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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. PoPo making the finder compensate for any lost funds, simply screams scam. 'No good deed goes unpunished'
  2. If knowing only staying 2 years, if that, then buying is a big question mark. 5 yrs of equity building, hopefully, is a safer bet, as markets do fluctuate short term. Plus, for something like USA, cost of getting in, above just the mortgage, depending where, can add up. Short term stay, may just be a wash. When I was following the money with work, going from PA to NJ, MI, TN, FL, WV, I certainly didn't buy in any of those places, as not knowing how long I'd be there. But I certainly didn't sell my properties back in PA, as the tenants were building my equity at no cost to myself, and paying my rent when out of PA.
  3. No time like the present to start building them. Not going to happen if everyone is simply talking about the pros & cons of, and how it can't be done. Who ever thought we'd be carrying a computer & camera around in our phones ... and yet Or is that a computer & phone in our camera ... ????
  4. Now knowing the scam, I'd do the same as I would in USA if finding a wallet. Drop it in a post box, and enjoy the few pints they paid me for returning as a reward ????
  5. Yea, not sure if just the advantage of USA PP, but I always just showed up, no paperwork, or even research done before arriving on international holiday. Except booking hotel if needed. Usually traded my timeshare week. Working for airlines, never even needed to buy a ticket in advance, just check to make sure 1st Class was available, if not, go next day or another time.
  6. If you're so skint, that 1900 is going to make or break your holiday, you won't be coming to Thailand anyway. "What ... 1900 for a visa, so I can spend 500 per gram for buds, that's outrageous" ... ????
  7. Yea, part of the 'Thai for Thai' thingy ... ???? Someone has to pay for not doing the TM30, and since you're in front of me, you'll do. Besides, I can't process this visa/extension without it ... ergo ... Thank You, here's your reciept. Of course you always has the right to say "I'm not paying" ... and leave empty handed???? ... I get that, so planning IS everything, as usual. That very uncommon common sense.
  8. That's one opinion I disagree with, as overly touristy with pricing to suit. Our experiences anyway. We only popped in, because usually across the street at Or Tor Kor market for a munch & picking something up when in the area. Always hopeful something at JJ changed, but always disappointed, and felt yet another wasted visit. Certainly wouldn't return. Zero aggressive sales tactics, is probably a result of window shoppers, like ourselves, never, rarely, buying anything, so they've learned not to waste their time. Food vendors are the only ones I've noticed with customers spending money, as high traffic, and people got to eat & drink. It's a giant (not world class) flea market with tourist pricing. You see folks walking around munching ice cream or crepes with a beverage, not carrying bags of shopping purchases.
  9. H6 is quite the very nice looking SUV, and nice options for those wanting, needing the larger SUVs. A bit too large for myself also, as don't need or want to drive anything that large or look for parking spot to accommodate. Spotted a couple locally and it is a very impressive looking vehicle, would make most very happy. Great competition for Fortuner, Pajero & MU7 ????
  10. I don't think the 'elite' tourist they are trying to attract is going to be concerned about saving 1900 baht. That's not going to motivate anyone to spend 100sK baht for a stay in the Kingdom. Especially after hearing about a possible 'foreigner' tax once here added to you hotel bill.????
  11. Yes, I did need to pay for that short extension.
  12. 2m is better than 200k ???? Actually surprised that many bothered visiting. 50% open w/30% occupancy is a bit optimistic, considering shy of 40m before. 2m doesn't spread very well when you're used to accommodating almost 40m. 20% open with 10% occupancy might be more accurate IMHO Even that would be a major improvement from what we saw when out & about last year.
  13. I actually expected them to close it completely, as that's some valuable real estate. Or at least downsize it, and put the remaining vendors in 1 spot, and utilize the rest, for something else. Seems to be more shuttered shops than open ones, and makes for lots of useless walking. Popped in during the 'situation' and thought it might be better without the throngs of tourist ... that was a mistake. More boring then usual, though could easily walk the endless sois of emptiness ???? It really is past it's life span, and with few exceptions, just a tourist trap IMHO Does everything in TH have to be called 'world class', as it sets you up for major disappointment when the reality is anything but. Being large is not world class, it's just large. "will make the market a world-class tourist destination."
  14. As long as you don't wait to last minute, there no shortage of rentals near Bkk Uni Rangsit campus.
  15. Ed-visa, while 800k is seasoning. Or, put the 800k in the bank, and ask nicely at Imm, and they may just extend you marriage visa (if married) while it is seasoning. Local office did that for me one time, couple years ago, as bank deposits started too late, to show all 12 months. IO asked I I had 400k, and told me deposit in bank, extended my visa for 2 months, and said 'cya in 2 months'. Easy enough.
  16. If you know you're going to stay in that area, for say 5 years or more, then you would buy, as the appreciation, would actually finance your housing cost when sold. Fairly simply to understand. Since my first house, I've lived basically 'rent' free, both in USA & TH, and housing has cost me nothing over the past 40 years. Since one of your largest monthly bills, that's quite a bit of extra pocket money every month. Spent on you, instead of giving it to someone else. Even the time renting between owning has been 'financed' by profit on sales of previous home. Equity built up over the years can be sold if really needed. Rent is lost forever.
  17. Some might consider that a win win ... 1 career criminal gone. One dangerous officer gone before hurting an non-criminal.
  18. What ... how's that possible. I thought 1 came with every house ... ????
  19. Only an idiot rents, that's relative of course. Rough it, till gets enough for FHA loan, then buy a 50k or less house, and mortgage is $300 a month, or so that advert stated. Advantage Chester, low RE Taxes. Obviously we talking about an idiot to begin with. Retired, and nothing to show for all those years working. Unless dealt a bad hand. Rare, but it happens, and there's social programs for that also. Pick your state and area of wisely. Don't have a lot of sympathies for folks who made bad choice their whole life. You can find you way over to an international retirement, but not enough common sense to plan any type of future. Som nam na Living & being a responsible person isn't much of a challenge. I'm an idiot, no 'skilled' certified trade of any value, or college/Uni degree, and have made every possible mistake in the book ... and yet.
  20. Them choices are a killer. Also know more than a few, that had incomes far surpassing mine, and did nothing but buy c r a p on credit that depreciated. They looked good though ... until they didn't.
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