hub for SEA. From another thread, Changan going to produce here, but RHD for export. Hopefully they'll offer up a couple LHD models, as they have 2 smaller models, <3800mm L, (Nissan March size), and would be interesting if they could put something out at the ฿500k mark. Kind of hoping they revamp the MG3 as a BEV model. If even 300km range, to give people that stay local more options. Just the Neta & ticker cars now.
  14. Yea, saw that, pretty impressive, BUT, crops for food, not trees. Trees do not grow back near a rate that they are cut down elsewhere. Just an impossibility of math, years vs tonnage.
  15. Whoa ... 158 ... sucks being there. That's SE of us, and winds coming from the W. If our PM2.5 is 17µg/m³, then we can't be nowhere near that AQI # We keep air indoors at single digits Pollution now would be local or from Myanmar, as winds are coming from west.
  16. I'd be surprised if he makes it to trial ???? "After his arrest, Monahan was briefly taken to the Washington County Correctional Facility in Fort Edward (where Gillis's father is a correctional officer). Monahan was then taken 45 miles (72 km) away to Warren County, where he is being held at the Warren County Jail in Lake George."
  17. Yep, why they're a wee bit insignificant to me. Besides being irrelevant. People should stop using fossil fuel & drive EVs for the local air pollution. Screw the temp or trying to 'save the planet', as you simply can't, or are even trying to. Save my / our lungs ???? And stop cutting trees down, it's not a renewable source, unless you can grow 'em faster than you're cutting down, and you're not.
  18. Not sure about that, as my brothers (and family) & myself aren't very sedentary. Friends without a bit more funds, get O&A locally, statewide areas, or just stay in the Americas.
  19. Beats the hell out of Hua Hin @ 150+ and they do have meters there ????
  20. Yes, A Muang This week, sucks, between AQI 50-75 at the house. IQair stating higher, but haven't a clue where they source their info, as state on site, no meter/contributor of theirs here. Probably 'sat' info. PM2.5 not a whole better, hence the sucks part. 20 ish last time I checked this afternoon. windy.com is saying 17µg/m³ now. Indoors w/filters, no problem. It was nice 10ish days ago, and I actually thought smog season was over, till this week. Hopefully rain before the end of the month.
  21. You didn't pay attention in class: "The United States government is a federal republic with three separate branches of government. It has a bicameral legislature composed of the House of Representatives, a lower house determined by state population; and the Senate, an upper house based on equal representation for each state." When asked upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created, a Republic, or a Monarchy ... His answer was: "A republic, if you can keep it."
  22. They are the exact same firearm that kill most people. PEACE OUT
  23. Biden could issue an executive order, banning sales. That's good for 6 months, or till it reaches the SCOTUS. Giving them time to propose a change to the 2nd. Let's be realistic, the Brady Bill had a built in expiration date ... ... W T F ... if that doesn't tell they aren't serious, then nothing does. 30 years of talking ???? with that though .... PEACE OUT
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