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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. China does have a problem. Too many people, not enough sunshine, half the year???? Does anyone really care (except Chinese) how China gets 'their' energy, as long as they keep providing inexpensive components for alternative energy for the rest of us. Without China, people couldn't afford alternatives to fossil fuels.
  2. And yet they were, before law change, and are readily available to anyone who wants one. I know a few gals that had them, and there's no great stigma about it ... with them anyway.
  3. As suggested above, I'd go to Kalasin Hosp, and do one of the Check Up programs. Make sure it includes a full abdominal ultrasound. Can probably just walk in, around 0800 hrs register and tell them what you want. Don't eat anything after 1800 hrs the night before. And no morning coffee, unless you want high BP. You'll need to drink some water after arriving, as full bladder is preferred for ultrasound.
  4. Depends what website you're reading. Some (most) say yes/required, other state not the law, but better to have, along with what & where you'll be teaching. Imm doesn't specifically say it's a requirement. Obviously if the school states you need one, then you need one to at least, teach there. "2.4 Non-Immigrant Visa Category “B” (Teaching) Foreigners who intend to take up employment as school teachers at the levels below university level in Thailand must submit the following required documents: - Passport or travel document with validity of not less than 6 months - Completed visa application form - Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past 6 months. - Letter of acceptance from employing institute or school in Thailand. - Letter of approval from government agencies such as the Office of the Private Education Commission, the Office of the Basic Education Commission. - Evidence of educational qualification such as diplomas or teaching certificates. - School license or business registration, list of shareholders and school profile. - Applicant’s resume. - Police certificate verifying that applicant has no criminal record or equivalents or letter issued by authorised agencies in applicant’s country. (The requirement of the submission of such police certificate is optional. The applicant must submit it if consular officer requests he/she to do so. This requirement is effective as from May 2007)" https://www.mfa.go.th/en/page/non-immigrant-visa-b?menu=5e1ff6f857b01e00a84023d4 "A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is not legally required to teach English in Thailand even though many sources misinform readers and say it is. Instead, it acts as a qualifier during the hiring process. Earning a TEFL will help to distinguish yourself from other candidates with similar qualifications and will help you manage a classroom if you’ve never taught before." https://www.tielandtothailand.com/tips-teaching-english-in-thailand-first-time/
  5. Call me crazy, but think I'd go to Kalasin Hosp. If they can't do it, sure they can point you in the right direacion: https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Kalasin+Hospital/@16.4348944,103.5033633,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x3122b50595fccc21:0x6a129d1707a8796b!8m2!3d16.4348944!4d103.505552
  6. Assuming you are in TH. Pre-exist HIV customer wouldn't exactly be the best for any insurance company Or would the rate that they would quote you for coverage. They're certainly not going to offer a policy for cost of, so what would be the point. Most Thais go to the Red Cross HIV clinic in Bangkok, for meds & whatever. Supposedly the least expensive. Guessing your present employer supplied healthcare doesn't cover HIV ?
  7. Legality - tolerating depends where you live. They are not citing any 2 or 3 wheeled EVs where I live, As more than few on the roads now. Stand up scooters, 500w/1000w/2000w scooters of various designs. ebikes, as they've noticed mine, and haven't batted any eye. Acknowledged with a head nod, and that's about it. I had a stand up w/seat scooter, and they didn't care. Returned it though, as it died on 1st day, good thing, as I really didn't care for it. I also don't bother with a helmet, and again, they don't care. Locally, they rarely enforce that on MBs. They are extremely lenient, but no major accidents off of hwy #4. Everyone does the speed limit, and rarely see any vehicle over 50 kph around town. Don't know what it is, but everyone seems to behave here, and in 5 years, have yet to see a scooter accident. When in Udon Thani, it was an almost daily occurrence if out for a couple hours.
  8. Not sure if sticky resin is good sign or not. Could just be the tar, something I bought the filters for, as supposed to absorb that on the way through.
  9. Those Full Moon Darks are damn tasty. On the subject of cheap weed, one vendor is offering; Thai Stick & Green Crack at same price. Do you know if one is better than the other? Read TS, if grown proper, 15-18% THC, and GC is 17% THC. No variant given for the TS.
  10. Think that would be Jamaican or Creole, as I've never heard anyone, black or white, call a doobie/joint a spliff, in USA that is, and I grew up and smoked herb with a lot of brothers & sisters. Maybe a term in UK or EU. Or the YT, Twitter, TikTok crowd. I'm still old, and haven't got pass; groovy, cool, dude, word dog I don't even know anyone that rolls doobies like that, as mine/ours, look like a Pall Mall or Camel (non filter) cig.
  11. We, wife & myself, would have a hard time spending 800 baht a day in restaurants, let alone street vendors & market shopping. Rarely does our restaurant bill break 500 baht. Don't eat out at restaurants much, and our monthly food bill 'in & out' is about the 10k mark.
  12. Easy for me; Male has penis Female does not They can call themselves what ever they want. Only a female/woman, until yet another definition is change, is able to give birth to an offspring. Only a male/man, can fertilize (naturally) said egg of a female/woman. Until that changes ................... Until someone shows me a chromosome test, not that I care, but I'm not falling for the "I'm trapped in wrong body" BS. Maybe in your mind, but probably not in your biology. Just tell me what your name is, but don't expect me to use a (newly defined) pronoun that I was taught means something else, and literally impossible to use in a sentence or conversation.
  13. Surprised, no residual, though I did sleep for a deep 9 hrs, about 3 more hrs than my usual.
  14. ordered on 7th shipped on 9th received on 11th Tracked all the way, Phuket/Chumphon/Ratchaburi(?)/Prachuap Khiri Khan Smoked on 12th ... J&T tracking and seems every time someone touched it, it got scanned.
  15. You beat me to it. Ordering a no brand, for a vendor who hasn't even sold any is not the best idea. Name brand from authorized vendor or reseller, LAZ Mall or 'Flagship' store. Should be an easy refund. Always make a vid of package opening to protect yourself.
  16. -0- ... they all have more assets than her. She's the poor baby of the family. Her parents died when very young, and most siblings (8) are all retired. 30 yr span between her & the oldest sibling. One brother, working in USA, just gave her a rai of land, back in the home province, NBLP. Fronts a lake, and I think he's trying to start a family commune when he comes back, soon. Giving everyone a rai, from a 70 rai farm he has there. Might put one of them cheap knock down houses on it, for holiday place when wanting to visit family.
  17. If they don't drink/drugs or gamble, then 5yr plan as bar gal should secure a nice retirement. One ex, had millions of baht (not mine) pass through her hands, and into the bottle, lottery & card games. Now has nothing. Present wife helped sell the first house for tidy profit, bought land & contracted the 2nd house, with my tutoring, and made excellent profit. She now downsized to new house w/solar & small parcel of land next door for farming. So now sits on nice bank account, and nice house that is self sufficient, w/no mortgage. Technically -0- operating cost, since solar & collect rain water. Though 150 a month for water isn't going to set anyone back. All we need to do is feed ourselves. She/we planned it that way, as any bar or non bar gal can do also, and have a nice retirement. Just take a wee bit of planning and a brain. If chickies marry well, expat or Thai, then like myself, subtract mandatory food bill, and we could actually save 50+k baht a month. Since living on less than 20k is easy and quite comfy. So every year is another 1/2 mill to her retirement fund, and that's with a few out & about paid for. No reason for anyone to be skint here on a retirement visa, or spouse/GF, left hanging empty handed after we pass on. Unless you rent & buy a bunch of depreciating sh!t you don't need, while trying to impress people who could give two sh!ts about you. Same same, not different worldwide. 10k a month after I c r a p out, and only 1 mill in the bank is good for 8.3 years. She could easily live on 10k a month. If I live 10 more years, that's a possible 5 more mill in the bank, so 40 more years of living expense, on top of what she has now, and she's only/all ready 45 yrs old. Living is Easy .... People make it hard.
  18. I'm old school, just use simple ol' cig papers. Actually last 'brick' I bought, the seller threw in about 5 packs of rolling papers, which should last the rest of my life, if the glue last.
  19. Ground Turkey ... good luck Ground Beef, you could go be type of cut ground ... "The following percentages are used as a guideline for specific cuts: Ground chuck: 80 to 85 percent lean/15 to 20 percent fat Ground round: 85 to 90 percent lean/10 to 15 percent fat Ground sirloin: 90 to 92 percent lean/8 to 10 percent fat" https://www.thespruceeats.com/ground-beef-labels-1805842#:~:text=The following percentages are used,8 to 10 percent fat Or simply buy you own & grind. Have done that, and TBH, wasn't worth the hassle. If you do, get large pieces from the freezer case. Eye, Loin & short ribs. Since going to grind anyway, a crapy piece with excess fat is a plus. I actually prefer one of the local brand, for ground beef in the freezer case, and 3Bs from OZ comes in close 2nd, though too many hard bits the local brand has less of, if any. Sometimes I'll even buy the fresh ground, if looks & smells fresh, though rare.
  20. No different than a non bar girl, if she thinks her only asset is her looks.
  21. Shouldn't the title read "The Church (ANY) does not care what a woman is" Has always been and will be a 2nd class gender in the eyes of GOD, any GOD. From my research IMHO
  22. Roll a doobie properly, and it will burn down to nothing, no roach left. Good set of hemostats helps. Dooble last night burned to nothing. Did the roach joint/bowl once ... never again, too harsh.
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