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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. ... On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine ... "The overall number of estimated deaths in the War in Donbas, which started on 6 April 2014, was 14,200–14,400 through 31 December 2021, including non-combat military deaths. Most of the deaths took place in the first two years of the war between 2014 and 2015, when major combat took place before the Minsk agreements." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War#:~:text=The overall number of estimated,place before the Minsk agreements. Did Ukraine bomb the Donbas? "Radio Liberty also concluded that "Despite Denials, All Evidence For Deadly Explosion Points To Kyiv". CNN said that it was the first time that civilians had been killed in an attack by the Ukrainian air force during the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in the Donbas." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014–2022)
  2. Easily smog protection, as I see it's starting even earlier this year. Usually mid Nov, now mid/late Oct ... ???? ???? Lot of 70-80-90s, with a couple breaking 100 AQI
  3. Good, maybe they'll stay away, as playing tourist during covid was great ????
  4. My lease stated 2 months advance notice, and think we gave the landlord about a weeks notice, if that. And yes, we got our whole deposit back. Wasn't a surprise, as he knew we were building. With queries such as this, you really have to wonder how some folks function at all in life.
  5. I'm guessing most people, including Thais, couldn't find UA on a map, let alone care about what is going on over there. I certainly don't. With that, most probably couldn't even find TH on a map, do you think anyone cares or even knows they abstained.
  6. That's 1 opinion ... You may want to enlighten yourself: https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/the-free-thai-movement-and-the-soe/ Have a nice day
  7. Same with idiots paying cash... ... Come to register ... have to search for member card, after in line waiting ... Done ringing everything up, now have to find and take money out of wallet/purse. Oh wait, I have 25 satang in the bottom of my purse somewhere ... hold on I check out of Makro, try to have all price bars facing up, and if in express lane, card out before person in front of me is done, then it's scan scan scan ding ding ding ... cash in hand already and I'm gone. Anything else is simply rude & inconsiderate. People got better thing to do, than wait for me acting like an idiot. Only been there about 1000 times, does it really take longer to figure out the process.
  8. They had little choice, join or die. Along with their, TH's resistance that fought them, and gave great intel to the Allied force to help end the war. Don't judge another, till you walked in their shoes ???? Ignorance is Bliss ... for some
  9. It's a USA-UK-NATO-EU vs RU conflict and been going on since end of WW2. Nothing has changed, and nothing will.
  10. Being stuck behind people using plastic for simple, inexpensive shopping takes the convenience out of 7-11 / convenient stores & fast food vendors. Use a phone app if you must. Annoying & inconsiderate
  11. Just another embarrassing farang, doing things here he probably wouldn't do in home country. Total menace to himself & others. F'g idiot
  12. Not puzzling at all, as TH, like myself, probably doesn't know who to believe, or even care. So instead of ignorantly voting without knowing the facts, simply gave it a pass.
  13. I like doing the same things everyday, and as long as the wife is 'receptive', then I won't need to do a divorce over again ????
  14. Better research = Better life experiences No plan = Plan to fail ... your choice If you drive around with a can to put petrol in you ICE, then you may want to invest in a solar power station, then again, why bother, as you'd probably forget to charge it up before leaving anyway Just can't fix stupid ... ????
  15. Do people over the age of 20 actually still run out of petrol. Must be the same folks that planned their retirement so good in TH and had to return after a couple years. If you can't find a CS, you're not looking very hard.
  16. Anyone 'having' an EV, should use PlugShare site. Those not having an EV,, well, you might as well just use the Swenson's ice cream site ... great ice cream.
  17. A silver lining ... "Since the boy arrived at the home for children and families no family member has bothered to come and pick him up." ... freedom, a beautiful thing ????
  18. My PEA (electric) Aug 2021-Aug 2022 was about 2500-3500 alone, and that's PEA's rate, before the latest increase, along with no landlord surcharge. 2 ppl, 1 small AC, in sm bedroom. Not sure what you're renting for 4k baht, but sounds about as basic as can be, certainly not new, which means that AC is going to suck up some juice. You can have a simple existence here inexpensively, though don't know what visa you would qualify for. I've never lived anywhere for more than 8 yrs, and that's only because I owned the house, in a situation, that I couldn't move. Usually after 3 yrs max, I move on to somewhere new.
  19. Yea ... mine (USA) also, and it's almost impossible to do. Only say 'almost' as I try 'never to say never' ... but ... simply not going to happen. Not in a Republic, of 50 different states. Election every 2/4 yrs, so no need to tolerate anyone for long time. Plus those 100 million gun toting maniacs, kind of outnumber the military.
  20. My installer charges 20k (I think) for registration to feed in. Says he's one of the cheapest, which I can't verify, but not a sales pitch, knowing my system doesn't quality, and me, not wanting to have anything to do with PEA/MEA. Reason being, the 20k, he has to pay independent contractors/engineer for the certification to satisfy PEA/MEA. Says some installers, charge up to 50k, whether exaggerated or not, or what size system charge is for, I don't know. But the 20k doesn't sound too much of a stretch. Especially when there's money to be gained, that "you need, or else" mind set. On a 5kW system, how much extra will you be generating. May be a while for that ROI. We're using 15-20 a day now, and it's not even hot out yet. We've produced 49kW, but that's 8kW inverter, w/ 18 (.540w) panels. Actually used shy of 31kW and fed the grid shy of 27kW. Most sites state, 5kW will generate 15-20/25kW (?) a day, I think. Doesn't leave a whole lot to export.
  21. I hope he's not the Minister of Health, with that all important 'engineering degree' ... ... everything is wrong with that photo ... and the farang is the dirty one for not accepting ????
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