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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree 100% and why we all should have solar & driving EVs. But ............... yea, there's that ????
  2. PP on the cusps of high/low season.
  3. Rib-Eye Salt, pepper, MSG hot skillet 1 min, then turn every minute till reach desired internal temp ~125F, rest for 5 mins. No real need to take out of frig early, as internal temp drops very little. Reverse sear after oven or sous vid works excellent also, if you have patience. No need to rest after searing.
  4. Apple Martini ... Stoli w/wee bit Apple Schnapps. Surprisingly tasty. Chickie friend was addicted to them, and turned me on to them. We used to get wacked ... fun nights. Those & Long Island Iced Teas were my demon alcohols when wanting to escape to world. LIITs were pretty much all liquor also, considering the small amount/ratio of lemon & coke that was added.
  5. I think they fired him for not showing up to work what he agreed upon when hired. Nobody is guaranteed off on Sunday or any holiday working for the post office. Some places are open 24/7. Try Chik Fit A ... they'll give you Sunday off
  6. Obviously I'm exaggerating, as at time of posting, didn't have a clue, and really didn't care, but pretty sure it's a very low %. Not a female, or live in FL, so yep ... ... I don't care Quick G-search, and correct, the % is almost not mentioning in the grand scheme of things. "Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/24/rape-and-incest-account-few-abortions-so-why-all-attention/1211175001/
  7. Use TH available materials vs wood/logs. https://www.kontio.com/en/models/glasshouse80-logcabin/
  8. Inexpensive & quality don't match when it comes to beef. Worse, price guarantees nothing, as I've had better local beef, over more expensive Aussie or NZ beef (actually some of the worst), that I've eaten. Though a lot depends on prep & cooking. So easy to ruin a good steak.
  9. As long as those in control are making huge profits from fossil fuels, nothing will change. It's a very very slow works in progress. Way to slow to ward off what GW/CC folks are predicting will happen if common sense isn't used soon. But then, the people yelling the loudest, aren't using solar at home or driving EVs either. Hypocrite come to mind ... som naa na
  10. Ditto ... as the one spirit I'll drink straight up. Tequila, Rum, Vodka all gets mixed with something. Only thing close to straight, would be a flavored Martini. Good luck finding. I think I saw it in Vientiane, Laos.
  11. Floridians may actually have o practice responsible sex. No more abortions of convenience. Should fit right in with Christian values ... or not. Good thing half the state is probably past child bearing age. Still get their freak on with no worries ... except maybe throwing their back out ???? 12 of the 19 million shouldn't have to worry:
  12. They already threw jabs at each other, knowing they'll be vying for the same nomination, if DeSantis decides to throw his hat in. Personally I think anyone will is crazy to run against Trump for the nomination. DeSantis would benefit greatly by waiting till 2028. I don't see Biden running or winning against Trump. If he can even stitch thoughts together for a couple sentences in debates. Both or either could krap out or have a health oops before next election.
  13. More rain & cooler temps works for me ... send some of that our way. Come on, OZ ain't that far away. Hmm, need a major change is winds.
  14. Not putting it in any context, simply agreeing with it, as surely, they know, can guess better than me. But they do seem to have the same faith in humans as I do ... 'unlikely' being the key take away. So I should worry (have enough grey hair already) or be concerned, if they don't think anything will change. I also won't mention, all these folks that are concerned, don't have solar or drive EVs .... oops, I did anyway. Oh well ... continue on without me, as I can't even seem to be allowed to agree with y'all. What context ? ... and I thought it was self explanatory. Y'all have nice day
  15. And then there is this little tidbit ... ,,, got to live the 'theoretically & unlikely' part. Along with this little tidbit, IF things happen to 'slow' the rise, get to save a whole 0.3°C, I'm leaning toward the above photo ... 'unlikely to happen'
  16. Just commenting on their now, very silly, cooling concern. Which confirms, to me anyway, yes, it's getting warmer, but they still don't know 'exactly' how, why when and now where it will all happen or what true effect it will have. Or are y'all missing the ever present, in every doom & gloom scenerio, the 'it could trigger' .... 'may happen' .... 'possible bla bla bla'. Not reading ... 'in year 2033, the gulf stream/NAC will cool and the UK will have bitter cold weather all year. Just the usual .. ''it could trigger' .... 'may happen' .... 'possible bla bla bla'." Pretty sure that's called an escape clause when it doesn't happen. Only one thing for certain ... Just that it won't be in my life time, and is all I care, or don't care about.
  17. I didn't think my 'knowledge' is any different than those scientist, since pinching the #s from them. Do they not predict a 'possible' temp rise of about a 1°-1.5°C over the next 100 or so years. I'm not stating anything different, just that I don't care. If that temp rise causes you great concern, then feel free to worry away at your leisure. It doesn't concern me. Same as those rising seas, as we won't be oceanfront for 9000 yrs, I think I calculated at the silly rate of rise, they're predicting.
  18. You still don't seem to understand, I just don't care about a 1°-1.5°C 'possible' rise in temp (which has leveled off last 6 yrs), but 'MAYBE' temp rise in the next 100 yrs, that I or my daughter won't even be around for. So either one of us will not be able to say ... "see, I told you". I'm not going to notice if it's 36°C instead of 35°C next year, 5 yrs or 10 yrs away. It's all the same .... feels like ... DAMN HOT.
  19. Better, more accurate, if you said; Bank 1 might offer this Bank 2 might offer that But neither can be sure of anything in the future. Pending the next new un-scientific study as silly as the last. All they can say is, the planet is getting warming, and any idiot can tell you that. It's a repetitive cycle. Maybe if I lived 1000 to 50,000 more years I'd be concerned, IF, they could even agree with each other. Just another headline to chuckle with, along with WW3, next pandemic, election, political investigation, Oil crisis, water crisis, air crisis, gender crisis, and all equal the same ... DISTRACTION Doom & Gloom is good ... for investors, I made a nice tidy sum w/Y2K & oil crisis.
  20. They sure are spending a lot of tax money on stuff any high school kid who pays attention in science class could tell you ... ... "Earth has experienced cold periods (informally referred to as “ice ages,” or "glacials") and warm periods (“interglacials”) on roughly 100,000-year cycles for at least the last 1 million years. The last of these ice age glaciations peaked* around 20,000 years ago"
  21. Make up your mind ... ... GW or GC (cooling) "Previous research suggests a slowdown in the North Atlantic current could cause Europe to become colder." Either way, I'm sure it's all Doom & Gloom, and they'll need to raise taxes to save us ... ???? Reads like their best 'guesses' are just that...'guesses'. That every changing science ... ????
  22. Yea, I don't fly drones, I'm just the operator ????
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