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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Considering some of the older vehicles, and very questionable ones out in the sticks, I wouldn't be concerned. They drive tractors on the road out there. Not a fan of quads (bikes) myself, maybe a buggy instead. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2787771148196289/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A4e2c0312-4458-49e5-a533-c880980d267a https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1613693205680851/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A4e2c0312-4458-49e5-a533-c880980d267a
  2. I'M NOT A DOC ... But if legally produced, .2% is doubtful to affect much IMHO. THC is now physically addicting, AFAIK, and from experience of smoking a whole sh!tload, and going cold turkey a few times. Never a physical issue, quite the opposite, and felt good. Socially addicting, yea. Why not source natural foods that help cause drowsiness: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-foods-to-help-you-sleep https://www.sleepassociation.org/about-sleep/top-10-foods-help-sleep/ Repeat food wise, but some other tips: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nutrition/food-and-drink-promote-good-nights-sleep What to, but just as important, what NOT TO eat, indulge in: https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/ss/slideshow-sleep-foods
  3. Never understood any eco friendly idea of cutting trees down ... for ANYTHING, especially as a substitute for plastic product / bags. And talk as they will, I'll never believe trees can be replenished as fast as they are cut & used up. Production of tree sourced products is not always an eco friendly process.
  4. Daughter graduated Uni last year, offered job where she interned, and where she applied elsewhere, but declined, 25-30k a month starting salary. Choosing self employment instead, on my advice, so I did support her for 6 months, while getting started. Spent 6 months developing her own online business. Found she had too much time on her hands, so took the job offered where she interned at while in last year of Uni. Started at 28k, now averages 40+k a month (less than 6 months in), and in another year, hopes to be knocking on 100k a month, just on the salaried job. Buying a 2.6 mill baht house in August, for investment only. No assistance from me, after she started working. None for the house purchase. Understand not all can take Uni classes full time, but really not necessary to. Can do both, uni & work, just takes longer. Or work while trying self employment part time. Many restaurant owners started as street vendors. Many hobbyist turned their passion into businesses. Those putting in the effort, and choosing wisely can easily be successful here, as anywhere, when applying one's self.
  5. I have my own opinion why Lia Thomas decided to compete against women instead of men. This little tidbit may help you understand that opinion of mine. I guess it sucked losing all the time. ... "According to the swimming data website Swimcloud, Thomas is ranked 36th among female college swimmers in the United States for the 2021–2022 season, and 46th among women swimmers nationally. By the conclusion of Thomas's swimming career at UPenn in 2022, her rank had moved from 65th on the men's team to 1st on the women's team in the 500-yard freestyle, and 554th on the men's team to 5th on the women's team in the 200-yard freestyle" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_Thomas#Penn_men's_swim_team_records
  6. Janis would be putting GOD out of a job ... if one was to believe them bible thumpers. I think we've been expanding our mind too much. ???? ... harvest time is when ???
  7. One of my favorite restaurants is holding steady on their prices, and serving sizes haven't suffered. Appreciate it, and frankly, don't know how she's doing it. Definitely takes a hit, profit margin wise. Repeat customer, I'll always be, even when the price increases eventually hit. Same with a couple other favorites. They did stop offering pork dishes, when silly priced, and just last month, started offering again.
  8. What I've bought here, since living here, only twice, was pretty darn good. What it was I haven't a clue, as anyone can call it anything they want, and I couldn't tell you the difference. But I do see now, many calling it Squirrel Tail, and it looks pretty darn good. Should be in the 15-20% THC range. -Thai stick' sold now, will not be the same, as all we got 50 yrs ago was dipped. Extreme mango & papaya comparison. With or without opium ... ????
  9. Anyone thinking they can get a quality camera in the 1000 baht range, does know cameras. Also, buy from authorized manufacture site or auth. resellers. Lots of knock offs out there. Good with those 1000 baht purchases.
  10. Far from extinct, though not dipped any more, or shall I say, I haven't seen that version offered, unfortunately ???? But Squirrel Tail / Thai Stick is readily available.
  11. Ditto, and always a bad experience, the few times, and lesson learned. I'll avoid a vendor who uses them exclusively.
  12. I obviously was raised differently, with a different set of 'business related' ethics / opinions. Unless a scam, fairly obvious PP isn't, then I'd feel no need to advise folks to shop elsewhere. As stated, I thought rude. Most intelligent 'shoppers' know any product can be purchased for more or less from different vendors. Quality or customer services opinions always welcomed. The rest of non-positive postings, I felt as inappropriate, no more, no less. Just my expressed opinion, which I also have the right to express. Personally, I would have locked the thread to comments after posting. Anyone interested, actually interested, instead of knocking said vendor, would simply contact them with queries. As always, negative comments need to be taken with a grain of salt, possible bias due to a vested interest elsewhere .... Just a thought. Lesson learned, and added to those 'growing pains'.
  13. Happiness depends on life's choices ... as always UP2U Free delivery & 10 % off ..... or ..... ????
  14. 1+ hr south of Hua Hin, and thankfully we're back to 'normal'. Had a few brutal sunny days a week or so ago. Liking the change, overcast and tad less humidity with the afternoon & nightly spritzes.
  15. Most Thai people I 'know' have more money than me .... rich basstards ????
  16. I've never used. Not a P4P kind of guy, but lost count how many 1 night stands, and your common bar fly is probably almost the same risk factor as working 'bar gal'.
  17. Got to hand it to them, as they do succeed at calling everything and anything, an 'attraction'.
  18. Could be Mother Nature was hittin' that bong a wee bit too much. Got a few heavy downpours a bit pre-rainy season. Then a delayed start of (out of stock), though very welcomed now, as it's picked up this week.
  19. Not much of a masquerade ,,, I simply read it as a info commercial. No more, no less.
  20. Should we really be talking about the competition of one vendor, on a thread pretty much as a heads up to their site & service. If this was a classified ad for someone selling a vehicle, would you all be chiming in and pointing out the same car is being sold by this guy, for a better price. Especially since we probably wouldn't know the exact quality of the other product. I personally find the negative comments extremely rude. And I'm not even a buyer of said products, from anyone. Just enjoy playing devil's advocate, as I love when folks become self employed & independent of others. Of course there's people selling less expensive, though customer service may be lacking or not. Along with folks selling possibly, probably, the same, and more expensive, which I've notice (700-1100) for about the exact same offered by PP for 700. It's called shopping. As always UP2U
  21. If I actually cared about the specifics of SCOTUS ruling about NY state, I guess I would have read it. If in the USA, no law would stop me from carrying a concealed weapon. As the say, "Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6" I now have read it, out of curiosity, and agree with article, it probably will get struck down. Actually a good thing, for the anti & pro gun folks. As now, probably WILL be allowed to carry a concealed weapon, AND, probably WILL need to show they a capable of, or at least had the training, whether it took on now. Better to at least know how to handle a firearm than not.
  22. Did you miss this part of my reply ... "I didn't research or read the exact appeal they are ruling on, but suspect it is about the"
  23. Similar cases won't be brought up, as they've already ruled. It affects NY, because I think Statin Is is one of the only places that require that. It will be a ruling against NY's law. Others (few) may be affected by the ruling, if having same restrictions. If they are aware of the ruling, and act either way, to enforce or ignore.
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