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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Got to love a system that works ... ???? Wife just tried to pay PEA bill with a bank transfer ... ... NO can do, or shall I correctly say NO NEED to do ???? Per PEA policy, only use a few units a month and it's FREE ???? Our 3rd month (28-39-18 units) ... "All electricity users type 1.1.1 who use no more than 50 units of electricity per month. Still entitled to free electricity bill up to the electricity bill for December 2015 and from the electricity bill for January 2016 onwards, electricity users type 1.1.1 who are entitled to free electricity Must not be a juristic person and use no more than 50 units of electricity per month. consecutively for a period of not less than 3 months up to the current month " I could actually top up the car every month, on the grid, and it would be free. Our local energy comes from natural gas & solar, I think, as gas is just a few kms from house, maybe 2kms, and 2 solar farms not really far away, but doubt if serving our area. Now our largest 'non food' bill is water. Averaging about 4-500 a month ???? For all that free food ???? Save rain water for drinking
  2. Agree, but easy to do & doing, is 2 different things. Desalination is quite easy to do, and anyone can DIY at home. I was surprised how easy the process is ... BUT ... in TH, with ambient temp, a poor yield, unless of course, you have solar, and could run the copper piping through/in a frig for maximum condensation & yield ???? Same as putting solar on every rooftop, easy to do ... and yet ... ???? Big Oil/fossil fuel folks would never allow it to happen.
  3. Agree. In Udon Thani, we had 2 rai, and wife use to try to keep it watered. NaDi the district lived in, only ran the 2 well pump, 1 all day, a trickle, then another when in the evening, when folks needed. The supply to the house simply wasn't enough. Even if on all night/24 hrs, the tank (2k L) would sometimes fill, but rare. We asked about leaving both pumps on longer ... NO ... you use too much. BUT ... if you want to buy, we'll send a truck over to fill your tanks ????
  4. Agree, and probably the #1 cause of just about every issue. Was going to say 'threat to planet', but the planet has no worries. Man's existence on it, is threatened, and if not controlling the numbers of, will run out of the resources that support all. Don't think it will truly set in, until they start rationing out drinking water. Then just maybe, people will do something. Not in my lifetime, hopefully, but will definitely happen this century. They already ration out water for non essential use in many of the populated areas.
  5. Agree, I generate 99% of all my energy needs. Only use cooking gas, and usually only during nighttime. Others talk about change or listen and agree with others talking about change. I prefer to do, not talk about or wait for govt or some organization to do for me or lead the way. Apparently they're not, and if anything, they are doing the opposite. Preventing or making it cost preventive for others to DIY it. No reason why most rooftops alone, and not cover in solar panels. People believe, complain and talk about MMGW/CG ... but what are they doing about it ? ..... talking, problem solved.
  6. Same as last year, non-existent. If it wasn't for the music and in the news or on the forum I wouldn't know it was Christmas. Since they stopped selling Butterballs here, it's not even a festive occasion. Although a good reminder for me to make a batch of eggnog. Just another day, as are all Christian holidays. Stopped celebrating Christmas when the daughter asked me if Santa Claus was real. She screwed herself out of future gifts. No God ... No Santa Claus, just me, I am both in your world ????
  7. 20kW is easy, we like our AC. I doubt if the car will be using more than 5kW a day, as that's about 35kms a day, which we don't drive now. Though I will be out exploring more, since it's basically free. Spending ฿300-700 a day on petrol just to drive around, check out a new coffee shop or restaurant, just doesn't cut it. Some days you see more consumption than production, simply means first 7 hrs of the day, running off the battery. Using about 8-9kw overnight now, 1700-0700 hrs. Before 2nd ESS, tried to keep it at 6kW. Most of that get logged before midnight, with AC/TV on. After midnight, usually minimal use, frigs & fan. Probably a 5-6/2-3kW split in usage, before/after midnight. Then production, you got that big blue wave from 8 am to noonish, as any extra produced goes to recharging the battery. Unless the sun is actually out, rare the past 3 months. If topped up before 10am, it's a sunny day. Or it's raining most of the day, and didn't top up till 1600 hrs
  8. Nah, you got it right, as inverter only brings/allows in just a wee bit over what is consumed. Since we don't feed back to the grid, nothing else comes in that's not needed. You see in August, the 8 days of production much higher than consumption, they were the days we were exporting to grid. And the only days that we did. The 26th, was shy of 24kw consumed
  9. Are you looking someplace other than Soi 6 ? Try actually talking to the next gal that smiles at you, when you're not on soi 6 or walking street / bar districts. On Topic: if going by yourself, guessing after a couple days, you'll be bored, really bored, get me out of here board.
  10. Possibly my last ฿100+ bill from PEA: 18 units = ฿103.73 28/39 units for Sept/Aug. Solar installed 4 August Meter readings 26-27-28th, digital meter since 19 August August - test test test, conservative to 8 days feed in to grid September, more normalized use October 3rd, second 10kW ESS added for ttl: 20kW of ESS Pick up MG ZS EV tomorrow, nothing life changing expected ???? Just few 1000 extra baht in the pocket every month.
  11. If not a road trip, fly. I wouldn't enjoy that trip on public (non air) transport.
  12. Yes I know ... ... simply proves your ignorance shines Do you want to visit for your 13th birthday ?
  13. Can't say there hasn't be an oops now & then. ... 3 divorces, though could sit & have coffee with all, and #3 is one of very few FB friends I have, so that says a lot. ... 2 dogs passed away, 1 suddenly, and as traumatic as that was, and it was, reality, it's a dog. ... spared any sudden deaths of loved ones, family or friends. That's something I can't image, if 1 dog shook me that much. The 'blessed' part, along with my own fairly good health. ... financially, apparently always enough, and roof over head w/food. Though others would be depressed. Poor childhood, so ups & downs along the way as an adult was easy. Also appreciative of having enough + Can't imagine not knowing how to pay monthly bills, what to get this, and not to get, if not having enough for what's needed. Though have been poor, and held over by credit, but easy recovery. ... not rich, but not poor, and quite comfy, need/want for nothing Realize so many are not so blessed, and some, many, with no control of that. USA birthright, a major plus. Land of Opportunity, with all it's warts, and why million every year are trying to get in. Be Happy ... Be Safe Enjoy & appreciate
  14. Khao Yai never did much for me, vs Surat Thani landscape or CM/CR. Enjoyed sitting by river watching life go by, though funnily noisy at times. ... Go a bit further for some uniqueness, Mon Bridge ... Have Prasat Muang Sing Historical Park, for history buffs. ... Not a fan of 'war' memorials, as prefer to forget earlier generation of stupidity. Plus being a Yank, not much meaning for us. Visited, but thought quite boring. Brits & Aussies, & SEA locals, might conx to it. ... couple Nat Parks, if your thing, though surrounding countryside just as nice, free and not touristy. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tW72yYwK4wguKdSU9 https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Prasat+Muang+Sing+Historical+Park/@14.0388411,99.2435012,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPdRdWbiqXJLV_l9ziqdC5zW8p8X2KHc7PPdBUF!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPdRdWbiqXJLV_l9ziqdC5zW8p8X2KHc7PPdBUF%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m22!1m16!4m15!1m6!1m2!1s0x30e37ef2b5ec38e9:0x4d9940c6bd2199f0!2sPrasat+Muang+Sing+Historical+Park+Site+of+historic+Khmer…!2m2!1d99.2435012!2d14.0388411!1m6!1m2!1s0x30e37ef2b5ec38e9:0x4d9940c6bd2199f0!2zMjZRVitHQ0ogUHJhc2F0IE11YW5nIFNpbmcgSGlzdG9yaWNhbCBQYXJrLCDguK3guLjguJfguKLguLLguJnguJvguKPguLDguKfguLHguJXguLTguKjguLLguKrguJXguKPguYzguJvguKPguLLguKrguLLguJfguYDguKHguLfguK3guIfguKrguLTguIfguKvguYwgU2luZywgU2FpIFlvayBEaXN0cmljdCwgS2FuY2hhbmFidXJpIDcxMTUw!2m2!1d99.2435012!2d14.0388411!3e0!3m4!1s0x30e37ef2b5ec38e9:0x4d9940c6bd2199f0!8m2!3d14.0388411!4d99.2435012 https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Thamkra+Sae/@14.105157,99.166471,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOQpZQVHVSVradOsq0DXZ3QbTfQF-ej8oQAnTRk!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOQpZQVHVSVradOsq0DXZ3QbTfQF-ej8oQAnTRk%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i6944!8i9248!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e4807490132f41:0xcbc4c6e60cbcd76b!8m2!3d14.1060416!4d99.1657015 https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Mon+Bridge/@15.1434006,98.4498595,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPqS1SLNchS0jI6RkKV3HnOjT4X8kkB0nWN1zyF!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPqS1SLNchS0jI6RkKV3HnOjT4X8kkB0nWN1zyF%3Dw114-h86-k-no!7i4000!8i3000!4m5!3m4!1s0x30e6622fdddb8c2d:0xa71cf300c5bc9c55!8m2!3d15.1434006!4d98.4498595
  15. I always rented from my accommodations, as found that the best, safest option. Never a problem, such as I have read of being scammed.
  16. Way up in every way: ... love life & family ... deeper appreciation of life, all aspects of ... better, cleaner, healthier living environment ... financially, net worth, inheritance fund to loved ones ... almost complete self subsistent from gov't & utilities ... even helping to save the planet, though it doesn't need it ... simply amazed things could get any better, than when I arrived/retired Been blessed, pretty much my whole adult life, and now things are better than ever. What's not to love ???? Arrived TH Sept 2000 @ 45 yrs old Retired March 2001 @ 46 Before end of year, I'll be 68
  17. And yet, I saw them by the side of the road. If eating, raising, selling, you'll need to buy anyway, unless you hunt & forage for your meals/farming????
  18. Too simple, as just did it last month. Allow 3 weeks for total time, though will probably be less: https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/adult-passport-renew/
  19. OK, though after ROI is realized, for me, probably 5 yrs w/EV, using the solar along with the house. Components will last 20+ yrs, hopefully. Aside from all the FREE energy for 15+ yrs, let's go with your version. Fill up with petrol, about ฿1500+ baht with E85, not more expensive 91, so add 10% Fill up with electric (<฿5 X 50kW) <฿250 baht That's without a TOU meter, which would cut that cost in half. EV doesn't need oil change every 10k kms (฿2000) Filters changed (฿1000) Tune-up ? Belt changes, inc. timing belt ? You really can't compare the operating cost of an ICE vs EV My #s are for MG ZS ICE vs EV, since I own. Buy in with the MG EP, same specs, but ฿180k cheaper, and about the same price as the top end of a couple most popular cars bought in TH. So buy in, is about the same, even more savings over life of car. EV drivetrain should last longer with very little maintenance. IF you are impatient, and on the road 300+ kms everyday ... Or can't charge at home, then maybe the EV isn't for you. Only 2 things I can't thing of to deter owning an EV. Even if on the road, or have to top up on the road, at ฿7.5 / kW X 50kW is only ฿375 vs ฿1500+ Your money, do as you please, but I prefer to spend it on me & mine, instead of giving it to Big Oil. And the AQI is probably just a wee bit healthier. UP2U
  20. Our EV will be charged by solar, from home. Free, yes, as have the solar system, and it will just be excess that isn't needed for the house. When at home, won't really be driving more than 20 ish kms a day, if that, unless a local O&A (<300 kms r/t). Then still it will be charged at home from solar. Around town, the car's 50kW battery good for 350 ish kms, if just 1/10 or 35 kms, that 1/10 of 50kW is use, then all of 5kW. Pretty sure there is a spare 5kw on the system daily. On a partly cloudy day, it produced 50kW, and we only need 30kw if 'everything' is on, both AC's all day & cooking. With 20 excess available to be fed back to grid if wanting. OK not now. Or use 5kw of excess for the car. Hmm ... let me think about that ... It not rocket science... just basic math, don't hurt yourself blue/production, red/consumption https://aseannow.com/topic/1268214-solar-8kw-hybrid-inverter-w10kwh-essbattery-not-diy/page/2/#comment-17624478
  21. Now, probably rent / hire car & drive yourself. Ms Google is showing long way around to get there. Apparently down to 'one way' lane on the return via 'landslide hill'
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