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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Saw her once, an amazing talent. But, like so many celebrities, please just do what you do best, and keep your opinions to yourself.
  2. Can't answer for others, farming especially, as I suck at it. The wife enjoys it, for herself, (no sales), and something about creating, is definitely fun. That and cooking and sewing, along with crafts. Want lettuce, herbs, figs, just go in the yard and get them. Fresh, no chems, and almost free. Myself, drones, and I found I enjoy building them, more than operating them. Just something about creating, making something that actually works. First one was a sense of accomplishment, others, I think, I was just addicted. Let's go bigger, maybe smaller. Then I'd modify them a few times, with add on, whether cameras, or flotation to land in water ???? Farming, if more than subsistence, that's got to be a great feeling, fun, and simply the independence it brings you. Self employment is a huge moral booster, and realizing, you really don't need anyone for your existence. That's a great feeling ... and fun. Always brought a smile to my face when I finished a job. "Damn, I just made how much, instead of working 40 hrs, or a whole month for someone else" ... hard to explain how much fun that feels like, to someone who hasn't. On topic ... you know you're a Yank, when you enjoy taking advantage of the 'Land of Opportunity' and stop being a 'working class hero' for others. I think someone posted they, Yanks, some walk around confident, and that may be why.
  3. I'm open minded, will listen and debate any subject, and even learn somethings along the way, at times. But this thread, all it did, was add another full page to my ignore list ????
  4. I didn't see the OP. Didn't know there was a timeline for the conversation, since the Americas have been visited for about, over 1000 yrs maybe, and USA, a country for 239 ish yrs. Did someone mention 'melting pot' .... oh no, they did not. So I guess we should only mention gen X Y & Z, maybe baby boomers aren't current enough. And only Americans in TH. Oh krap, I'm old 1954 stock, out of here. Haven't seen any with 10 gallon hats ... or slaves, so you better let the others know they are off topic.
  5. We got rid of that old master 239 ish yrs ago.
  6. 45 ... I was a late bloomer. Rolled my RE over to the market. Know the scam, play the scam ... or lose. Wish I taught myself the market when I was 20 ish yrs old, could of retired at 30. Started 1998, retired 2001 ... Y2K BS to start, them oil after Bush 2 was elected ???? really was too easy.
  7. Actually, tipping originated from Europe: https://www.7shifts.com/blog/history-of-tipping-restaurants/#:~:text=Wealthy Americans discovered it for,a way to feel aristocratic.
  8. Even though I don't read bkk6060's post, the one quoted, I'm going to have agree 100%. Yanks, and the rest of the Americans, just don't seem to care about UK & EU, and few will even bother leaving the Americas for a holiday there. Too far, too expensive. Brits do seem to be obsessed along with much of the EU folks. Pretty easy to tell simply by this forum, UK & EU folks dominated, a few Aussies, as I'm waiting for all the threads about Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Then maybe a thread about them chilly Scandinavians up north, can't forget them. USA USA USA, America, Trump, Biden ... thread after thread, if not about Thailand and the Thai who get spoken so highly of ????
  9. Ditto, as lived almost half my adult life in TH, and this is more like home. Went to USA in 2003, couple months while mother passed on to the next multiverse, and then in 2006, for a long weekend. Both times, I couldn't wait to 'get back home'. Moved out of parents house at age 20-45, so 25 yrs of knocking around the states, been here for 23 yrs, knocking around TH. Wouldn't go back to any place that I lived there. Quite happy where I've been here, for past 5 yrs, especially with the new house, build to our specs, and damn comfy. I think it would be very hard for me to find something similar elsewhere, and have no desire to attempt to find at my age. Took a few years exploring, to just find and settle here.
  10. Yes, complete contrast to my experience there. As I said, timing is everything,
  11. Wasn't trash, it was 'fecal' matter, and not microscopic. I think their treatment plant, if having, overflowed, as it was rainy season I think, though not rain that week. You could literally see it in the water, along with a lot of algae growth on the stand. So I don't think it was a 1 day or week thing. It was pretty gross. And there was no algae bloom in the area.
  12. OK, you made me actually look at the vid. Holy Buddha, he's at Ko Chang, location of the 'most' disgusting beach I've ever been at. ... nuff said TH does have some 'world class' ? beaches, but chang, samui, tao, are not them, which at that point, I stopped watching. Timing is everything, and hope my visit there was a 1 off, but I'd never return to find out.
  13. More labels ... great. Will it never end ????????????
  14. Locals don't sound/look so silly when you consider the pollution, and if living there, good idea to be masked up. One reason I couldn't live there, as hate wearing.
  15. All a bit of a plus for us. Like the look of the 'bay' and outcropping/stones. Add some contrast vs long stretches of nothing but sand, which is kind of boring at times.
  16. As stated, 160 sounds about right. Or you can take the baht bus, and plan on a short stroll from the road into. Remember when 'metered' taxis first arrived in UT. Expats thought it was the saving grace at night to counter the rip off tuk tuk drivers. Well that lasted for a short time. Then the meters were never used, which isn't too much of a surprise, as any ride within the ring road was only a few minutes, if hitting traffic. The smart thing to do, would have been a flat fare of 50 baht within ring rd, but no, they went full on silly, 100-200 for short distances. Nobody really used them, and they all parked at the bus station .... all day ???? UT has a very good baht bus system, though a bit lacking when school is out, since they will hang out there & fill up. Aside from that, it's the way to get around during the day. Actually, most things are within walking distance from say, Central Plaza or Nong Prajak Park. Baht buses are good for longer distances out to some of the village areas, and quite the bargain.
  17. Your location ? Depends how big they are. Liquid nitrogen was my choice at the doc. That was Udon Thani, 300 per visit, all in, with a few getting zapped / frozen. Another was too big, and I passed on the 'digging out' suggested, that he really didn't think necessary either, as on my wrist. If small, go treat yourself to some Swensen's Ice Cream, "take away" whether quarts or box of sandwiches, and they'll probably pack them in dry ice. Since I don't live in UT any more, and nobody local uses nitro, I simply apply that to any 'growths' and works fine. Just hold against skin until a bit uncomfortable, and does the trick. If holding too long, you'll know it, it burns. If you don't know, the nitro, (liquid or solid) freezes it, then it sort of liquefies, and disappears as a blister would. Like the 'pen' idea from LAZ, may have to research that.
  18. Wouldn't the WBC decrease in the short term, fighting the infections. Though would be a good immune system booster in the long run.
  19. The Embrace... I'm not feeling it. Art .. in eyes of beholder, come to mind ???? An interesting read: https://time.com/5930571/martin-luther-king-jr-fbi/ He wouldn't have made it in today's world. The womanizing and plagiarism for his Ph'd would have ended him. https://news.sky.com/story/mlk-fbi-they-thought-his-illicit-affairs-would-destroy-him-but-the-press-wouldnt-touch-it-12181421
  20. Not really a fan of Bang Saphan beaches, except for Ban Krut. Photos of area look nice with a couple coffee shops. Maybe take a peek today or tomorrow. Only 1.5 hrs away.
  21. If it's not flat, then it's going to be stirred up. Way more than I'd want, as I prefer to see what's in the water around me. Not that I would actually go in the surf along Hua Hin district. 1 main 'city' beach, then N of, a stretch of, N side of military base, but really accessed thru resorts, I think. South of, on other side of big Buddha/headland, there's 2 named beaches, that some say are nicer. Less people, but I wouldn't swim in that either. Didn't think they were anything different or better.
  22. Ronald Reagan was an activist and into politics way back in the 1940's. Twenty years prior, being very vocal before running for Governor of one of the largest states. 8 years as Governor, so wasn't exactly a political slouch. FYI ... barely got a majority of the 'popular' vote, at 51%, though a landslide in the EC count. Then again, anyone could have beaten Carter, thanks to his failed economy.
  23. Yep, figured WM was easy enough to understand, since replying to. But yes, past, recent replies of mine: PA ... Pennsylvania TN .. Tennessee MS ... Mississippi NWA .. NorthWest Airlines DL ... Delta Airlines DTW ... Detroit airport (Detroit Metropolitan Airport located in Wayne County) I didn't use Beckley or AeorMech codes, as few would understand that, unless worked in the industry, and still maybe not. Thought the rest were too easy, and too common. I certainly wouldn't use MDT for Harrisburg, PA airport, as few would know it's located in Middletown. Or SDF, for Louisville airport. Not that they would come up in conversation, or unless talking with someone in the industry.
  24. Where do you read this krap at...????
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