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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. "They told my wife that they checked the chemistry on the first of the month." ????????????????????
  2. It was just lowered to 1 million recently. Wife was told per bank, not account, at bank, though not sure how true that is. Yea ... she moved a bit around, and now at different banks ???? Apparently true: "Thai Baht Deposits are protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act up to a maximum of one million baht per one depositor per financial institution."
  3. Spec'd about the same as 2022. Not sure about any added tech. hmm...
  4. I don't think so ( a guess ) as I waited about a month before doing, as my extension was do then, and did both at same time. No issue (Hua Hin Imm).
  5. Pretty hard without a photo to go by.
  6. "Royal Thai Police uniforms vary widely according to rank, region, and kind of duty performed. " - wiki
  7. That doesn't sound right at all. As suggested, ring up your installer to check over things. When things are running consistent A$$ backwards, make a short vid of you inverter screen & meter running backwards. So he believes you know what your suggesting ????
  8. Go EV ... Neta V Stop paying for petrol ???? Not a huge difference in size though, just L :
  9. Could always make your own. Plenty of recipes on internet, without using rennet. Good Luck
  10. Harsh ... reality is 60-80% can't rustle up money in an emergency. You have people working till 65, 70 yrs old, not by choice, retire & krap out. A little, very little, financial planning would avoid that. Two simplest thing, no thinking needed: ... stop buying krap you don't need for show ... Invest all spare money, into paying off your mortgage, every thing extra you pay, gives you a ~50% return, on them silly 30 yr mortgages people love???? Best -0- risk investment you'll ever get. Before some asks - $100k mortgage w/$300 additional monthly payment, on a 30 yr / 3% mortgage. Not only do you save interest, build equity 15 yrs earlier.: This is not rocket science people, just common sense. Instead of paying $300 on the CC for krap you don't need, for show, put it towards your mortgage, or anything you have extra. ~ 50% return on whatever extra you pay. Play with the #s if you don't believe me. No charge for financial consultation ???? https://www.mortgagecalculator.org/calculators/what-if-i-pay-more-calculator.php#top Do you really need a new car every 3 yrs, and hope you paid cash for ... you didn't ... IDIOT Get rid of interest payments and you'll build equity and retire early, with spare coin in the pocket ... every month.
  11. Also Xiaomi & POCO (Xiaomi) fan. Oppo A91 ... 3 yr old tech, but seems ample enough. Certainly inexpensive enough. As long as you don't need any apps on current Android. Or it may even come with current upgrade.
  12. Someone's brilliant idea was to close the mall branch, which had 2 efficient cashiers, and quick service. Now only main branch in town, with only 2 cashiers, if lucky. Thankfully, full window in front, so can peek while driving by, and pick when to go in, for 10 minutes wait while 3 people are processed in front of me.
  13. They want to charge, for me, to use my money. I prefer not to pay people to use my money for their profit. ATM charge just to have ... charge & fees if used outside province Same with dep/withdrawal, if outside province. Don't know where y'all come from, but my previous & current USA financial institution was, is free. Used Credit Union for salary deposit & access to (free) and Brokerage firm for anything else. CC & debit card, free & no fees. I use Brokerage debit card here, no fee from my bank, and no Thai fee (220 baht). Banks should pay you, to use your money, or at least, not charge you. BkkBank gets my monthly DD, then every few months, I withdrawal it, to stay below the $10k USD ceiling, to avoid filing FBAR. I don't even have there debit card for the account.
  14. Hate all banks and never had an account at one until coming to Thailand ???? Have BkkBank now here, only because of USA Soc Sec DD. Thanachart wasn't bad in the past, though wife doesn't care for it now, since merger. Have had KrungThai, CIMB, UOB also in the past, and all about the same, terrible.
  15. Guessing this is the same US Capitol Police Chief that failed to provide adequate protection.
  16. That's just plain ugly, and needs constant opening/closing & cleaning. Same with horizonal indoor venetian blinds. Agree, sun sometimes not taken into consideration, though when thinking a bit, position of house, rooms and extended roofing provides more than enough shade control the heat. Use of different building materials, maybe a bit more expensive, but pay for themselves in a short period.
  17. Received 2nd notice, stating they didn't receive, and sent 3 back, 1 registered, 2 regular mail, 1 week apart. Apparently at least 1 got through.
  18. 2 am ... so we are to assume all those witnesses were drunk, hookers or customers of. Sorry, couldn't help myself
  19. News is news & verifiable. Op-ed are opinions, and much of is passed off as news, with 'informed source', 'anonymous source' or no source, unverifiable, and contrary to other real sources or simply common sense. Some people actually can tell the difference.
  20. You never had a single vehicle accident or hit a curb when not paying attention, as that's all it takes. That she happen to be next to a ditch is unfortunate, but surely wasn't driving that fast. Looks fine for being in an 'accident'.
  21. It's called plea bargaining ... ... how many will have a simple trespassing 'conviction' expunged after their probation period. Here's a clue: "Another 385 have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors."
  22. DUI was not confirmed, and what would be the difference if man or woman out at 2 AM ? Who cares the why ? I've been out at 2 am, especially if at the beach, and behaving myself. Not everyone out at 2 am is a drunk, hooker or customer of.
  23. Look at your last bill / meter reading. You do NOT want to go into the negative. So need to pay attention to what you are exporting. Are the components of your system approved components by PEA standards, on their list. Did you/wife apply for grid feed in compensation or your installer, if using. If applied, and not approved to export for compensation, I would expect a digital meter will be installed in the near future. Stay on the positive side of your meter reading, till PEA makes a decision on you application for feed in compensation. Take note when you meter was read last, and don't export couple days before or after that date. You don't want them to see the meter running in reverse.
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