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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Ahead of it's time ... ???? https://www.facebook.com/tony.urbanski.3/videos/499640405347400
  2. Roof rack/cargo holder, and some even look stylish. Handy when out & about, I think.
  3. Yep, been doing almost the whole time I've been you. #4 (4mm) leaves enough not to get sunburnt, if having full coverage. Buy a good one, clean & oil every year and it will last a decade or more.
  4. That's really low. I'm guessing 400k, gives them a 20-25% mark up.
  5. Just got back from MG and their second hand person took pictures looked at the book and will get back to us. Apparently he's not the one that sets the price and hopefully I'll find out tonight or tomorrow.
  6. Everything depends on your use, and desire to cut the PEA bill 50-75%, or my idea, completely. System doesn't have to be expensive or have ESS for overnight. Last 2+ months, we average 6kW overnight, all of 30 baht, vs an ESS that may run 50-100k baht (5-10kW). If we went with 5kW + panels, probably installed for about 150k, cheaper if DIY. I'll hopefully see a break even on the ROI, IF lucky enough to hang around 7-10 ish years. All things being equal, and the wife will have free electric & car energy, for an additional 10-20 yrs after I krap out.
  7. This is why we went with 8kW system, instead of 5kW: Mandatory use; 2 frigs, 1 fan, overnight while sleeping, yea, 8kW is overkill ???? Daytime, turn on the 2 ACs (13&24BTUs), then take a shower (3500w) along with those 2 frigs. For effect, as after taking the snap, I turned 1 AC off (24BTU), as no need to stress the inverter. Nobody but the dog in that room anyway. Back to 2 ACs - other items on (no hot water heater) What yesterday looked like, no AC, until dinner time. See spikes for AM coffee, and mid day showers.
  8. ... and I thought I was lazy. 1 mile too far ... ????
  9. KhunLA

    Charities in Isaan

  10. R I P I find it kind of reassuring of late, all these famous folks passing in their 90s. Much better than reading about people, celebs you know or like, dying much younger than yourself. Too real in pointing out we're all on borrowed time, so use it wisely.
  11. Probably just replace Dave with Jose, Ahmed, or Somchai.
  12. I hear that, ditto for me, Sept 2000, it was bouncing around 40, actually went to 45 for a short period, before hitting low of < 30 more than a few times ???? Really nice being back above 35.
  13. Or if here earlier, me, 22 yrs, and the baht has yet to recover/weaken to where it was when I arrived/40, or a year-ish later/45. At 40, I lost 25% when dips to 30, too many times. With inflation over those 20ish year, easily 100-150%. COLA, well they are a joke themselves, with 4 yrs of NO inflation in the USA ???? Expect the next one this month to be a joke. Ask anyone in the USA, and they'll tell you inflation now, 2022 is easily in the 20% ish range, if not higher. I don't expect much of a COLA, and maybe 6 ish %, 8 if really lucky. Only good thing, it's mid terms, so they'll be a bit more generous. Large eggs were 3 for 5 baht, in 2000 now knocking of 5 baht each. 143 for the last tray of 30 we bought. All meats & fish were half to 1/3 what the price is now. 2 liter of milk, could catch on sale for 39 baht, now off sale, 91. 91 petrol < 14 baht. Reality for many of us, it cost at least 2X as much to live here, and our money is worth less than when we arrived. Planning is everything, along with adapting & adjusting. Not the forte' of many people, and why many have left.
  14. Yea ... in the USA, always better to be judge by 12, than carried by 6. Though I had a carry permit. No issues for myself, for any 'what ifs' that never really happened. The world is a safe place, except for the headlines. And getting safer every day. Also why here, I carry a small blade, think paring knife. Don't need a large, just a sharp one. Besides, every try to cut a tomato with a dull knife. Actually PoPo would laugh, considering the machetes other carry around.
  15. I'm not sure what preparedness any of those nations are with nukes. Remember a couple of news blips years ago, USA's nuke sites were still using floppy disk and or still using Windows XP. I believe nuke subs are the deterrent of the day.
  16. I saw that news-blip. Actually I think the first few shot were justified, as he did purposely put the car in reverse and step on the gas. That's battery with a deadly weapon. If conditions right, the officer could have been killed The follow up shots while driving away, that's definitely got to be against departmental policy. News-blip I read stated the plates didn't match the car, then further down stated, 'unknown if a stolen vehicle' .... ???? Why do the never think to shoot the tires ... maybe high risk of ricochet.
  17. We could all say the same, about our home countries. Or could we: No worries of pedos ... or didn't make the news No worries of getting run over in the streets ... though my friend in kindergarten was killed crossing one ... childhood friend was hit (survived) after being hit No worries of yaba & drugs ... I know people that OD'd bay in 70s No worries about protests and gov't suppression ... Ohio State People don't teach their kids or watch them from drowning ... I was saved at a Las Vegas pool, by CPR ... Childhood friend drowned on a Boy Scout outing to a pool No mass shootings ... Texas tower ... one of the first to make the news Thailand in no different than the rest of the world. People seem to have selective memories. Also compare Mangos & Papayas, 3rd world vs 3rd world not vs 1st world.
  18. Since hands aren't together, wouldn't that be a 'broken' heart. and has she done a few ?
  19. Shouldn't the headline be: "Patts is so boring, woman swimming in sea draws a crowd" As bad as that is, it actually makes the news. People really need to get a life.
  20. not in stock, but may want to bookmark https://sunshinemarket.co.th/product/peanut-butter-creamy-1kg/ or ... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/peanut-butter-unsweetened-crunchy-200g-radiance-wholefoods-i1680404012-s4719654600.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:17557799160!!!!!c!!4719654600!241247446&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhY-aBhCUARIsALNIC07fWwva4FdYBgNGH-oZOpEk1sEOomr-gyToFNrxBNR7x9rOgtWgtLMaAoTBEALw_wcB or ... make your own or ... https://www.google.com/search?q=natural+unsweetened+creamy+peanut+butter+thailand&newwindow=1&sa=X&biw=1396&bih=656&tbm=shop&sxsrf=ALiCzsathY0ykLz-5NZCWEQzjSb1CXOW2g%3A1665397894864&ei=hvRDY56HNKKRseMPpKmf2AY&ved=0ahUKEwie4rrPutX6AhWiSGwGHaTUB2sQ4dUDCAY&oq=natural+unsweetened+creamy+peanut+butter+thailand&gs_lcp=Cgtwcm9kdWN0cy1jYxAMMgUIABCiBDoLCK4BEMoDELADECc6BAghEApKBAhBGAFQki5YyJcBYNvcAWgBcAB4AIABY4gB-geSAQIxMpgBAKABAcgBBMABAQ&sclient=products-cc
  21. From one site, to compare with the familiar MG ZS for most folks: "The Atto 3's body dimensions are 4455 mm long, 1,875 mm wide, 1,615 mm tall, 2,720 mm wheelbase and 175 mm ground clearance, which is larger than the ZS EV in almost every dimension." That's a bit of a stretch, but true; 4455/4323 1875/1809 1615/1649 2720/2585 175/161 Looking good, w/blade battery, and bit more range ???? https://www.autofun.co.th/news/2022-byd-atto-3-price-spec-annoucement-55248
  22. High drama at the house, as this one was in the back yard. At least 2m long, as that is a 4" pipe. OK, after peeking and Ms Google confirmed it was a Rat Snake instead of a Cobra, not as dramatic. Damn they move fast. Note to self: Dog on leash again, when walking at our own house ????
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