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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I just accept " I chose " to live in a 3rd world country, with many modern things. Anything that I take issue with, " I change " to please me. On vendor vs sidewalks/curbside, I quite like, same as the Thais, that you can now walk along the walkway on lower Suk, and most have been move off the walkways. Not that I use often, but 1st time after they were removed, man, what a pleasant difference. Also like, especially since I rarely drive at Krung Thep, that the vendors are allowed on the side sois, so no shortage of, if wishing to use. Those that complain & can't find street food, don't look very hard. Simply control your life, instead of complaining about others making you unhappy. ... I don't like living in congestion ... I live rural, but 5 mins from everything I need. ... I don't like the price of petrol ... bought an e-MB, EV/car on the way. ... I don't like the price of PEA electric ... I went solar ... I don't like buying bottle water, or using filtered tap ... I drink rain water ... I don't like renting ... built another house ... I don't like being dependent / controlled by others ... we're self sufficient now. All expats volunteered to live here, accept or adapt or flights leave every day. Not rocket science. Expats complaining accomplishes nothing but stressing themselves. Misery loves company, the forum thrives on it. WhooSa On Topic as always, already pointed out above, but like Thais, most westerner I know, use their garage for storage. Unless living in sub freezing weather and you car battery would freeze or vehicle not start. Which many places, and fellow employees I worked with told me about, how they had to plug their cars in, at home, or the market and or pub, if staying longer than 15 ish minutes.
  2. Having a very low production day, at present. But a ballpark idea of consumption. ... 1 AC, inv. 9k BTU set at 27° auto fan, at low presently, as room cooled off ... 2 frigs ... laptop & TV (65") That is all that's on right now. 347w being used, and usually have to add 50-80w for our inverter's use. Less than half kW using and rest going to the battery, and if just 8 hrs of decent production, no battery being charged, on your worse day, you'll have 8 hrs @ half kW** for 4kW X 30 days, 120 kW off your PEA bill that month = ฿560 ** Downgraded 1kW production to 1/2kW, as our 8kW vs a 5kW system, since you'll have half the number of panels. On a sunny day, we have, and you'll have more electric than you can possibly use. You're way more conservation than we are with usage.
  3. Wish they'd put one out reasonably priced with a lithium phosphate battery. Another brand widely available is iMio mini EV. BUT ... no lithium batteries Cheapest 'mini' with lithium, POCCO & Wuling is 450-500k, so why bother, just get the Neta V for much better specs
  4. ... "that will also be be trustworthy" good luck with that ????
  5. Yes we do, and have spooked more than a few stepping off the curb, and not at crosswalks.
  6. What to complain about today ... ... no parking as taken up by vendors, carts, street food ... city being gentrified, no street food available, losing it's charm Flights leave Thailand every day, surely there is a seat available for you.
  7. Actually it's a bit worse than struggling as Thailand is actually going backwards. 2010 Thailand was using natural gas for over 70% of their energy production. Thailand only has a couple years left of natural gas themselves, so in the future most will have to be imported. Coal and oil obviously being cheaper as they're using more of it instead of importing more natural gas. Solar would be the obvious solution but politicians don't make policy, corporations do.
  8. I picked my PP up at post office yesterday - 18 days. PKK-BKK-PKK mailed late afternoon 5th, arrived early AM on 23rd
  9. That's just silly, every car & scooter we've bought was cash. Car shy of 2 yrs ago, and scooter less than 1 yr ago.
  10. What's your present PEA unit/kW usage ? At present, our solar/panels & ESS provide all needed, and being sort of conservative, that's less than 15 kW a day. 2 frigs 1 AC (inv. 9K BTU), 1 fan are the mandatory appliances. 2 people, no water pump, couple electric kitchen appliance. 6.5 kw of that is overnight on the battery, using 2 frigs, AC, laptop/65 in TV from 1800-0700. 1800-2300 accounts for about 4kW, then the other 2.5 is while we're sleeping & sunrise coffee. Usually battery near 100% (10kW) at sunset, and not <35% (3.5kW) when solar starts producing again. TV off about 2300 hrs, and AC on every so often w/floor fan, till about same time. Then fan usually the rest of the night while sleeping. Cooking, dinner, showers done before sunset. Purposely being minimalistic, though AC use, as curious if solar is enough to be self sufficient. Actually our system (8kW & ESS) is way more than needed, even when not conservative. Which we're not very conservative any more, though interesting when testing. Any system 3kw & up, should provide 10kW a day & up, no ESS. Mr Google states 3kW inverter provides 300-400kW a month Without the ESS, our monthly usage would be ~200kW for overnight use. So PEA bill would be around B1000 3 or 5kW system should provide most with plenty of daytime use. I don't think most need to use AC (sporadically) & 65in TV at night for 5 ish hrs after sunset, so 200kW of PEA a month, for overnight should be high end for most folks.
  11. Thought the same thing, as no way, is there 10k EV/cars ordered/put in for incentives here, since May or June. I think MG & GWM only had 2k units each available, and I think I'm being generous with those numbers. Or worse thought, people are scamming the incentive program, and stating cars sold, getting the incentives without sales. Wonder how the incentive program actual works, as most, if not all motorbikes, do NOT qualify, I think.
  12. The other extreme, a full day while out & about. About 5kW for 24 hr period - 2 sm frigs (9&13.1cu) and 1 light on ???? 5 x 30 = 150 = ฿714 (PEA) not exactly cheap if Thai / minimum wage. Take that 1 thought further, and ฿1000 a month, times 5yrs equals ฿60k = 3kW inverter + 6 panels (540w), possibly even installed. 3kW should produce 300-400kW a month equals about a ฿1500-฿2100 PEA bill ... hmm Of course if working stiff, and everybody working or at school during the day ... oh krap
  13. Until better inventions come along, (aside from hydro & wind for energy) then it's home Solar & EVs for anyone thinking 'green' ... until y'all start simply walking, or using bicycles or horses for transportation. Which, I actually don't have a problem, as everything I need, is within walking distance.
  14. I've had great luck, though pretty good a sorting through the slime marketing. Just a couple negatives for all vendors, actually good considering the amount of orders I've placed. Now, on LAZ, it's only order from 'flagship or LAZMall' vendors. They refund as soon as the product is scanned at pick up. Then of course, since most COD, transfer to BkkBank account. All good, but yes, got to the not so "fine print "
  15. Just had my 2nd negative experience, sort of, as can still refund since a LAZMALL vendor. This after 100s of orders with LAZ. Ordered 4 fake CCTV cams, all of ฿160 each, and 1 arrived broken. Fixable, so I chatted with vendor, asked if keep & fix (need auth before I do) or any compensation. They offered for me to 'keep it' & $3 USD (cost $4.32) pay back to PayPal, or return for full refund. I actually want them, and should be an easy fix with a bit of hot glue. Good deal for them, they don't pay for return shipping & full refund price. Ok for me, I keep, and get a couple beers for my trouble. 1-2-3-4 days, no activity in PP. Msgs said coming, then I'm blocked from contacting. Don't think they realize I still have a couple days to return. So guessing trying to stall till 7 day policy expires ... pretty sad. Also, I think the broken unit was a returned product, resent out. As the other 3 units, did not have the solar panel connected to the battery bay, and the broken one did ... hmm ... somebody connected it, and I don't think it was the factory.
  16. Since we now have a digital meter, and yet to have a full sunny day since solar installed, I guess we'll never know what our full solar production potential can be. Unless they start paying for feed in to the grid, along with approving the Deye 8kW hybrid inverter. Until then, our best production, and AC abuse day was last month, 18th August. The day was even partly cloudy, shown by the peek & valleys, as the sun was blocked by the clouds, in & out all day. Production, shy of 50kW, consumption, just breaking 30kw IF PEA 30kW x 30 days for a monthly bill = ฿4,956.94 https://eservice.pea.co.th/EstimateBill/ Blue/production, Red/consumption, Below/to the grid ROI - ฿445k / 5k = 89 months = 7.4 yrs We don't even have the MG ZS EV yet ZS with a battery warranty of 8 yrs ... ????
  17. Yes, Xmas is always a reminder for me to make a batch of EggNog, Pumpkin pie. Marketing that stays with you, even though you don't watch TV any more. Got to make my Mojitos on Cinco de Mayo, OK, not Tequila, but I've moved on.
  18. Tradition or marketing ... think: Which ever ... a pot of Earl Grey is lovely
  19. Best to actually read the OP & link provided before posting. Just a thought: "There are 2,572 power outlets at 869 charging stations nationwide. (TNA)"
  20. Only if you're a 'traditionalist', and do things because people expect or tell you to. I suspect I do the opposite sometimes, just for spike. When ButterBalls were allowed in 'raw', I used to get one every month or so, and have them bandsaw in half, so a decent meal with leftovers for 2 or 3, instead of 10. Remember serving up a mini seafood buffet, or lobsters for Thanksgiving & Xmas ... must be the spiteful side of me. People telling me what & when to do things, sounds a bit silly to me.
  21. Not sure daily or a weekly eating / sipping outing would be considered a tradition.
  22. natural gas Compared with some other fossil fuels, natural gas emits the least amount of carbon dioxide into the air when combusted -- making natural gas the cleanest burning fossil fuel of all. It's a work in progress and TH is struggling. Those of us not waiting for others to solve the problem have already or will be going solar in the near future.
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