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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Increasingly dangerous, nothing has changed. IMHO people should not be living there and they definitely should not be allowed to rebuild if at the taxpayers expense. You want to live in a hurricane zone that's your problem.
  2. 5000 over 50 yrs, not much at all IMHO Only twice a week = divorce. Guess that explains supply & demand for the P4P market for foreigners.
  3. Wife drove in a friend's proton one time and she didn't have one good thing to say about it.
  4. Planning is everything. Better planning = happier everyday life experiences. Every problem has a solution:
  5. Guess we're glad we got our order in already ????
  6. You always have a choice, some, many, just don't choose wisely. Was up at Rangsit beginning of last month, and really bad downpour. Road (#1 frontage) in front of HomePro mall (future park area) was flooded above floorboard level, and I was amazed of all the idiots driving through it. Not that seeping through the door would be the issue, and surely did on more than few, but that the exhaust would back fill and engine die. Aside from my issue, wheel bearing needing replacing. I simply went back in, had a munch, talk with the kid some more, and less than 2 hours later, most was drained off. Most of those cars could have also taken the expressway, and surely clear sailing up there, or went around the main road where all the water was being channeled to. MG ZS sits high, but I'm not driving through that, or getting stuck behind someone who's engine conks out. I've yet to be splashed more than a second or 2, by what you are describing on Thai roads, or anywhere.
  7. Show 2 CS along the route (G map), about mid way. So don't see any problem, or shortage of CS. PS showing 1 additional, on 304, along with 7 more, if don't mind driving and extra 5 ish minutes off 304.
  8. The EV discussion has now moved to 'idiots' driving their cars through flood waters. What idiots drive their cars, EVs or ICEs through flood water. I won't drive my vehicles through any standing water above the rubber of the tire. Did that before with ICE here, and had to replace the (unsealed) wheel bearings, and not Made in China. OMG .. non Chinese cars are krap. What ICE has any IP rating. All of the sudden, your vehicle, EVs only apparently, have to have an IP rating to be submerged ???? All getting a bit silly. Either an EV is for you, or it isn't. Move on to the ICE threads. Next thread ... 'Will EVs survive lightning strikes' ... tornado, hurricanes/typhoon, tsunamis & earthquakes/if falling down a 50m crevice. Hey, maybe a glacial crevice, iceberg or hit by a landslide or avalanche. If MG can't survive an avalanche, I'm cancelling. Side note, as if going off topic is a sin any more: I've had one of my cars driven into a lake (not by me), oh what a night that was. Anyway, the musty smell was impossible to get rid of. Just a heads up if planning on driving through water higher than the 'floorboards' ... ???? Almost funny when the engine is turning, and you got lake muck coming out of the freeze plugs ????
  9. Agree ... 22 yrs here, and don't know if staying in the USA would have been a waste of life, BUT, definitely a waste of money, for the privilege of living in the USA (silly taxes & healthcare cost), to do the exact same thing I do here, for far less cost. Means far more pocket money, for more adventures O&A, and designing and creating a better home living environment for us. Definitely no regrets
  10. Yep ... SAIC, the producer of MGs, also produces vehicles for: Volkswagen (Volkswagen, Skoda, Audi), General Motors (Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac). That's just one of the 'big 4' Chinese manufacturers. Not many auto makers don't have joint ventures or stand alone factories in China. Or use Chinese parts in their other factories outside of China. So if you refuse to buy China made vehicles, feed and brush your horse good. Ignorance is Bliss
  11. It's funniest / saddest, when he goes off script, as that obviously was. Or Buddha forbid, he should take an unvetted question ???? He's definitely out in la la land. Do let him continue, as great entertainment, along with, consider the alternative. That's even scarier. USD performing well, and that's really all that matters ????
  12. Partly filmed in Thailand. Don't want to show to much from links I saw, as spoilers may ruin the comedic aspect of the movie: "THE GREATEST BEER RUN EVER FILMING LOCATIONS 'The Greatest Beer Run Ever' was shot in Thailand and New Jersey, specifically in Bangkok, Chiang Dao, Ratchaburi, Hua Hin, Jersey City, North Bergen, Paterson, and Weehawken. The majority of the filming for the Zac Efron-starrer reportedly began in September 2021 and finished in December of the same year. BANGKOK, THAILAND 'The Greatest Beer Run Ever' was shot in Bangkok, Thailand's capital and most populous city. The filming team reportedly traveled first to Bangkok to record many war scenes set in Vietnam. THAILAND'S OTHER LOCATIONS The production team of 'The Greatest Beer Run Ever' traveled to Ratchaburi and Chiang Dao districts in Chiang Mai province for shooting purposes. Moreover, the Hua Hin district of Prachuap Khiri Khan province stood in for the Danang Airport in Vietnam."
  13. Watched that last night, thought it quite good. Be warned, it is an anti-war movie, Vietnam War setting, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much. Some reviewers on IMDB, thought that was a negative, and apparently unexpected. As trailer does give the impression of a comedy. Bill Murry in it, and playing a straight role. Excellent by the way, as he is a terrible comedic actor, IMO, and I really don't care for his 'character' acting. Shame he never did more of that in his prime years.
  14. Materialism never impressed me, especially if stating how much you paid or it's 'high value' for something. Want to impress me, tell how much of a bargain you got, not how stupid you are ????
  15. With few exceptions, and you have to search them out, all of Thailand is 'real Thailand'. Tourist areas are, well, tourist areas, geared to both domestic & foreign tourist. The western tourists, many seem to hang in nightlife areas, visiting, farang managed bars & restaurants, and seem quite happy with sub western standard offerings while on holiday, or as an expat. As 1 member here proves, since making the rounds and reports on such, and doesn't seem to venture much further from. My experience anyway, why I don't even bother any more with, as Thais do everything better, even western food, vs the non experienced, non professional farang who thinks he can run a decent bar/restaurant. Most fail miserably, hence the high turn over. Thais, domestic tourist, smartly avoid. If going to mall and Thai dominated shopping areas, they love western food, as the KFC, Sizzler & Pizza Co are full up at dining hrs. Even StarCrap coffee. Get out of the metros, and you find less 'globalization', if that's the word for it. Go a bit further, and you'll get past that last 7-11, and you made it to true village life. Many not having electric or running water (village provided). When I first moved to the village, that 'town' had 1 deep well, and nothing piped to the homes. You had to carry/wheel you daily, weekly supply back to the house. We had a deep, drinkable well outside the actual village.
  16. The inverter will handle that, and simply use what is needed. Our's produces and uses all, until battery is topped up, then the produced/consumed is about the same. On the graph, it's actually hard to see the produced over consumed, once battery is topped up. Here's today's: The extra over produced/blue, I'm guessing is what the inverter itself is using, and that's about 40-80w per hour, depending on workload of inverter. TBH ... I haven't a clue where it goes, if it goes anywhere ????
  17. Agree on the P4P thing, as I never needed to, though it was convenient, and a first & only for me, on my first real Thai 'diving/recon' holiday. Kept her all week. But the ST/LT, hour or overnight thing, I can't even see bothering with. Just go to local meeting venue and pick a like minded person up, or better, get picked up. Of course if you're fat, ugly, an introvert, and have no social skills, then I guess it's a life saver. I definitely get the monthly rent a GF vs wife, as probably same price as being married, and just as enjoyable, if not wanting, needing a relationship partner. Certainly a lot safer financially if it all goes titts up. Boasting about nightly, weekender, ST/LTs, is a bit silly, as simply paying for a service. You haven't really done anything special. Really no bragging rights there, no conquest, no I bedded 100s or 1000s of people, male or female, or both. You paid for a service.
  18. Was going to put this on the 'how low can you go' thread, but more appropriate here. Since our solar was installed less than a month after we moved in, actually a long week after, and we had no bill at the PKK PEA in our name, they really had nothing to compare to. During the build, had a temp meter, then house registered and real meter install, though also a 'temp' meter, as they were out of 1 phase meters. So used a 3 phase meter for about 2 ish weeks, before replacing with our new digital meter. On installing digital meter, since reading was so low, 'installer' did ask if we had solar. Confirmed that we did, even though you can't see the panels from the road. Lying is almost against my religion. He could have easily assumed we haven't completely moved in yet, as still looking the construction site, front wall anyway. Or possibly, just a standard 'install' question. I expected an inspection and hopefully a cordial conversation with said inspector, if & when Thankfully never happened, and they don't seem to care. Wife had to inquire about 1st bill, since they had to combine the meter readings at office. First bill printed out as 'blank' and place in 'box'. Called on phone, told calculating, call back. I'm thinking ... Oh Krap. Wife says next day, she transferred money and paid bill, 39 units total. First 3 ish weeks of solar, was testing. First week, straight solar/ESS use, no feed back to grid. 2nd solar & grid, no battery use. 3rd back to solar/ESS use, as testing done and got the info I was curious about. Those 3 weeks we used 192 units, and fed back 153 to the grid during 8 of those days, while exporting was on. So fair deal for both of us. Use more than we usually would, as wanting to push the system*** Installer did state that our PKK office was friendlier than others when he did register systems. Also said if they ever do question the install, since unapproved 8kW inverter, he'd simply swap it out for an approved inverter, for any inspection. ***Pushing the system, inverter will produce the 8kW per hour, and our best on partly cloudy day was shy of 50kW produced, during 12hr of daylight. Get a sunny day, and 6 prime hours of sun, and you're knocking on 50kW produced. During that test day (50kW), I turned everything on that would be needed on one of those brutal March / April days. Both ACs on full, 22°, and it was frickin' freezing ???? Consumed 30kW that day, and something we never had done in the past, or won't be expecting a 1000 unit monthly bill in the future. No need to run 2 ACs all day, especially at that temp. Might get close to that after the car arrives, but that's a lot of local driving. Those thinking about installing solar, hope that helps a bit. If new construction, don't bet on not getting a digital meter. Those with meter already, I think they will eventually, be replacing all with digitals in the future. Possibly a good thing, as they may actually start paying for feed in to the grid.
  19. Small development nearby just finished building and about eight new houses over there all have brand new digital meters. Anyone considering solar do consider there is a good chance you will not be feeding back to the grid, especially if it's a new build.
  20. Rental was low of 450 units, high of 700. Moved into house and solar installed shortly after. First full bill with solar, 28 units and can't feed back to grid due to new digital meter. House at Udon Thani before moving to PKK were 2500-5000 baht.
  21. Get off MRT @ Bang Khae, exit south side, be hungry, very hungry. Can't get any more of a local vibe than that. Station on right of photo and that's all vendors down to it and beyond. Along with behind the photo.
  22. Anywhere that doesn't cater to tourists. Riverboat Pier N10 / Pannock, get off the boat and just head West hop on the main road or the small sois or behind it and it's all markets and vendors catering to Thais. Same with Nonthaburi Pier, hop off and start walking down the main road or wherever, and the whole area caters to Thais. Go back to town via bus, and can hit the craft beer bars along the one bus route. You'd be hard pressed to find a Westerner in any of them. Check out IconSiam if you've never been there and that caters to mostly Thais, higher end ties although it has a normal priced lower level for everything.
  23. Also enjoyed it, fresh, different, a twist here & there, and coming together in the end. Need more like that.
  24. An older Tesla, and more than a few vids of then in ridiculously deep water.
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