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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Been a sex addict ever since my first BJ ... may I never be cured ???? If I was single, I'd go to 'rehab / SA' meeting, just to hook up with other sex addicts.
  2. Curious again, so taking my numbers from previous post, and nutrition info for what someone considers 1 serving of bread flour (137gr), which I now realize is huge vs 'my' serving of homemade, shown. https://aseannow.com/topic/1284393-white-bread-unhealthy-to-eat/page/2/#comment-17861895 To get to the 137gr as a serving size, minus the 41% water in my recipe, I need to eat 233gr of bread. So what does 233gr of 'farmhouse' bread look like. Don't even think I eat that much bread in 1 day, let alone 1 serving. Also wheat bread, so may even be heavier than white. Just consider a large loaf of farmhouse bread is 500gr, I think. So someone's idea of 1 serving size is shy of a half a loaf ???? Never let the facts get in the way of a good spin .... comes to mind.
  3. CCTV can be extremely inexpensive. Most of the vids you see, seem to be just that, as very low quality. I have CCTV cams that cost <500 that's a lot better quality of some things I've seen. Can get HD, 2k or 4k for about <1000 baht now. I do question those folks with a 20k baht phone that don't have running drinking water or flush toilet ????
  4. Hard to say the 'hunger' is alarming, when over indulgence is usually the effect of a few of those. And are those same folks, giving up the fags & pints ? "The leading public health expert Sir Michael Marmot called the rise in hunger “alarming”, and told the Guardian it would have damaging health consequences for society’s worst off, including increased occurrences of stress, mental illness, obesity, diabetes and heart disease." Maybe eating a little too much.
  5. Reckon there are plenty, NOT allowed back in TH. Even better. Unless the rest of the world's tourist spots have gone to <deleted>, or run out of places, highly unlikely. I still don't know what the draw is for Thailand. Especially repeat, yearly visits. If people think TH is that special, I'd hate to live where they come from.
  6. Great news ... hope it goes viral internationally ???? Sadly, no vid for use to laugh at. Hey ... one can dream.
  7. That's why GOD gave us feet, and ability to make transport machines. So once done destroying one ares, we can move to the next, while polluting air & water on the way ... ???? And people worry about ice melting ... ???? As long as it's not in my beer ... ????
  8. What foods in excess don't contribute to the above ? Again, emphasis on 'excess' or moderation, and what gets put on, in or wrapped with that bread product. Rye and or whole wheat breads, have very little of both in them. Still made with a majority of regular bread flour. Just a tad healthier, depending on how much you eat.
  9. Never thought I'd see 68, and a few more years, and my brother & myself, with be the oldest ever in our family tree. Coming from Philly, PA, USA, we ate / eat a lot of bread; sandwiches & pizza. I still do, especially in hot weather. Healthier, homemade, but still enjoy, and a large part of my total food intake. Acts as a conveyance for just about anything at times, or simply by itself.
  10. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/no-charges-against-thaksin-or-yingluck-over-controversial-g-to-g-rice-deals/
  11. From the 'Accor' hotel booking site: More information Make the most of your holiday with 15% off your stay. Thai residents registered in the Rao Tiew Duay Gun (We Travel Together) benefit from an additional 40% saving. To benefit from the We Travel Together program, registered residents should; 1. Select and book the ‘We Travel Together’ rate at a participating hotel. 2. Provide Thai ID number in ‘Comments’ field in your booking. 3. Your hotel will register the booking in the program. 4. 40% subsidy will be deducted from the rate. 5. You pay via G-Wallet in Pao Tung application. Expat 'pink ID' ... hmm Wonder what happens when you show up with your wife, GF, is it voided ??? Anyone use yet, the other 4 phases of the program.
  12. "You've been in Thailand, in a town or area for a while ..." Next town, you might want to consider not staying long enough for them to get to know you ... ????
  13. Wishful thinking, but in today's scaled back everything airline wise for profits, that ain't going happen. Depending on and if a mobility problem, you may want to inform them if not an obvious issue. As stated, sitting in exit row or aisle/middle seat would affect others in an emergency. Or you many not won't to inform them, so you're not considered 'expendable, for the sake of the other inconsiderate passengers. UP2U
  14. Yes, it's all relative. Think 1 ice cube floating in the largest pool you've ever seen, and that's not even close. Scenes from 'WaterWorld' ain't happening. People always seem to point out some imaginary negative aspect of everything. How about the positive, of more fresh water added to the ecosystem. What goes up, must come down, and if on land, adds to the drinking water table, which in some place, is desperately needed. More drinking water would definitely be a plus. Besides, in the not so near future, countries will be sticking their desalination drinking straws into the seas, as we run out of clean drinking water, and possibly counter any rising of the seas. If not start to 'drain' them ???? If seas rising at the rate they say, it would take centuries to have any real impact anywhere. Besides, we'll exterminate mankind, oops, personkind by then, with some other means of self destruction.
  15. all men ... that is so offensive & non inclusive Depends what you identify as. If like me, and identify as a Black Asian Female, then that might put many of ladies off Thailand. Lucky for the wife, I'm also a lesbian ... ????
  16. Agree, accept for that last part. Some only enjoyable from a distance, and some, I wouldn't dare swim in. But most lovely to look at. Deal breaker, swimming wise ... if I won't put my ears in the water. Sadly, I rarely swim in the surf in TH. Other countries, I went to the surf, specifically to swim in, and did. How they are now, 25 yrs later is an unknown.
  17. New is nothing but marketing, 99% ... IMHO Directly at you, or using you money via tax ... to keep you safe. Think defense contractors. The sell the need, and you pay for it. Aside from product placement & infomercials.
  18. A few from the veranda today, and just the usual suspects hanging about.
  19. Maybe in 500 yrs, our house will be beachfront. My morning surfside scooter ride got cancelled today. Damn you Climate Change / Global Warming. Didn't someone say the ice caps are supposed to be melted already. Got a damn Nobel prize for it. Still waiting.
  20. My bread has 500gr of Bread Flour & 350gr water = 850gr 10gr salt, 10gr yeast. Will ignore those 2. Made a sandwich earlier, slicing a 67gr slice of bread (my 1 serving size) from my loaf, cut that in half, for 2 slices, as 2x longer than wider. (curious, so I weighed it) Half fit a standard slice of Am Cheese, almost perfect. 2 Slices of that cheese & some ham (bacon smoked ham) for quick snack or late lunch. Since my first meal, is around 11-12 noon. 59% of those 67gr was bread flour, shy of 40gr, and from nutritional chart below, means I consumed <30% of the nutrition, good or bad, from that chart. Not exactly the most unhealthy part of that sandwich. My body also needs the fat & cholesterol in the cheese, or it will make it's one, and not always good. Along with the protein & nitrates in the ham, which the body will also make it's own nitrates, actually way more than we ingest anyway. Balance that with my heart friendly breakfast bowl of corn flakes, oats, raisins, almond slivers & blueberries w/milk. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-foods-that-lower-cholesterol-levels#TOC_TITLE_HDR_12 Dinner ... undecided.
  21. 'size of greater London' ... ... so a small one then @ 1550 km². Since one was as large as Jamaica Iceberg B-15 @ 11,000 km²
  22. Agree, moderation. The body needs glucose & sugars, carbs for energy. Along with fats & proteins. Eliminate or over indulge any, can cause issues. Again ... moderation. These same folks that are anti carbs, sugar, don't seem to have a problem with alcohol beverages. That sugar & alcohol is so much better for the body.
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