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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Those thinking of buying the MG ZS ... offered in 2 models, ours, the entry model ... Other model, top end, has bit more electronics & sunroof, which we didn't want or would use. Only ฿74k difference, and quite the bargain for the extras. https://www.mgcars.com/th/mg-models/new-mg-zs-ev/price ... list after incentive ... ฿949,000 ... registration fee ... ฿3500 ... red plate refundable deposit ... ฿3000 ... 5000 deposit, not listed, hence the ฿944k price Rest is MG/TH tax BS (incentive) AND ... if totaled, ZS worth more than purchase price ???? MG's estimated maintenance cost (per site) ~ ฿9,000 / 5yr IF same over the 8yr period of battery warranty, then ~ ฿14,400
  2. I think it depends on where and who is doing the delivery. As a rule, probably a official work rule/schedule, then I'd say no. But those away from main more urban areas, may have their own schedule. "What, Somchai is getting married today ? Yea I'm there, I'll deliver this krap tomorrow, or next day if too hung over"
  3. And yet, no incentives to have solar installed on residence or to make it easy to feed the grid. BS headlines to make you think they care or are working on solutions, when the simplest ones right in front of them, they ignore.
  4. For those curious about CS (charging stations) in our neck of the peninsula, PKK (Prachuap Khiri Khan), then more than a few, and no worries, as is most of the country, with a few exceptions. Think we'll use MG CSs when convenient, as hopefully friendly, since their car, and can hang out in their AC waiting room, have a snack & coffee without any dagger stares. Our journeys are usually up the Krung Thep to visit daughter, and may even have to top up on the way, but plenty of spots to do so: Holiday O&As are usually southward, and again, more than enough CSs within 200 kms of each other. Reassuring, knowing now, driving the speed limit, 90ish kph and provides plenty of reserve, JIC: Those on the extreme Myanmar (N), and Laos (N & E) borders may need to plan a bit better. Happy Travels
  5. Land office or orbator should have that info, unbias and provide to you. Even the puyiban might have. We've looked at maps prior to buying and asked about future projects in the area, to avoid, or more reason to purchase.
  6. Might want to take a peek at the MG EP, and save yourself about a half mill, as ฿771k after govt incentives. If just using locally, do you really need any extras, if available. We would have gotten the EP, except the wife got a little too comfy driving, sitting higher in the ZS SUV, and didn't like the seating position of the EP. ..."Feels like the Mazda 2 we had" ... "yea honey, you sit a bit lower, it's the same damn specs as ZS" ... "Anything you want honey" ... frickin' 180k to sit higher ????
  7. Our PEA bills at the rental, PEA rate, was same ballpark, ฿3-3500 a month of late, and before the current increases. Solar system initial cost ฿345K (installed), than added the ESS for ฿100k more, so total all in, installed ฿445k. So title of thread needs changing, 8kW w/20kW ESS. https://aseannow.com/topic/1268214-solar-8kw-hybrid-inverter-w10kwh-essbattery-not-diy/
  8. I guess I should clarify, and NO, the car on cruise control doesn't take over. At any point, simply using the brake or accelerator, overrides the cruise control. So if you're coming up on slower traffic, say in left lane, and notice, car starts to 'coast / decelerate', and you want to pass or merge right before the traffic in your mirror catches up, and you'll be stuck behind, then simply drive as you normally would.
  9. Thanks Granny charger, wall outlet, if I need, though unless we plan to go O&A within next couple weeks, I don't think we'll even need to top it up. Left MG dealer with 72% yesterday and seemed quite quick, just over 30 minutes actual charge time. Installer said it will take about 2 weeks before he can install. We don't drive that much locally, though I will be, just for the hell of it. At MG, I had 1 of their snacks, OK, maybe 3, cup of coffee, and wrote this thread. By the time done, charging was done. Might need to top it up once, but normally, we wouldn't drive locally that much. Since free to fuel, we'll be exploring locally a bit more now. Probably the biggest plus factor of the EV, we'll get us out more locally. With the ICE, it seems silly to drive 50 ish kms, to check out a new coffee shop, or restaurant, when the round trip is going to cost us ฿300-350 (10 liter), just to spend about ฿300 for a pastry & coffee or lite lunch somewhere new, with a slightly different view. And that's a short trip. Yesterday's outing would have cost about ฿850, for the ฿350 lunch that we had, and pretty decent it was. Pleasant surprise for roadside venue, as usually depend on captive customers rather than decent food. Popped into the Garage Cafe, roadside on hwy #4, just across the Chumphon border, if headed south (with 14km U-turn). On northbound side, just before the PKK border. Worth popping if in the area and need a break: https://www.facebook.com/GARAGECAFECHUMPHON https://www.google.com/maps/place/การาจ+คาเฟ่+at+ชุมพร+-+Garage+Cafe'/@10.9219444,99.2738049,14.22z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xe4735624652529c4!8m2!3d10.922952!4d99.2860419
  10. Still FREE. We started our house build almost 2 yrs ago, Jan 2021, and bought the new 2020 MG ZS at end of Sept 2020, so an EV wasn't in the game plan, and solar planned strictly for the house. 5kW not quite enough to be independent of PEA, and 8kW system is turning into overkill, so plenty of excess. FREE to use where ever. Our Mazda 2 was a fine car, as I don't think intelligent people buy a new car, just to hold them over till the solar is installed, take a first or 2 yr depreciation loss of a new purchase, then buy a new EV, the exact same car, for ฿250k more. Ignorance, range & cost of EV were the reasons not to buy for us. They increased the range, dropped the price (govt incentive) considerably, and another year of improvements, for same price as 2020 car. So now a good idea for the EV. So yes, our energy for the new EV, is FREE, and simply excess,, since an EV wasn't a thought back then. The EV simply makes the ROI for the solar, that much sooner. Win win all around.
  11. 2 or 3 eggs, but the squirrels got them. Sad few days of mourning chirping for the birds. Emotional little things.
  12. Thankfully she's not into gold ???? MB = motorbike Ride is quite comfy. Seat a bit better than the 2020 ZS ICE version. Ride, about the same and quiet enough. Road noise, no noticeable difference between the ICE & EV version, once at speed. As the ICE was kind of quiet, engine wise. Of course start up (no sound) and getting up to speed is quieter, and just the hum of the motors. I have dB sound app, and forget to test. Downloaded it just for that. Can charge at home, we have solar, but if on PEA/grid, then ฿5 ish baht. 0-100% (50kW) would be about ฿250. So would cost <฿500 to go the same distance as the our ICE version at about ฿1500, on the highway. Around town, even better saving with the EV as better range at the 50 kph mark. Over the road, and seems the standard Charging Station fee is about ฿7.5 per kW vs ฿5 for home charging. Think all the free & discount promos have dried up. Then you have the chargers at the high end places, ICONSIAM mall and such, charging a bit of a premium to charge there. Surely PTT will be putting way more chargers at their stations, since their subsidiary will be producing EV batteries & building EVs for Horizon. Plenty about though, I think 1400 or so charging station now.
  13. This site usually has the generics listed if available, by country. Since it does not, and site even states, may have been FDA approved, but not available yet. https://www.drugs.com/availability/generic-amitiza.html
  14. Agree, not too shabby at all, and much improved over 20+ years ago. If OP drove along the river Loei to NK, parts of that weren't even 'hard' surface, and more than a few patches just gravel.
  15. We had one also, right next to the back door. Quite surprising as wife in & out of, tending her garden. I set an small action cam up:
  16. I guess you missed this vid a few posts above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QxbJY4hMYw&ab_channel=TheElectricViking
  17. Thoughts on the MG ZS, mildly annoying, if you let it & frickin' amazing, tech wise. I can now understand the price gap, ICE vs EV. The car is almost self driving, as guess most are with all the 'features'. At first it was a bit annoying, then I allowed the 'force' to take over. Actually makes it a more relaxing drive. It nudges you back in your lane, if you are drifting. And sadly, the car agrees with my wife, I hug the left too much. Actually nudges the steering wheel over, and yea, first few time, like 'Yo, I'm driving, not you'. It won't over power you, but you will notice it. That took a for kms for me to accept, then I liked it, hence the more 'relaxed' drive comment. It won't let you tailgate, as it decelerates when not enough car lengths per kms speed. It will actually come to a stop if traffic comes to a stop. Then resume back to your set speed (cruise control) when able. If TH had universal lines & such, it would almost be self-driving. I let the car drive itself, as much as realistically safe to, even in one of those 3 lanes down to 1 highway lane check points, manned or unmanned. The manned one, the car had to stop, without me touching either pedals; brake/accelerator. I let go completely by itself. Pretty damn cool tech. OK, I'm easily impressed, as sure some of the higher end ICEs come with the same tech. A few MBs on the road, some cutting in/out lanes, and car recognized them with no problem. Vid posted recently, showing Tesla having an issue with that. So Kudos MG ???? I guesstimated our trip, pretty damn accurately, and figured 40% battery to, and same on return. 3 warnings of 'low' battery. Battery bar color change to yellow at 50%, then chimes and verbal at 35 & 30%, with advisory at 20% to charge up idiot. At 20%, stated another 60 kms to go, so the rating of 320/403 kms per charge are quite accurate, since test done at 47/37 kph. At 90kph, you'd be knocking on 300 kms, though possibly damaging the battery. We'll never take it below 20%. Any questions feel free to ask, I might know the answer or I'll ask tomorrow when at MG dealer.
  18. If I don't forget, I'll ask tomorrow, as we'll be there.
  19. Thread to share YOUR EV experience, since OWNING Ask for or give advice, concerning the car or charging stations while Out & About (O&A) Not ICE vs EC or what’s available in TH Or … are EV eco friendly. I will report OFF TOPIC COMMENTS, sorry Mods. IF you don’t own or plan on buying, probably not the thread for you. THANK YOU Picked up the MG ZS today, and straight away took it for a tester. Leaving dealer @ 99%, returning @ 20% Drove a constant 90kph for approximately 240 kms, using the cruise control. Planned stop/destination, basically halfway, had a very decent munch, before returning to MG dealer to charge it up bit, before heading home. Home being a mere 4 kms away. Charging @ MG, simply to set up & learn how to. All easy enough. May want to bookmark page, as guessing won’t be that active.
  20. never leave gas oven/stove unattended
  21. Any convection oven will do that just need to decide what size. I'm an Electrolux fan, great products, a little bit more expensive, but worth it
  22. "GPS made me do it"... Don't see anywhere in the news-blip where he states that. Simple states he was using GPS.
  23. It's a digital meter, so possibly regulates the draw, and if not going over 15A, it doesn't rate it as such. Because I'm pretty certain, we have 30A service available, as questioned (why you have / need 30A ?) about it a few times, when all 3 meters installed, temp/temp (3ph)/digital. Seemed surprised a residence, especially small house (120m²) would want/need. Possibly not drawn enough to need, register on the meter as 30A. She tried scan/transfer, not an in person payment, so not an rep error.
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