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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Since May 19th here, so Nov 19th or abouts. Ours states free install, and as you say, will update and see how far that is. To our 'box' is about 5 meters. I interpret free install as, working before y'all leave, not just stuck on the wall ????
  2. No flooding issues down here at Amphur Muang, that I know of. Only when the surf acts up and occasionally, floods the 'surfside' road. Did take out a couple sections of seawall this year. A first since 6 yrs here. To be replaced with larger, nicer promenade. See how long that last ???? Actually on the least affected side of the bay, so more improper construction than wave strength. Not deep enough, and got undermined. Be safe.
  3. Think they stopped making the vitara, or do you mean the XL7 ? Having shy of 1cm more ground clearance than the ford.
  4. Deck over option is a big NO. Fill in and cover with dirt/grass or crete it over and use as additional patio. Or you'll have constant 'maintenance' to control the water level accumulating, algae/mold & a horrendous mozzy problem.
  5. Your body - your choice, do as you please or comfortable with. Walking down Silom would be a bit weird. Would you do that in a business district in your home country ... I think not. Maybe when I was under 30 and quite fit, and not a fur ball yet ... ???? I don't button my shirts here, locally, unless going into a business, but, I am living rural and it's a surfside town. So quite 'acceptable', as many Thais do the same or even shirtless themselves.
  6. Yes, I lived closer to larger metro areas, so never bored in the west/USA. Except when living in West Virginia, though living rural and mountains was a pleasant change from Philly metro suburbs. Good for a year of exploring, then got a bit boring. It's a bit slow here/PKK, and why we are O&A so much, if only for day trips. Not buying processed for and cooking most things from scratch fills in a lot of time, and actually enjoy it.
  7. Cold & wet sucks, as I hear many cry about UK weather, Can't argue that, just cold, no snow is boring, and wet cold ... yikes. But cold & snow is way too cool, and I actually miss it. About the only thing I miss from USA, the change of seasons.
  8. KhunLA


    Weighed this morning, and a 285g/ml ish yield. Grounds keeping about 65ml. Makes it a 9.5 oz cup for you yanks. Leaves plenty of room in my cup if I want to make it a flat white.
  9. KhunLA


    Our coffee machine isn't any easier to clean than the other method. Probably the most 'hassle' to clean and use, as our biggest portafilter is only about 25g.
  10. Makro online,so should have in store:
  11. Didn't buy that for the EV, bought for the house, it's just a plus that it's there, so I can use it for the EV
  12. Did get a couple chuckles before falling asleep ... ???? I was fazing in and out, but mostly slept thru it. Ask the wife today if I missed anything, and she fell asleep deeper than myself. Might give it another try when really bored, and wife is occupied doing something else.
  13. That simple fact does seem to escape many people. That it's not viable till 23 weeks on is a bit irrelevant IMHO I did a little 'wonderful life' thinking today, and what IF, mom decided, as many seem to do, to abort me, as too much of an inconvenience or expense. I was #3, and really, isn't 2 enough ... ???? Result, 3 kids would have drowned at Kata Beach, 2 wayward kids wouldn't have been put on the right path in USA, and my village orphan here would have probably ended up in the bar, like most from her village. A few charities would have received a few less $$$ Gov't would have received less taxes, to help those that need help. A few would not have been employed by myself, who earned and spent, providing more jobs down the line. Starting to get the butterfly effect ... ????
  14. Did that when I was a kid. I've matured since. Can't play speed racer here, you'll end up with someone committing suicide on your hood. Besides, I'm not paying silly money, for a performance car, that I'll rarely use. Need the SUV for O&As. Days of owning 4 vehicles for 4 purposes are over. I'm more practical now, well, sort of always was, that why in past, multiple vehicles. All I need & want now is a nice machine for point A to B, that in the end, pays for itself in savings vs an ICE. What's not to love about that.
  15. Krap weather down here in Prachuap KK also, and pretty much the same the past 7 weeks, overcast & rain, almost daily. Only produced 10.70kW today, and 5 of that went to top up the battery. Once battery is topped up, only produce what we need, since not exporting. ESS (10Kw) is usually 50-35% when we wake up at sunrise. Starts producing about 0730 hr to match usage. Afternoon usage is me baking a nice Peach Crumb ... ????
  16. KhunLA


    Paper filters take something out of the coffee that they consider healthy for you, I figured what it was.
  17. One thing for certain, it won't change some Thai's view of us 'dirty farangs' ... ???? Went to Global yesterday, wife goes in, about 5 ish meters in front of me, no mask, no problem. I go in, 'sir sir, excuse me sir' ... I ignore, man comes around from counter, with his chin diaper on, yea, not exaggerating, and points to the 'desk'. Staff holding up mask, need to wear, actually ready to give me one out of a sealed pack for those that don't have I guess. I reach in pocket and put mine on, nose exposed, and continue on. If wife not already in, I would have simple turned around & left. While in, the usual + ... staff wearing, wearing incorrect, some not wearing at all, that's the +, as rare to see in the past ... BUT the dirty farang ... make sure he's wearing. Won't be returning anytime soon.
  18. https://www.transitbangkok.com/bangkok_bus_routes.php Cross reference with Gmap & bus stops, where you are, an going to/from Or type in where you're going & at, then click 'public trans' icon.
  19. KhunLA


    Since no paper filter, you'll want to give it a good stir, after done dripping. The whirlpool will put any fine particles on the bottom, as they will come thru, same as French press. Then simply pass on the last sip, or you'll be enjoying a bit of sludge, or not. I use 50g of ground to 350g/ml of water, for 300+ml yield. Which is a decent Americano @ 1 to 6 coffee/water ratio.
  20. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/DAWOOD+Leather+Craft+Shop/@18.790791,98.9931948,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO2p35B7cIGY7o47-u4eRUKE90yz1Dk2aZAk8Hr!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO2p35B7cIGY7o47-u4eRUKE90yz1Dk2aZAk8Hr%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m20!1m14!4m13!1m4!2m2!1d99.7567168!2d11.8233468!4e1!1m6!1m2!1s0x30da3aa0aefcf5b5:0x36febebee7932dfa!2sDAWOOD+Leather+Craft+Shop,+131%2F3moonmuang+Mueang+Chiang+Mai+District,+Chiang+Mai+50100!2m2!1d98.9932427!2d18.7909008!3e2!3m4!1s0x30da3aa0aefcf5b5:0x36febebee7932dfa!8m2!3d18.7909008!4d98.9932427
  21. This is a real life comparison, of MG ZS ICE vs EV, operating cost vs buy in price & ROI in a very short time. EV ... ฿949k ICE .. ฿739k So the EV cost 210k more, and we'll be charging the battery with solar, unless O&A. ฿210k ÷ ฿30 per L for E85, if you can find it. or ฿35 for 91 = 7000 liters, good for 11 kpL, as we average that now After a mere 77,000 kms, about 4 yrs driving for most, and cost is at break ever, simply on petrol savings. ICE had 6 oil changes already, 1 tune up, and another 10k ish kms and you'll need cam belt changed. After 4 yrs, cost to operate EV -0- when charging w/ home solar. ฿5 X 50kW = ฿250 is using most expensive PEA at home VS ฿1090 for 36L X ฿30 per L to go the same 400 kms the EV will travel per top up, 0-100% Saving ฿840 with every 400 kms traveled. Believing your 'saving the planet' or not, (I don't) it just makes economical sense to go EV, and Solar. Take control of your wallet, and provide better air for us all to breathe. Better air part I believe. Even better, for those not needing an SUV, the MG EP is only ฿771k, so there is NO time to wait for ROI, savings are almost instant. The MG EP priced about the same as a few top end models of the most popular cars sold in Th. Of course if you can't charge at home, or with solar, the ROI will take a bit longer. With maybe a once every week or two, depending on kms racked up, visit to a CS, for top up, and maybe a munch, coffee/pasty while waiting. Or simply top up when at the mall. Trust me when I say CS now are easier to find than PTTs selling E85. If that's too much for you, and if O&A, and you actually enjoy driving 4+ hrs without stopping, and too impatient to top up, again while refueling your body, THEN AN EV SIMPLY ISN'T FOR YOU. Enjoy you ICE at that premium price. GBP, AUD & EUR going down down down, fluctuating petrol price & inflation, then you may want to consider adapting & adjusting for the future, and taking control of your wallet, away from the corporations. Forum auto changes the 'text'...that's annoying.
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