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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Less than 10 days to hatch ... ... give them 2 weeks, and they'll be flying away ????
  2. For our set up, we seem to have a 5ish hour peak time, I think. Really hard to say, as we don't export any more, and only a few days during initial install that we did. Which was also, krap weather, overcast & cloudy, as can see by the peaks & valleys in the graph. BUT ... from near 1030, near 8kWh before going behind a cloud to 1530 hr, maybe, the inverter seemed to peak out at 8+ish kWh production. 18 panels @ 540w = 9.72kWh, minus whatever loss %. 2 strings of 9 panels each, due S & W The only other day to get near those numbers, was actually last Monday, 3rd, both produced & consumed 44.8kWh, thanks to ACs & EV.
  3. So an expensive MRI would be 30-50k and with that ballpark number, they would have to do 20 or 30, to hit the 1 mill mark ... ????
  4. I'm a fan of 'no belt' also. As the SUSU model also is hub drive, as is my e-bike. Which made for a very easy DIY conversion. I really like the DECO MaxOne, (2000w) but it was the belt drive that turned my off of it. I think their only belt drive. Listed @ ฿65.9k, without govt incentive, so may be cheaper. I was looking at the Double Ace, like the range, but having a hard time justifying buying another, Unless I put a side cart on SUSU ???? Then I guess I'd have to ???? I keep looking at the Wuling tinker car. Wish it was better spec'd. I got to stop looking at this stuff. Toy R Us ???? At least they're inexpensive.
  5. He hasn't asked medical advise/help yet? It could be an easy fix: "One way to manage weight gain is by taking the thyroid hormone medicine your doctor prescribed. A daily dose of levothyroxine (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid) will restore healthy thyroid levels, and with it, your metabolism." - Ms Google/Healthline.com
  6. I was at a 'financial strategy' meeting for employees, the company sponsored, and thankfully the IAM rep was their with stats. That was my eye opener, though didn't need much, but to see it in real numbers ???? The union dispersed 18 months of retirement checks on average, after age 65. Only 11 in my job classification ???? Which coincidently, almost matches my life expectancy of 66.7 yrs (born 1954), and less than 2 years after the Social Security retirement age of 66. I moved here at 45 yrs old. Got my 23 yrs in already, and even made it past my 'life expectancy' ???? Since made it to 65, if OK health, some stats state I'm good for another 13+ yrs. I'll be thrilled with 10 more good years.
  7. Yes, I'm a bit more cautious, and don't do nearly the silly (stupid) physical activity stuff I used to, knowing I don't bounce as good as in the past. I went scuba diving with a broken clavicle, as in complete broken, a week after I broke it ???? Hey, live-aboard trip was paid for, and no refunds, that late in the game. Actually wasn't bad at all, surprisingly. Friends were like 'W T F' Sky Diving with 2 herniated disc & 5 degenerative disks ???? ... ... surely topping the list of "how stupid are you?" Even I questioned that one, but my buddy said 'I'd love it, and have to do' ... he was correct.
  8. DOJ didn't bother for 2 yrs ... ... nuff said As stated, (I'm not following), but if correct, misdemeanors at best, and DA is charging as felony. Unless there's a huge paper trail, with his name/signature on it, along with guessing a few of his star witnesses are convicted felons & admitted liars. Yea ... good luck. Only takes 1 person for a hung jury, besides long appeal's process. Nothing but political, and nothing but a DISTRACTION, which is basically everything now of days.
  9. If just wanting to get out of town for couple nights, since in Krung Thep, maybe Kanchanaburi, and would expect most of the water play to be along the river road up to the bridge. Stay south of that area, or far north of. Always enjoyed our budget stays at VN Guesthouse, with veranda munching, and a few local places within walking distance now. Or just chill there or another riverside place for couple days. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/VN+Guesthouse/@14.029827,99.522657,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM3T9nBndzC60YQb1od_WUYhRAuJxYz0rw48xwG!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM3T9nBndzC60YQb1od_WUYhRAuJxYz0rw48xwG%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i5120!8i3840!4m10!3m9!1s0x30e374ea9f03e1b9:0x35347d17aa39778!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d14.029827!4d99.522657!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1td10qdt
  10. 'Great' .... that's a bit of a stretch. On your advice, didn't watch trailer, but did read the summary, which make the last scene, non sensible, along with the beginning 'crash' statement. 'drivel' ... also a bit of a stretch. 5.6 is about right, OK time killer, but don't expect much more. Glad it was there, as I ran out of things to watch.
  11. Must have been WWI surplus, and I only weighed about 80kg/175lbs then.
  12. ICE vs EV In a word or 2, operating cost ... cost ... cost ... cost Popped down to Ban Krut yesterday, for the hell of it, and 136 kms R/T. Would I do that if using an ICE, probably not, as nothing down there worth the ฿350 worth of petrol it would have used, that we haven't seen already over the years, and would make our mid price munch, a bit expensive. In not caring about contributing to the overall pollution, that 'Save the Planet' ... Man Made Global Warming / Climate Change y'all complain about, then you should have just to put a few extra ฿฿฿ in the ol' pocket. Since we charge with excess solar at home .... FREE transport. Actually the best thing about our EV. It gets me out of the house, whether down to the bottom of the province, or up to the top of. Leaves plenty of reserve battery once back home. It's a long province, though sadly, not very wide.
  13. Y'all are Trump silly if you think there's a snowball's chance in hell for a conviction, let alone any jail time. At his age, he could be dead before the appeal process is done ???? New York grand jury only requires 12 of 16 jurors to agree there is a case to be made. Good luck finding 12 people to convict in criminal court. IF it makes it to trial. DISTRACTION
  14. You can still sky dive, just use a much better parachute that I used, as I hit like a sack of potatoes on dry, hard dirt. They got parachutes where you land standing up while taking as step or 2. Highly recommend it, it was really cool floating down. Once was enough though.
  15. 68, and 69 in Dec, so sort of knocking on 70s ???? Yea ... I'm bored. Think you're being optimistic with the 78-83 stat. I'll be happy with 75. Checked most things off my bucket list, activities. Destinations don't interest me that much, as can't think of any, worth the hassle of air travel. A bit traveled out, since working for airlines, which made traveling easy & cheap. Alaska (or elsewhere) & aurora borealis would be cool to see. Really can't think of anything else. Quite content just chillin' in TH, but not sitting at home, though comfy, need to see different scenery, weekly, monthly. Drove down to Ban Krut restaurant/coffee shop, 63 kms away, just for the hell of it yesterday. Logged 138 kms yesterday, my morning local 12 kms, and then BK munch & peek at the surf. Very nice green curry & roti ???? Unless we hit the PowerBall lottery, no plans on travel outside of TH. Barring that, just waiting on rainy season to kick in, so we can cruise around and check out the whole country again ????
  16. @Kenny202 Hell NO ... UT folks love to party during Songkran. Along with stretching it out as long as possible. At Nong Prajak Lake & Soi Samphan/Slum, along with few other spots. You'll have people throwing water as you're driving for 5 ish days. Around the whole area, even the outer villages. DAMN ANNOYING & DANGEROUS Surprisingly, Kata Beach, Phuket was the quietest (popular) spot I've ever stayed during Songkran. As most headed toward Patong Beach. And it was a 1 day thing, if that. A few farangs (yea, that's sad) outside resort throwing water on total strangers ???? Easily avoided anywhere in TH, as just don't go to the 'events'. At UT, it was hard to avoid, unless stocked up for the week.
  17. Paying close attention yesterday / last night / this AM. From 17`16 to 0647 (13.5 hrs) ... used 7.6kWh, AC on all night. Set at 26°C, more for dehumidifier & air purifier, but on 'cool' setting. Sun started rising, and actually set AC to 24°C & high fan, for short period, before checking use & production. Producing enough to cover consumption, and back to bedroom, and a bit chilly ???? Outside overnight temp was 25°C-/+ 2 frigs, AC (1), laptop & TV (65") till 2230 Woke up early, 0340, so laptop & TV on again. Along with making coffee (grinder & water kettle)
  18. And not going too fast or far, depending on weight. If 125 kg, and BF 75 kg, then max'd out. Rated distance is for 75 kg @ 35 kph
  19. Did apologies in advance, if a true health issue, though was thinking just 'weight wise', (thyroid or), but yes, could be many things. I have a bad back & hip, and can manage 5-7 kms walking, and only because my feet hurt, possible bone spur, or just 'old feet' ???? Bicycle ... well, no impact, no limit to distance. 50-100+ kms is no problem.
  20. Some do, but along with a weight limit https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/product-deco/electric-bicycles/family-3
  21. That would be an understatement, if he can't seem to walk very far and needs a mobility scooter at that age. And some assume 'his British ex-wife' didn't love him .... he didn't love himself, to let himself get that fat. Maybe she deserves better, good for her. Apologies for 'fat body shaming' if due to medical issue. TH is the perfect place for fat & ugly ... P4P, though may be expensive, depending how F&U one is.
  22. Be careful out there, shade, when strolling around, bring your own/umbrella, as knocks the temp down a few degrees off you. Stay hydrated, and limit you time outdoors. Don't be a CC, turn the AC on... Hot out there.... .... How hot .... DAMN HOT Actually not feeling like 51°C in the shade with breeze and almost comfy...almost. In the house, just back for out this afternoon, and now, 32°C temp outside, with 26.7°C in bedroom, AC was on while out. Non AC'd room, temp 27.4°C, and main difference, beside <1°C, the RH - 15% more, and AC's air purifier working.
  23. Actually, now, plenty of Charging Stations, except on weekend, as read they are starting to have Qs. Just need to plan & reserve. No argument for 2nd part, do wonder why people still buying ICEs. Same as Bandersnatch, also charge ours up with excess solar at home ????
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