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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. On 10 worst ... 'in my lifetime' Trump ranks #7 Pretty sad list & why: 1 Lyndon B. Johnson Nam war deaths 2 John F. Kennedy war deaths 3 Richard Nixon war deaths 4 George W. Bush invaded/occupied sovereign countries, deficits 5 Barack Obama continued occupation of, deficits 6 Bill Clinton Yugoslavia 7 Donald Trump continued occupation of 8 Ronald Reagan Iran contra. Iran/Irag war 9 Joe Biden career of war mongering, deficits 10 George H. W. Bush Iran contra, deficit, Iran/Iraq war 11 Jimmy Carter recession, inflation 12 Gerald Ford pardon
  2. Tested out camping in the EV (MG ZS) .... AND Thankfully, hotels are inexpensive here. Plan was to overnight at Hat Wanakorn National Park, a very local park, 32 kms away. Just a tester, to see if worth the hassle of bringing a mattress with us, when O&A in very rural N or NE, as planning soon, That was a fail, the park, Has NO DOGS policy. Signed, though strange, as I see dogs there on Gmap. So popped over by the Myanmar border, to camping/restaurant/coffee shop vendor. Also very local, 16 kms away, and got there just about sunset. Nice setting, but restaurant & coffee shop close. Expected, as we stopped @ 7-11 on the way, for all things unhealthy. Hey, it's a holiday, well, tomorrow anyway, as this was last night They gave us electric, as not sure if can use V2L while car is running. Settled in for some movie watching on the laptop, all fine & dandy. Few hours of that, ready to snooze. Well ... wife had surgery recently, and still on the mend, and getting in & out to P a couple times was uncomfortable. Roomy, ZS, it is not, 2 adults & dog, manageable, but, if you don't have to, why bother. Last P run, before snoozing .... "UP2U honey ... snooze here or in our bed at home?" 20 minutes later ... BLISS ???? ZS uses very few kWh while full on, w/AC on. 12 hrs wouldn't use much at all. It was actually quite pleasant after sunset, 28 ish & windy. Except for security & humidity, could snooze with windows open & no AC, as not buggy out at all last night.
  3. Ah .. drive vs rode. I simply operate them, as I do any machine ???? As stated above, most understand both used. Too lazy to G definition, and will leave that to the grammar PoPo.
  4. "I always "rode" them, much like a bicycle." ?????
  5. I didn't mention crime. I just can't restrict myself to not venturing out to all areas, where I live. Thought I was self explanatory, simply too much of what I avoid in the whole amphur. No daily headliners from the amphur I live in. Only thing making the new here (On Topic of course) is the weather Population (2015) ... not counting tourist • Total293,070 • Density 403.12/km2 (1,044.1/sq mi) Muang PKK Population (2000) • Total90,869 • Density 109.48/km2 (283.6/sq mi)
  6. Yea ... had to G it. People actually look and create things out of nothing.
  7. I prefer to leave the house every now & then. ???? Simply too many people there along with the type I prefer to avoid.
  8. I'll see your 44°, and raise you 7° That's the hottest I've notice here, last week-ish, and 1 hr S of HH.
  9. NO ... PKK and < 4 kms from the surf. You couldn't give my a house in Patts to live in. Don't think I could think of a worse place to live. I'm a thrifty shopper, as had quotes 3X that. Experienced RE investor, and know what the prices should be.
  10. And yet, our house was contracted for 1.1 mill (131 m²), with no problems dealing with the heat. 2 ACs, (13 & 24BTUs) handling 106 m², effortlessly.
  11. Didn't read the not so fine print, pass the 3rd paragraph. ???? As I simply don't care, as long as Biden runs & wins in 2024 .. ... I'm HAPPY ...
  12. So the reality of the poll is: "Most Americans think Trump should continue to run for President" OK ... got it ... DEMOCRACY ROCKS
  13. Majority of our glass windows & doors are facing due east, so get direct sunlight. Most for only 2ish hours, as after 0800-0830, shaded by extended roofing. Have interior curtains, blocks sunlight, but can feel some heat in between window & curtain. Not enough to be concerned about though.
  14. You want a website to tell us how much they make off it's members, for just being here and clicking on headliners. Does explain some of te silly thread titles. Or the fees and or commissions for direct sponsoring / advertising, That's not going to happen. Every click, every page opened with those annoying or any ads, usually generated income. Surely it all adds up to a nice tidy sum at the end of the year. Considering some of the silly prices some shops charge, they can afford what we may think are silly advert/sponsor fees ... or not.
  15. She's obviously not a 'true believer' as a definite no no, blocking one's air space above the head. Does pertain more to strangers though, and certainly not someone you are supposedly intimate me.
  16. Kudos to them, whether fake or real relationship. Self employment rocks. Some of these YTer make millions, others, more than enough vs being employed & underpaid for their abilities ... ????
  17. "don't want the landlady to think I'm a dope head" .... your secret is safe with us. N. Bkk ... hmm Try Gmaps ... or that nice map above ????
  18. If not for AN thread titles, would have never heard of him. So millions of people with no life at all ... that's sad.
  19. You have to ask ... what intelligent person would actually want the job. Anyone qualified certainly wouldn't want the pay cut, and harassments that comes with it. Along with the end of all privacy for yourself & family members.
  20. Not struggling, but sure are sucking up the electric. Handling the heat with no problem, and the 'manufacturer's rep, would say ours are 'undersized'. Even gets damn chilly at times, so I guess we sized them about right. Last month, we averaged 20+kWh a day. This month, we're averaging 30+kWh a day.
  21. If humans weren't on the planet, as in the past, before our existence, there was still GW & CC as the years progressed. So hard to blame humans, as the same has and will happen, when we weren't here and when we eventually won't be here. in the future.
  22. "many elderly Thais will be spending the holiday alone just as they do for the rest of the year" Finally 'Peace & Quiet' ... a blessing for many ????
  23. It's a civil suit, so she doesn't have to prove much. Let's see what proof, oh yea, she has two friends that may testify, 'she told them' of the incident. So it must of happened, as no reason ($$$$$$) to lie. Nobody does that in court. Hypothetical ... friend comes up to me, well after the statue of limitations for a criminal charge, and says, "hey, tell the judge, I told you someone (I hate or don't even know) did something to me" I'm suing, they're a billionaire, and I'll spit the how many millions I get with you .... hmm, let think about that possible million $$$ pay off. She tried it with another millionaire, and why I stated, 'surprised she didn't add Harvey to the list of people 'harming' her" Go high profile or don't go at all. $$$$$$$$$
  24. Like most of the foreigners in Thailand ????
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