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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. MG ZS EV 2022 Started granny charging yesterday @60%, <3hrs added ~6kW / 11% Charging now since 0800 ish hrs, and hope to be topped up by 1600hrs Also hope the ESSs are topped up by that time also, as needing 13kW since 0730 hrs. Along with nephew working in carport, cutting & welding steel sporadically. Solar system handling the task nicely, with no assistance from the grid:
  2. MG ZS EV 2022 Started granny charging yesterday @60%, <3hrs added ~6kW / 11% Charging now since 0800 ish hrs, and hope to be topped up by 1600hrs Also hope the ESSs are topped up by that time also, as needing 13kW. Solar system handling the task nicely, with no assistance from the grid:
  3. Sorry, missed the not so small fine print: Ubon Ratchathani The NaDi hooked me in ???? Not Udon Thani
  4. It's called an idiot box for a reason. I haven't had TV programming since the powers to be decided to charge for it. Nothing they put on is worth paying for.
  5. Where exactly are the cows, as I used to live at Ban Nong Kham, NaDi. Near the wat, sort of close to the lake. If our old groundskeeper isn't working, he'd probably be interested. GPS best, so I can locate.
  6. I think you're way under powered for houses. Restaurant, with hotplates, you're going to need a lot of ESS kWs. For home use, can go by the units you're using now, and depending on present building construction, I would plan to use what you're using now in kWs, if all things, AC use & m², being the same. You'll probably use less, but good safety margin. We went from a poorly constructed / insulated townhouse to present well built / insulated house, more space. Rental; 1 old small AC, and usage at rental was 500-700 PEA units/kWs. New build, 2 inverter ACs (13&24BTU), New house haven't broke 500kW monthly yet. Probably will next month if we hit 20 a day. Now average 15kW a day, and ACs cool about 90m² for 10ish hours. First 6 weeks, we were conservative with use. Now more normal usage. We have 20kW for overnight (1700-0730hrs), and use about 7kW now. Most of that before midnight. That's after dinner, and no heating elements being used. Minimal AC use, laptop/TV (65"), till midnight, along with 2 frigs, and a fan, on the whole time. https://aseannow.com/topic/1268214-solar-8kw-hybrid-inverter-w10kwh-essbattery-not-diy/
  7. Anyone looking for an extension cord for any reason (MG EV / power tools), I can recommend this one after 1 hr use. Plug/socket conx not warm at all while charger the car. Only 10m, and more than I need, ฿560 @ HomePro. I didn't shop around, so possibly cheaper elsewhere. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1105137
  8. Just picked one up at HomePro, rated 16A & 3680w, and using now. @60% ... see how it goes till sunset (3 hrs), should be @66ish % when done.
  9. Good query ???? Will have to ask or have wife actually read the user manual. I read part yesterday using G-lens. 2 hrs would give shy of 5kW, and only good for about 30-40 ish kms driving, so would think made for longer charge period. The unit itself was no warmer than I would expect. MG site does state a really long time to charge car if using, implying safe to. " "Estimated charging time (2.2kW 3-pin domestic) to 100% (emergency use) 26.5 hours" Get back to you, unless someone beats me to it.
  10. Nope ... was used for house build before PEA ran line to the house. From their temp meter 150m away at main rd.
  11. Non personal ... world level mistake. League of Nations / UN being organized and led by 5 of the largest arms dealers in the world. Arms use to be needed as a deterrent to prevent wars. Now wars are started to sell arms for billions in profits. Never ending wars for never ending profits.
  12. I was looking over my shoulder the first month after I tossed the 1st TH wife out of the house. A death cert would certainly null & void my usufruct ????
  13. Ours in last village, Udon Thani was 20 a month, and sporadic pick ups. We never used, and burned, same as here, as pack dogs from wat across the street would spread the trash all over. Nothing tried kept them out of it.
  14. Tough one, as all turned out pretty darn good, luckily & thankfully. ... Obviously, getting married first 3 times. ... staying social, peer pressure, what little I did fall under, at teen age, delayed a bit of growth and responsibility development. Fun, but less alcohol & drugs would have meant investing in the future more. Less thought of I'm not going to live past 30 anyway, so screw it, do anything. Could have retired before 30 yrs old, if surrounded by different peer group. Zero mentoring in those circles. ... not listening to myself all the time, probably #1
  15. Did you ever take a TH taxi that is converted, say from BKK to your hotel, w/luggage ? Then all is answered ... tanks take up most of the trunk space.
  16. Less than 1 hr of charging, and it did add 2kW, as now @ 69% Stopped it, as the extension cord and plugs at wall is a bit warmer than I'd like. 200m extension cord, I did NOT unravel, yea I know, and warmed up too much, which carried over to the ends of. Need to buy a 20m high volt capacity extension cord. One used is not mine, but the house builder's, and krap to begin with. 2 prong plug, with 3 prong outlet on it ???? As long as it is, it's not very heavy, wt. wise, so a bit telling ????
  17. Baked cheesecake and Black Forest cakes (when local or O&A) Steamed Bbq'd pork stuffed buns A few of their ready to eat microwave meals, if PTT Park doesn't have anything better on offer when O&A. Anything else I wouldn't call 7-11 food, as available anywhere. Ones that have their own coffee/bake shop, occasionally, rare, have something of interest on display. Their coffee isn't that good though. Moccona or a 3/1 Hazelnut flavored still better in a pinch. Although, now with the EV & V2L, we can brew or own at a viewpoint to wash that pastry or brekkie down ☕
  18. We do burn out 'packaging', as imagine that's what the municipality does with it anyway, or worse, dumps it in the sea. Buy very little processed foods, so very little gets burned. Heavier packaging, from online purchases, along with plastic & metals, goes to recycling, which again, hopefully, most is burned and not dumped in the sea. Pays for beer, or I'd burn that also. Anything and everything else, get composted. Reckon having trash to energy plants would be way to practical. You can make a smokeless burn barrel:
  19. MG ZS ... using the granny charger now, rated @ 2.4 kW on 10A outlet. If an electrical idiot as myself, don't think if using 20A or 32A 'breaker', as the only ones in our breaker box, will double or triple the charging speed. One can fantasize. Would be kind of redundant, as why would you need a 7.2kW wall charger. Just a tester, not going to top up today, as @ 65% now, and ZS telling me, 11 hr 13 sec to full up. Is showing at least a 2.2kw draw on the solar. Does tell me though, if wanting to charge up using granny charger, with solar overnight, I can plug in after midnight, 2am ish, and by the time the panels start producing, I've only used about 11kW of battery. Another 5 ish hrs, and by noon, I've added/topped up the last 20kW of the battery, and ready for an outing. I do plan to keep the battery at 70-80% at the house. JIC an health emergency pops up, as happened last week, as we are 1.5 hr from a real hospital, at Hua Hin. Something to keep in the back of your mind, if EV is your only transport, and a bit anti-social, like me. Slow charging is less stress on the batteries, whether 7.2 kW via wall charger or 2.4 via granny. Batteries don't like heat, so super fast charging, a freshly used battery while on the road, in 30-35° degree heat is about the worst way to care for your battery. So not the best option, for battery longevity, for the over the road salesman. Something to consider when the 2nd hand market is in full swing, a few years down the line. High kms on the clock of an EV, should kill your resale price, as those charge ups would surely be more from from super fast charging over the road drivers. Or if buying from a condo owner, who can't charge at home ... then they are charging where ? Though if not able to charge at home, why would anyone buy an EV ?
  20. I liked the EP, and since wife was hell bent against, didn't take too much notice of the interior's fitting out. But was comfy once in it. Actually surprised, and didn't expect it to be roomy. Specs very similar, battery & range. Only thing I didn't care for, was the length. Really like that the ZS is one of the shortest SUVs out there. Parking is great. Nephew at the house, doing the gate, and looking at the ZSs, commented how smaller the EV vs ICE was, as parked next to each. I knew the dimensions, and had to show him the difference, almost non existent. But agree, it does look smaller at a glance. Not sure why, as it, the EV has larger tires, only 17 vs 16". Although ... the ground clearance is almost a whole cm less ???? Could explain the only difference, height, along with the EV lacks the rails on top, so not sure what they are measuring for height. I'm only 175 cm tall, so more than enough headroom inside, even if sitting in the back. EP, except lower, is larger all the way around. Unless backed against a wall together, all a bit of an optical illusion.
  21. What day and timing of makes a big difference. We used the Nakhon Pathon route last going to, and worked out good. Very little difference, and I'd rather be moving than in gridlock, along with more of a potential of someone having an oops. Also depends where destination is also, and what neighborhood you're headed to.
  22. Surely they meant to state kW and if using a 40kW (of a 50kW) EV battery, then yes, it would power a house for 3-4 days. First week having our solar system, and we were being conservative, to see how little we could live on, if needed. Just 2 people, and we averaged about 10+ kW a day, so 3 days+ for us. Not sure about a 'family' of 3 or 4. OK just for necessities in an emergency situation, as we do have 2 frigs, and did use AC a wee bit.
  23. 225 ish kms range (50kW) at speed (90 ish kph) per charge, doesn't offer much for those needing, wanting to be anywhere consistently or more impatient than myself. Our O&As are strictly R&R, and the relaxed exploring to a destination is usually more interesting than the destination for us. Most places we end up at, we've been to, and enjoy the familiarity when we get there, but for me, discovering new things along the way is what I enjoy. We actually don't stay long when getting to 'the' destination. They seem more like a pitstop to relax now, for 2 or 3 nights, before we're off again to the next destination. Love the scenic routes in between.
  24. No, but the MG subcontracted installer did pop over to the house, even before we paid for/picked up the car. Check out the job, easy one for him, and stated be back within couple weeks. No definite date given. Not in any real hurry, since still working on the carport, gate now, then needs tiling. So wouldn't be using the next week or so anyway. We'll use the granny charger if needing.
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