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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. MG EV home charging unit ... not installed yet ???? Probably because we didn't even pay for the car yet, have appt. to pick up Saturday. Charging unit installer (subbed out) at the house about an hour ago, assessing the job ???? Getting the impression there won't be much of a wait after picking up the car.
  2. Not a slight to the one I bought, but Sonar, not the flagship store, was terrible customer service, when buying current unit. I had an Otto unit previously, used it for years, and was great, but limited (size), as I had more ovens and gas BBQ/rotisserie, that got more use. TBH, don't know what happen to it. Probably gave to someone, but don't think it failed, or I'd still have the glass bowl somewhere, pack rat that I am. The price, new Sonar, and not the highest quality feel to it, so didn't want to recommend it. Never heard of the brand before, and if warranty as good as company contact/feedback, I didn't have, then useless. Actually put an order in with them direct, as cheaper, I think, and no info afterward. Waited few days, then bought the same from CentralOnline, who informed me then, after couple days, were awaiting confirmation of dropship from Sonar, never came, so cancelled that one. Then ordered from LAZ/Sonar flagship, shipped right away. Never did cancel from Sonar site, and never did hear from them, but that agreed with their reviews. They're great, small convection oven/airfryer, whatever you want to call them. My main el' cheaper, (70L) countertop oven died, so ordered another, smaller, Electrolux 56L convection oven, which is excellent. Got a chuckle, as it has 'AirFryer' on it, the new catch word for cook appliances. Though it does have 4 hefty fans on it, so I'll give it that, but temp only up to 230°C, which is about all I need for anything, except if wanting fast pizza cook. But without a steel, that's not happening. Hence the cast iron combo cooking technique.
  3. Why just Chinese ... blacklist all convicted of any felony, FOR LIFE. Plenty of criminals here, locals & expats already, don't need to import known ones ????
  4. I'm going with the 'they don't expect a tip' crowd, though I will tip. Usually just rounding up to what ever bank notes I have / paying with. Or if no tip, at least 'EXACT change' to help with the non tipping CCs. I also try to pay with the smallest notes & coins (1/5/10) that I have, so they have change ... again for the CCs. I can always break a 1000 baht at 7-11 when buying that 1 beer ???? So that tip may be all of 1 baht to 4 to 9 to 19 baht. Depends on ttl bill, obviously not 19 baht on 81 baht order. The wife would have my head, and not that one.
  5. Many times your first name... Khun LA for me, and not the way I pronounce it.
  6. That pink ID, people say is useless comes in rather handy also. No need to ask name, address ... just hand them that, if they want PP they'll ask. Everything is usually by the 'numbers', so learn those, as that should have been first thing you taught yourself. What floor, what station/room.
  7. You really have to ask ... here's a clue: "proven by comments the past couple years" Never said I was 'denied' anything, just the hypocrisy of some posters.
  8. I find spoken English by the docs & most nurses, not a problem at govt hospitals. Wife is handy for wading through registration and other communication issues, the who, what, when & where.
  9. Get one with a coil instead of bulb. I bought one recently, though inexpensive, as know it won't get much use, and not sure I'd recommend it. Works fine, just OK reviews, and as I said, not going to utilize too much as have other counter 'ovens', both larger & smaller. Sonar brand (12L) if want to research it, but don't buy from Sonar site. I got it from LAZ/'Sonar flagship store', paid all of ฿729+shipping (?), link below. Test of time is a question mark, but as stated, won't get much use. Actually bought for pizza (top after bottom done in cast iron), whole roast chicken (worked great). Also made tasty fruit turnovers, using puff pastry, and all 3 turned out excellent. I found it, cheaper, larger and more versatile than the other convection/airfryer options for the price. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/15-sonar-12-7-cv-307h-i7758173-s9693252.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3Aairfryer%3Bnid%3A7207024%3Bsrc%3AlazadaInShopSrp%3Brn%3A3fbe1e104caf0206ce0533d275cb851c%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3ASO111HAAA4AGZ4ANTH%3Bprice%3A798.00%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A340%3Basc_category_id%3A10100315%3Bitem_id%3A7758173%3Bsku_id%3A9693252%3Bshop_id%3A9733&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=1&fuse_fs=1&mp=1&spm=a2o4m.seller.list.i3.275d741bMalhLT
  10. Correct ... on the cusp of high season, calmer seas, so safer option for myself, with child, more so for her safety, not leaving her alone at the surf. Not that I can't handle myself swimming, but not something I find enjoyable in saltwater, at the beach, as too many unknowns. Unless of course I'm diving, then hard to get more out of the water. So far I've managed to swim within my abilities.
  11. Or the chickies are ... that's never happened before ????
  12. During the 'Who killed electric car?' movie, the hydro was pushed as an alternative to BEV, or whatever version in the movie it was about. Arnold pushing it, and given one of course for is efforts, I think. So almost 30 yrs after that very successful EV, and 15+ yrs after the movie, the hydro cell car has progress to ..... a big nothing. Appears this little country of 1/5 the population has more EV CS, than hydro cell stations in the USA. Maybe they are only produced for local driving ???? Having a 3-400 mile range, best to stay local, as shown by the 300 mile diameter circle overlay. Just a few spots missing any stations ????
  13. Unknown health issue or stupidity would be my guess. I've been to Phuket beaches (Kata for playing IN) late Sept, early Oct, and surf was never too rough for wading/playing in. Not really a swimmer at the surf, though would think rips would be more of an issue closer to shore, unless my ignorance is showing. Ever changing of course, so hard to say, as is the weather, influencing the conditions.
  14. What's OTC in USA, might not be here. Sudafed (original) a fine example.
  15. Depends on what cult he belongs to and or against his beliefs of interfering in GOD's plan. The Catholic Church was 100% against for so long, and seem to have changed their stance, a wee bit, I think, possibly due to loss revenues / dwindling membership support. Also, the CC is against abortions ... no hypocrites in that cult. No prob, hit the confessional, a few hail Marys, a little jingle left in the basket, and all good / absolved till next week ????
  16. I changed my mind about abortions. I did NOT change my mind about women's right to control their bodies. Although, 'my body, my decision' isn't allowed for all, as proven by comments the past couple years. Hypocrites come to mind.
  17. So nobody is allowed to enlighten themselves and change their opinion on any subject. That would eliminate most career politicians from running again. I never thought, at a young age, abortions were wrong. Now that I know otherwise, I've changed my opinion, and they are flat out murder, IMHO
  18. MSM division / distraction tactics, as usual. Why it even makes the news is the only question. Oh wait, I just told you why. Hook line & sinker ... as he deficits continue to increase in all countries across the board, along with the wealth of the elite. “None so blind as those that will not see.”
  19. Meds be careful, as usually, only 30 day supply of any is allowed. Verify that of course. Though unless insurance paying 100% for it, can't imagine any meds cheaper from the USA.
  20. Silencing/censorship of anyone, no matter who, speaks their mind if contrary to the mainstream elitist. Sending any 'conservative' thinking folks into the closet, as livelihoods at risk for challenging the puppet masters. “None so blind as those that will not see.”
  21. Don't know why people love to complicate the simplest things. Not even 1 'pack' of notes. I have that many in my wallet on a daily basis, when O&A.
  22. I find that a bit telling. A pharma company not even bothering. Will someone please sound the .... "ALL CLEAR"
  23. These are the species (6) found in Thailand: https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/king-quail https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/rain-quail https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/japanese-quail https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/barred-buttonquail https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/common-buttonquail https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/yellow-legged-buttonquail
  24. Higher end electronics, as usually better version & cheaper in USA. Food would be the last thing I'd bring, since heavy, bulky, and cost of excess baggage would negate any savings, along with duty risks. Nothing in USA food wise I can't make here, especially since not a bit fan of processed food.
  25. Obviously you hired the wrong contractor, or didn't ask or express your concerns beforehand. Usually pay a bit more for a bit more professional results. If said contractor shows up on his/her/it's MB with handsaw, you may want to just give them 100 baht for petrol & good will, along with sending them on their way. Usually when paying for skilled worker, you may get one.
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