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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not having the unneeded big house in the nicest neighborhoods, or the new flash car, and simply being practical and still quite comfy, allowed for 20 yr early retirement for me also. Priorities.
  2. Sadly, the only one USA SS accepts for DD Although my local branch is excellent come visa ext. time. Fair trade.
  3. BAME ... ???? actually had to google that. All inclusive was too offensive.
  4. Not happening now, or immediate future. Y'all need to read the not so fine print of the order; "The sale of alcohol is handiest approved in eating places, and handiest in the ones eating places which can be inside the Blue Zone and who’ve obviously displayed SHA certification for Covid-19 protection. However nightclubs, bars, pubs, karaoke, gents’s golf equipment and all different nightlife venues will nonetheless stay closed till additional understand."
  5. Yep, colored was standard when I grew up. Haven't a clue what PC now. Saw a 'town hall' setting talk show, and 'mc' used black, and was called on it, then colored, people of color, was mentioned as alternative, and different folks thought all were offensive. Strangely one guy said 'negro' was OK, shocked me, and of course, others disagreed. All people attending were of 'Africa' origin, well, maybe 3 centuries ago. I myself, go with 'chocolate' person. Who doesn't love chocolate, and even different adjective for different skin tones. Milk to Dark chocolate. Personally, I think, if use any label, unnecessarily, is offensive. Only if asked by police what color the perp was, so they don't shoot wrong person, would skin color be necessary.
  6. Energy storage systems (ESS) ... Battery rack back up. They've gotten better & cheaper the past year or so. Competition is a beautiful thing.
  7. Anyone got any other manufacturer of solar lighting they've used and like. Saw 'Lamptan' at HomePro, various types, from small to flood, to street lights. At least they have a page for specs: https://www.lamptan.co.th/th/products?category_products Along with being on LAZ; https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/lamptan-official?tab=promotion&path=promotion-30838-0.htm&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.card.1.745b2adf45nBu2&from=onesearch_brand_28859 Anyone have any experiences with them ? TIA
  8. Tough call, but would start with 10kws w/10kws ESS. Probably cost about the same price as the man cave, if not more. Tough call, as if not enough, expanding may be an issue if inverter not large enough. Need a quality build, with 'super/Q/K' block, insulated rolled steel roof, and ceiling (37) insulation, and extended roof for some wall shading E/S/W. Along with about 50 sqm for panels. 22 x .455w panels will get your 10kws. May need to add another 10kws ESS if not enough. AC is probably going to use 300 an hr, so 4kw overnight (12 hrs) and if a stretch of cloudy / rainy days, will be an issue, even though won't need as much, but 2 days, and you'll be empty. If not sooner, as you don't won't to go below 20-30% of battery. Will eventually pay for itself, but you may want to run a line from main house, from PEA, JIC, as back up, as you'll probably need it on long stretch of rainy season. I think anyway, with quick off my head guess.
  9. Not bran, but if a corn flakes fan, my go to daily breakfast cereal is Nestle Corn Flakes (1500g bag) and reasonably prices, at Makro. Adding a big scoop of ARO raisins (best price) as sweetener. Along with my 12 oz / 350ml cup of coffee seems to keep me fairly regular, if that's what you're going for. Prefer Nestle vs Kellogg as less soggy before finishing.
  10. No desire or reason to go to Cambo. Live 100 kms south of Hua Hin. Been all around the country since the beginning of the 'situation', and again, except for Krung Thep, and metros, along with 'chain' businesses (7-11 & fast food), few wear mask and if so, at least half wear improperly. My observations anyway. As always, other's experiences may differ.
  11. Let's put that in perspective ... using the dated chart below. Using 2017's #s, and to be fair, let's round way down, for easy math, and hoping they made some progress since. Instead of 578k a year, lets's go with 365k a year 'on average', so 1000 a day, on average ... Children under 5 yrs old died of 'diarrhea disease' ... yesterday. Same will die today, and tomorrow, and have died every day this year, and probably next. Did they get a headliner today, this week, this month, this year, this decade, this century ... hmm No profits in providing the basics of clean water to drink & very basic meds & vaccines. Did you even know that many children under 5 yrs old die every day, of something so preventable or treatable. .... hmm, oh well, enough intelligent thinking, carry on with the hysteria, and the most importantly ... can I get a drink a bar ... ???? Top forum topics; covid, vaccine, alcohol
  12. 2 of the 3 restaurants we frequent weekly, have been closed, at least once that we know of, due to 'staff' infected. Guess it was safe to return ... ???? I dove with 100+ sharks. A virus, seriously, you're joking right ... ????
  13. That comparison would be fairly useless, as all things are probably not equal. This statement alone proves that: "I see that facemask use in Thailand is pretty much universal" Maybe in Krung Thep and larger metros, but where I live, it's quite the opposite.
  14. Wow, 3 whole extra hours, on one evening. So is that scary ? Is it money vs safety ? Await news of super spreaders or just another day. More like the latter, just another day, simply restaurants open 3 hours longer. Since most people show up later in the evening for such an event, actual 'in restaurant' time may be shorter, same, or longer. Those that will attend such an 'event', are living that lifestyle already, just earlier in the evening or afternoon and assessed their risk factor, and obviously comfortable with it. Those thinking it's fool's folly ... attendance is voluntary, and simply continue doing what has kept you safe already. This isn't rocket science. Not even fear monging, just a notice what is available. Surely the 'experts' will chime in with their divisive comments.
  15. Emphasis on 'relocate' vs 'retire'. Aside from visa issues ... Relocating would require quality public schools, healthcare and job opportunities ... nuff said.
  16. What's a small amount of ฿฿฿ ? Feel free to answer in msg, if not want to post here. I'm 100 kms from Imm office, though good reason to visit HH, sometime it's a bit much, especially since needing to take a witness with us.
  17. When I do my 90 day pulse checks, at local office, I'm usually the only one there, or he'll take me right away, while he's working on something else. Shame they don't do extensions at that office.
  18. That's a silly assumption. People that have to take the bus, aren't going to spend ฿100 to look at cars they can't afford to buy.
  19. Choose your home province wisely. Hua Hin, PKK is bad enough, though only couple hours on bad day for extending. Still won't use an agent, charging something like 10k and up, depending on what you do or don't have. I can sit there for $100-300 USD an hour and UP. Save all my internet reading till I get there, passes the time quick enough.
  20. One thing C19 hasn't done, stressed us out. Going to tourist beaches at high season was so relaxing without tourist. I'll actually be sad when the silliness ends. At least got to enjoy in prime conditions. Doesn't get any better.
  21. This thread is a refreshing read. 'Free thinker' coming out of the closet, away from most of the mob rule. OP ... Thanks for starting. Love the MSM's new spin of vaccine side effects being blamed on the cold weather ... classic. 68 years old, and usually told it's 'cold & flu season' this time of year, now it's 'blood clot & heart attack season' ... ???????????? How did they get it so wrong for so many prior decades.
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