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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Don't need a solicitor/lawyer. Cost <100 baht at the land office. Simply ask for it. It's a fill in the blanks form printed off, all you do is sign. They'll ask for simple 'use' or 'use & modify' (structures), then ask time length of. Years or for life. Udon Thani might have changed life to max of 30 yrs, more than enough for most. Think long and hard about settling in NE, or anywhere, Hua Hin & above, as the air pollution can get horrendous 6 months of the year. Seems to have already started. Some areas knocking on and or passing 100 AQI. I lived in Udon Thani area for 16 yrs, couldn't wait to leave. We're below Hua Hin now. Aside from air quality, you are far from everything. Takes a year or so, and you've seen everything there is to see in Isan. Can be boring as all <deleted>. I was out & about every moment I could be. Not cheap now with the cost of petrol, or the premium of EV buy in. Rent for couple years is best advice all will give you. Assuming ... if living with GF/wife's village, that gets even older faster. I knew how to say 'NO', as most don't, and can be a huge drain on your finances. Saying NO did make the 1st marriage short, and a blessing in itself.
  2. You can control the sale with an usufruct. Can not be sold as long as that is in place, without your permission. Your signature is needed to cancel it. All my properties, we (wife/gf/wife/I) have purchased, 8 different lots, in 2 provinces, in their name, had usufruct placed on them. I had to be present, and sign off, for land to be sold. Every parcel. Present house, build, I had to sign off for an addition to be added to, which kind of surprised both of us. It's a powerful document. As my usufructs are for use & modification. Time of usufructs may differ with different land offices, or so I read. Mine have always been for life. Leases are useless, as ex-wife can cancel after 1 year. Reality, if they don't want you there, then it may be in your best (health) interest to not be there. As a death certificate would null & void any contracts you signed ???? If you have to ask, tread lightly. Why most, inclusive, will advice to rent for many years. Also helps for anyone to decide where to live, before 'buying in'. Everyone's circumstances and budgets are different, but 1 rule always applies ... "never invest more than you can lose"
  3. Winery Khao YAI Art museum Nature Google is your friend
  4. I was more 'Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer' person/kid. Parents use to have bbq's and kegs of beer, with a keg of birch beer for the youngins'. Remember that and vanilla cream sodas in the bottle, for those not into birch. Seems 'PepsiCo' has taken over all ... damn shame.
  5. Having a child at any age, does not ruin a life, simply complicates it, if young and not exactly ready. Remember, "it takes a village" or so I read. Better than discarding as medical waste. I can't even squeeze in 'on topic' on this one ... so read fast.
  6. He's a very caring guardian (not legally) and I can relate. You apparently don't follow our post close enough to understand that, or you wouldn't have responded in the above. Have a nice day.
  7. "Child" ... you mean the teen. People keeping saying child, implies very young. 14 is not when it comes to sex. Put it in the proper context. Spin spin spin ... save that for the extremely ignorant. Yes it is someone's child, but so is my daughter, and she's 23. Along with stating ... he wasn't found 'not guilty', the case was dismissed. Huge difference. Meaning to me, it probably should have never made it to the docket.
  8. Free with Chrome, just an adblocker app/extension. Half the news-blips I open have this - "to continue reading, please disable your adblocker" Don't think so ... ????
  9. I realize who & what you were responding to. As parents/guardians, we can't be with them all the time. Takes mere minutes, and a new life is among us. At least teens can plead ignorance, adults not so much. I would think his concerns go way beyond what the neighbors would think or the consequence we tell our kids. I did the same, don't do anything stupid, or you be back at your grandparents. Of course I would never do that, but if she thought it, if one more level of consequences for her to think about, then yea, let her think that. There are 10's of millions of abortions, or so I read, a good portion of them are teens, not thinking, and most of the rest, adult not thinking. On topic ... let's not forget, this was a civil (all about $$$$) case, not a criminal charge. And 37 yrs ago, 1986, also during Spacey's 1st credited role in a bit part. Not yet the multi millionaire worth pursuing a lawsuits against. Along with that all of 1 hour to decide to dismiss the case, and a bit telling in itself. Seems not a whole lot of thought needed. Rapp couldn't even describe the apartment accurately where it allegedly happened. Hopefully Stacey will get his $31 million back, since this turned out to be a big nothing. Headliners .... Bit of a pattern, sue the millionaire decades later.
  10. Definitely not the only sinners in that department. I'm amazed by how I see some tourist or expats treat the country.
  11. I get less now, with adblocker, seems if you don't want to be part of their click bait revenue, denied access to read past the headline.
  12. Yes ... topic ... "for swimming" ... no takers it seems. Still covid, but surely some folks would be in the water. Thai surf is lovely to look at, actually going in, then you need to look a bit closer. If it is a great beach, then it's probably way too crowded, which means too much development nearby, and fecal count surely to be an issue.
  13. My daughter got her period at 11, and thankfully, had a bit of an acne problem shortly after. Part of the treatment I prescribed for her was birth control (Diane35), so we dodged that one. Also 2nd house was built for 2nd floor expansion in mind. Just had to throw up some walls & ceiling, and instant 160m² house for her ... JIC. Thankfully didn't need that ether. Best advice I ever received ... If a parent, and you're concerned about you kid having sex or using drugs, and thinking it's time to have that talk, you're already 3-5 yrs too late. Most people I know/knew were thinking about sex at very early teen years, 13, if not younger. This is the real world we're dealing, kid do drugs, they have sex, and more than a few act inappropriately toward each other, and borderline criminal. Jury thought Spacey did not ... end of.
  14. Definitely a tourist issue ... Thailand - beaches - barefoot My daughter's Uni class had a project thingy at Pranburi beach, almost all 12 classmates of hers got infected, except her, as always taught to wear water shoes at the beach. One student had them on his face as the took a nap at the beach. The Uni did a small case study out of it, since they had so many infected. I won't walk my dog on some parts of the local surf, partly for that reason.
  15. Yea, as some are using 'sex w/child' ... sorry, but a 14 yr old teen, knows exactly what's up, and usually wanting to have sex, as it's all around them, plus the peer pressure. I knew exactly what I was doing at 14, maybe not the most responsible teen, but was definitely having fun. Agree, Spacey is an amazing actor, and AB deserved all the accolades it received. Innocent till proven guilty. Hope he sues everyone that he possibly can. Anyone else find it ironic, that the actor that was so off put by Spacey's advances, now plays an very convincing gay character on the Star Trek, with intimacy displays. If all the gals complained about all the passes I made on them, I'd still be in jail.????
  16. SD definitely my favorite CA town, and proximity to Mexico just a plus.... ... 30 yrs ago ????
  17. And which one of these worldly crazy issues, do you think your voice will have an effect, make a difference on ? Have you ever written you politicians ? I personally can only effect the eco/MMGW/CG issues, that I'm pretty sure aren't ever real. But hey, since it benefits my wallet in the long run, I can go solar & operate EVs instead of petrol. Surely helps, but to what degree, if any. Raise my kid properly, not to add to the social disorder, and that's about all we can do. MSM is the new comic strips no longer available. If you didn't laugh at all the silliness, you'd end up offing yourself ... "Good bye cruel world" Contrary to MSM, I believe life on this rock, most things. is getting better & better everyday in almost every way. You can buy into the doom & gloom if you want ... I'm not.
  18. No ... but some have removable battery. DECO 1000w versions do.
  19. Anything beyond me & mine is irrelevant. Read MSM/comics for the entertainment factor.
  20. As safe as any metro, common sense rules.
  21. So your problem is Trump received the money. his company. What if it was Obama or Clinton then I guess it would be okay. More anti-trump no matter what. They have to stay somewhere but not a trump property any place but. Got it.
  22. When legally required to, after everyone else is paid, and they are out of bankruptcy protection. No time soon if in your lifetime.
  23. Making a pass at someone vs groping is 2 different issues. One inappropriate but legal, the other, not so. Judge deciding on the evidence we apparently aren't privy to.
  24. That doesn't help when you return to your car and it's booted.
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