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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Whoa ... tough crowd. Although, they've been promoting eco-tourism since I've been here, with some successes. But agree, it is simply regurgitating the same ol'.
  2. Lived there / UT for 16 years, way more than 2 bars. I could take you to 20-50 bars (pre covid), and 10 will probably give you a meat pie, or full English for brekkie. You want Greek, Indian, Italian, German, Brit, or cook at home, since a Villa Markets there. Probably 20 bars within 1/2 kms of the bus/train station. You don't even need transport.
  3. My ol' neighborhood still has houses in the 50k USD mark. Don't believe everything you read. Could use a bit of touch up. A twin, cut that big A$$ bush down & some paint up top. Could buy that, bring it up to specs for Section 8, and rent if out for $1000 a month with no prob. Still the Land of Opportunity Buy that, then within 1 year, buy another, then another, then another. Get 5, then retire ... yep, it IS that easy
  4. You can find it cheaper than 50 a gram already here. Always has been. Last time I bought it, it was 30 a gram, and that was expensive.
  5. Hard not to contribute a bit to their fortunes, though just a few of them. Maybe TOA, not sure.
  6. Simple solution, don't use booking site, or any that charge in advance, or only book 1 night if necessary. Y'all got feet, simply use them. We've only had to do it a couple times, once arrived the rate changed on seeing whitey. Bye bye.
  7. A good thing, as long as they aren't allowed to proceed via 'admission fee' ????
  8. GreenLabs order 7 July AM shipped J&T, 9 July AM, from Phuket to PKK. Give it 2 days. Order #62XX ... if started at zero, that's pretty impressive.
  9. Pre covid, and days past, and will depend where you are in the Kingdom. Living in Udon Thani, popping over to Laos from Nong Khai was too close, too easy. Never did Cambo, as too many negative reports about officials scamming. Besides not being in that area, that often. Best, and I always tried to schedule my 90 day & out & abouts together, enroute to Phuket, and hop over to Myanmar from Ranong. Cheap, easy, nice longtail boat ride over. Haven't a clue what's open or requirement at both borders to enter there, or return to TH.
  10. Pay as the work progresses. Our present build, had 6 payment schedules. One main thing, though failed on our contract, is finish date, and penalty per day if not finished on time. Make that ฿1000 baht a day. We are months beyond our finish date (฿400 a day) and no expectation for compensating. Builder did give the wife a worker, to assist with her off contract projects, so helping for over a month+ already. A very generous 10 month contract, is now 17 months long. Builder decided to do 8 ish houses at once, when having a crew for 2. At least 6 added after our contract, realizing how bad she screwed up. Work has been fine, and wife is there to point out correction, and I'd recommend the builder, if not for the length of time it took. Should have been a 4-6 month build. Make the last payment, a big one, and keep until satisfied. Previous builder, previous house, was also lacking any concept of finishing time, and had to get a lawyer to send him a letter, with intent to sue if not returning to finish, which he did when receiving. Thought he was bad, time wise, but now this builder, she's making him look really good ???? He did not get his final payment, though only ฿20k, which he didn't come around to get it. Saw him at Global afterwards, and we actually like each other, and stated I had to touch up a few things, and he said keep the final payment. Probably knew he wasn't getting it anyway. Lawyer letter cost ฿10k. Present builder, probably owes us a credit, for the final payment, as we paid for some supplies, since she has a cash flow problem, so don't think there is a final payment for her. She's about a week or so from finishing, but since workers only show up 1 day a week, it might take a few weeks ???? Both did quality build, for a great price, just frustrating being on 'Thai time'. Both < ฿10k m², and overall, quite the bargain.
  11. My ignorance is obviously shining, as I wouldn't know what the hell that was if approaching. Did a paint can spill over on the back of a truck ? Until reading AN, I (Yank from Philly, PA, USA), didn't realize, you are actually supposed to stop at crosswalks, and actually felt the person responsible for safety, was the one actually using & crossing the street. Do understand, pedestrians have the right of way, but equate that to speed limit signs, which almost everyone ignores. Back in USA, I never expect any vehicle to yield to me crossing the street. Only exception is if in a school zone, as all yield there, no matter. Looking at some oops vids of EU, UK, I now realize some people actually just enter the crosswalk, not even looking for traffic, expecting vehicles to stop. A bit nuts in my world, but hey, what do I know. Here, TH, don't think it's going to work. Myself, and most Thais I encounter on the road, when I'm being courteous, won't cross if I'm slowing down for a crosswalk. More times than not, look at me like I'm nuts when I do stop. Others, won't cross, as probably, like myself, don't trust the vehicles coming up behind the courteous driver that did stop. So if I'm standing at a crosswalk, I'm not crossing until all traffic has passed, with few exceptions. If people actually started stopping, it would sort of cause an unnecessary traffic jam, and possibly more problems than solving. Along with some of these crosswalks are in the silliest place, on blind curves, across 6 lanes of high speed traffic. Just mind boggling. When in Krung Thep, I cross at the corner, and on the green light. Or if mid-block, all traffic has to have passed before I'm stepping off a curb. Last time at Krung Thep recently, I was sort of paying attention, or trying to, with crosswalks, and most standing curbside, had no intentions of entering the crosswalk. So didn't see the point in stopping. A few I did stop, and most were surprised, some crossed, apprehensively, others looked behind me, and gave it a pass, as traffic was approaching. Actually felt a little stupid being courteous, as most didn't expect it.
  12. GreenLab .. in process of updating site, I think, might be done be now: https://thaigreenlab.com/product-category/cannabis-flowers-online/ Bloom: https://bloom.express/thc-flower/ Of course there is always Google, for those who's devices aren't lock on AN: https://www.google.com/search?q=thailand+online+cannabis+sales&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALiCzsZtZ2F4GnTMmQMg086vH_bl8nuqjA%3A1657330096056&ei=sNnIYp2MA5OGjuMP-JKw6A8&ved=0ahUKEwidpJrd0-r4AhUTg2MGHXgJDP0Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=thailand+online+cannabis+sales&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6CAghEB4QFhAdOgUIIRCgAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFDECFi6HGCzH2gBcAF4AIABmgGIAdcEkgEDNS4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz
  13. I'm not ready to panic yet ... down ฿0.19 over 24 hr period ????
  14. This should be very interesting. See how far they let it go ... ????
  15. Then you probably shouldn't be here to begin with, or left a long time ago. That's why Imm has rules. 400k or 800k a year, more than enough if here legally. Or working and in the soc sec system w/health insurance. If not one of those, you shouldn't be here.
  16. IF stuck, but reality, nobody is actually stuck here, or anywhere. Just choose not to leave, for what ever reason. If splitting one's time, in 2 places or travel a lot, and just use any one place as a base, is fine, if that's what one chooses. If you can't think of more reason to stay than leave, then the decision is easy.
  17. https://www.flickr.com/photos/56481061@N02/
  18. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/entering-post-pandemic-era-thailand-sees-29000-daily-covid-infections-since-june-25/
  19. That's cool ... when will the rest of the world join in. Like this ... "He began the farm soon after he retired for two simple reasons: his wife wanted a farm, and he loves his wife."
  20. The price advantage of using E85 is dwindling fast. 24 Jan 2022 ... 25 % cheaper than 91 Now only 13.5 % And diesel 14+ % more expensive, since froze at 30 ???? Do they really think everyone is that blind
  21. House, townhouse, condo ... what would be the difference ? Living in townhouse now, rental, no worries. Lived in 2 detached homes, rentals, one next to apartment complex, no worries. Lived in 2 rural detached houses, no worries. Moving in next month, a detached house, rural again, no worries. Haven't had an issue yet. Non-metro or tourist areas. Though still plenty of crime around, petty theft & such. Not something I'm concerned about, as anything can be replaced. As long as I'm not home, the thieves are safe ... ????
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