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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Rather just spend it. 3 or 4 trips to the bank per year won't wear me out. I get to drive by, and peek in the window, if near empty, I'll pop in for a withdrawal. Required to bring in 65k a month, so I spend it. Can't take it with me when I krap it.
  2. TH can't seem to process/recycle the plastic it produces and discards. So one does have to wonder where the extra they import is going. Thankfully, they are supposed to stop importing in a few years.
  3. Salsa, Salmon & Eggs on bun: Eggs Trump No sauce, as don't wont to look like him Hot weather so lots of sandwiches. Simplistic, Spicy tortilla chips, slow cooked pork, spicy bologna, cheese, pickles & mustard. Inspired by, but not a Cuban, we'll call it a Cayman Salmon Nuggets
  4. No, anything over $10k USD has to be reported to USA, by the bank, then I have to file FBAR form with USA's IRS. All silly & redundant, as they know exactly where the funds are coming from.
  5. Yep, only 2 where we are, and they closed 1, sadly, the most convenient one, at the Lotus's mall, open later & weekends, when people can actually use. Also having 2 or 3 tellers. Now main branch, crowded, and still only uses 2 teller of the 4 or 5 windows. What a Joke
  6. Yea ... people seem to be adding quite a bit to fit 'their' spin. I lived in a 15 minute city ... until I was about 12 or 13 years old, then I realized there was a whole world an hour or 2 away on my bicycle. OMG ... discovered even more interesting things available to see & do when having a motorized vehicle. Damn if they didn't put wings on a bus, and you could fly and see other cultures and FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION IN ALL THINGS. Why would anyone want to restrict people's movement and ability to communicate with other cultures & LEARN. Just think if I never traveled, I'd think Philly PA USA was the center of the Universe .... or .... the USA was the greatest of everything, and everyone loved Americans from the United States. Mushrooms ... feed them Sh!t & keep 'em in the dark.
  7. Saw that, different news-blip. Didn't post, as unapproved source (honest, non MSM), so didn't bother searching for other repeat sourced news-blip. China leading the world / industry. Think others should start to pay attention, or not. Som naa na
  8. Went to Ban Krut today (60 kms & 1 hr away), for a coffee/pastry & dinner. I do that, lite munch, a few times a week. Dine out, at least a few times a month, somewhere between Hua Hin & Ban Krut, 170 kms stretch of surfside venues. Would that be allowed ... I think not. Wonder if there would be time limits to your time away. Passed on a swim, though surf was looking inviting. But would want to overnight and didn't plan on it. No surf that I'd swim in within 15-45 mins 'drive' that I'd swim in, let alone be 15 min walk or bike ride. Not even sure I could make it to the local surfside restaurants in 15 minutes, and they're < 5 kms away. Car yes, walk or bike it ... NO So the powers to be, would like me to: ... Eat ... Sleep ... Work (if employed) ... troll AN ... watch 'approved' media ... AND be thankful I'm allowed to do even that. Hell Yea ... Sign me up ????
  9. 15 minute city - wiki "The 15-minute city (FMC or 15mC)[1][2] is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk or bike ride from any point in the city." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15-minute_city
  10. More plastic islands are needed, as will shade the oceans from the sun. Happily it is a work in progress, and should be completed before the next 1°C rise in the planets temp. We're all saved .. YAY
  11. That electric version looks a wee bit different ???? I had the 900cc ICE version:
  12. Obviously you still trust govts & corporations that have done nothing but screw you over & over again. They yet to be honest or follow through with anything they've suggested. Already looked up 15 min cities ... designed to control people with no life at all.
  13. OR, I can simple do what has worked for decades, and is so easy to remember, I don't need to write anything down. No need to fix what isn't broken.
  14. Few options, now 56L convection over, 230C w/fans on and takes about 20+ mins. Helps if you have a pizza steel, but not necessary. In the past, start in cast iron pan (crisp up the bottom), transferred to 70L convection over, under the broiler/ top elements finish. That oven died. Have also used cast iron then transferred to air fryer to finish: I found our pizza pan, doesn't do a good job of crisping the bottom. New oven's baking tray does a good job. I simply invert it, for easy placement and just use parchment paper for easy transfer to/from table/tray/table. Biggest challenge was getting the bottom crisp before top burns. Hence the use of cast iron pan. Now the ElectroLux oven is much better than past POS that krapped out. 3 top & bottom elements, for even heating, w/fan, and gets plenty hot. Best to let the dough ferment overnight in frg, but rarely plan ahead or have the patience. Gluten builds up better overnight, and can get a thinner crust, that's still chewy, NY Style, more our preference. For tomato base, use this brand of canned now, and a quick immersion blend w/added spices (garlic, oregano, thyme, cayenne) and ready. Excellent brand, and no need for paste as thick enough without, even for a pasta sauce. Use self grated parmesan (not Cello brand), low moisture mozzarella, sometimes a wee bit of ARO (Makro brand) cheddar to add some sharpness. Topped with pepperoni or chorizo, and or veggies. I never use pre-grated cheeses.
  15. there never are when silly things are suggested & enacted .. ... until they are & modified ... for your safety of course.
  16. Filtered rain water ... or Local vendor, <5 ppm tested w/TDS pen 18+L @ ฿20
  17. How am I suppose to remember something like that. Except for one financial site, I have nothing at risk if hacked. Even the financial site has it's own security measures, and will reimburse me IF hacked.
  18. They've had decades to develop and build alternative, safe, renewable sources of energy .... and we all knw why they haven't. Everyone cries about MMGW/CC, but few do anything about it, just continue to cower & comply as they are told. Embarrassing actually ... ????
  19. I use old house address #s, or past dog names, so easy to remember. Just add #1 if symbol or # is required. Easy to remember.
  20. No .. I'm all cash. SS DD goes into BBL, then every few months, before it hits the $10k USD ceiling, I withdrawal it. Don't even have a ATM card from BBL. Wife pays for some things (TOT, PEA, PWA) on app, but once they start charging for that, I'm sure she'll stop.
  21. 1. Not a renewable source of energy. 2. Still no real solution, what to do with spent fuel rod. Aside from being massively expensive to build & maintain & dispose of. As proven in the past, humans can't be trusted when accidents happen. And they have, and will continue to kill people. Only thing you can say good about nuclear, is it's better than fossil fueled energy, which is estimated to kill 4-5-6-7-8+ million a year, every year. Hmm ... about the same number, maybe more than covid killed, but not a headliner. Go figure. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/feb/09/fossil-fuels-pollution-deaths-research
  22. Makro has bread flour and yeast, which we buy in quantity, 5+ one kg each as I bake a lot of bread. Keep yeast in freezer.
  23. Solar is great and one of the best investments I've made in a long time, and I've been on a roll lately, so that's saying a lot. I don't consider nuclear an eco friendly energy at all.
  24. Inevitable, as you don't really expect the banks to give you easy access to your money for free. ATMs cost you, so they can't have you doing the same thing with no charge. Wait till than ban cash all together, then he fees will really add up.
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