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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. 97k @ https://shopee.co.th/Honda-รถจักรยานยนต์-รุ่น-New-PCX160-i.123470177.5514951024 ???????????? ABS ???
  2. However, do many people actually find their soul mate, by cruising these dating sites? ....plenty of success stories out there. Along with horror stories, and probably more of, simply because people are more apt to complain than compliment any situation. Maybe you have some tips to share? ... as with everything, rent before you buy, and only after test riding, living with. Talking/texting is free, keep it that way and nothing loss.
  3. And they have way too much of both, of & on the Sheeple. Som naa na
  4. Notice CM forum stating available at CM area. Anyone know if any hospital, as titled, closer to PKK, will do both shots with Sinovac. Don't mind traveling, far (few 100 kms) if necessary, and hanging out for couple weeks, but would obviously prefer something closer to PKK. I can get the first shot in Hua Hin, but seems local hospitals want to administer a mRNA vaccine for 2nd shot. Not my preference. Any help appreciated, THANK YOU
  5. Oh hell no....???? When they had a CarreFour there, probably had the best deli section / pre made subs around. And decent price vs my usual 'assemble of' at Gourmet Markets when in Krung Thep. By the time I buy the packaged Pastrami, salami, ham, swiss or roast turkey, depending on mood, along with some roasted veggies from salad bar, and nice baguette, it turns into a damn expensive sub. But worth every baht.
  6. I don't, and why I didn't, as not a fan of touristy areas. Patts was never a consideration to retire there for so many reasons. Why I didn't retire to Phuket also, too many tourists / expats. Been to Patts a few times, and frankly, see no reason to visit again, for more than a munch if passing through the area.
  7. I believe the rule is, they, vendors can't sell / serve, nothing about I can't drink, and since in my Yeti, nobody has a clue what is in it.
  8. You forgot to include unvax'd should be placed in concentration camps, and forced, uncompensated to produce the vaccine.
  9. Myself & wife have been down that road, and doubtful they waste more time & money pursuing a debt they legally can't recover. I'd just ignore their letters & phone calls if receiving. Actually tell them to 'hold on' and set the phone down, costing them more money. They'll get the hint, if ignoring you pointing out their legal avenue has expired.
  10. You're reading comprehension seems to be a bit off. Please re-read my posts before replying. Take note, I stated "not approved for general use" in earlier post .. which you apparently missed. This time I answered post about 'catching & transmitting' ... not recovering from, as you reply refers to. Also stated the #s may or may not support, obese having a harder time recovering from the virus. We may actually agree, but no facts / research that I'm aware of 'proving' that statement. Why I worded it that way, so post not deleted. Nothing wrong with expressing your thought, but they simply don't relate to what I stated.
  11. For 'emergency use', I believe, though surely will be corrected if wrong.
  12. OP is referring to CC debt, and as already pointed out, the debt is null & void after a certain period or non payment & attempt at collection. Simply a scare tactic. At worse, a ding on her credit report whish is probably already there. They / dings also drop off after a certain period of time, though one may have to request that to be done.
  13. NO ... the virus doesn't discriminate. All have equal chance of catching and transmitting the virus. Race, religion, sex, age, body size / weight, healthy, obese, vax'd, unvax'd. Reported, and #s may or may not support the fact, that obese people have a harder time fighting the virus, as with all infections and some medical issues, more than an non obese / heathier person. The extra weight putting a strain on all the bodies functions, and a virus, any virus, may be the last straw for some folks.....or not.
  14. Yep, money usually works. All better than part, and the same worldwide, if not all, then simply getting someone (bank, dealer, shark) to trust you for repayment. Not exactly rocket science.
  15. Actually, they are, being C19 didn't originate in Thailand, it's safe to assume it was brought in by a foreigner (Chinese), or a local returning from the "dirty' foreigner's country....555 Since people, foreigners continue to test positive on arrival, along with immigrant (foreigners) workers, then the comment isn't far off the mark. Probably a bit (dirty) lost in translation, but accurate.
  16. Don't think it matter in Thailand. As Sinovac is always couple with a mRNA vaccine. Sinovac would be one I'd consider, if having at all, but don't want a mRNA as 2nd dose, and possible booster for life every 6 months, which seems to be the way they are going. Would think Novavax, if old school vax (ignorance shining now), would also be coupled with a mRNA vax as 2nd and beyond dosing. ????
  17. I would think if Chonburi is having any election, it would be the whole province if said ban is enforced. Planning ahead doesn't seem to be the forte' of many folks. I'm actually waiting for Makro to restock my favorite tipple, or I'll have to spend 7 baht more at 7-11????????
  18. My #s are for deaths from C19... <0.03% of pop. for Thailand. Work the numbers, and only have a <0.1 % dying of, if infected / 2+mill vs 20+k deaths. No long term #s for either vaccine side effect, which if I don't get, don't need to worry about. Along with no long term #s for lasting effects of C19 if one of the <3% of pop. infected. 70 mill pop. vs 2+mill infected. #s way too low for me to be concerned about. Chance of infection for myself, way lower than most, since retired and social distancing is easy. I don't need to be around anyone, and I'm not, unless necessary, which is rare. Live semi rural, so very low risk all around. Others of course, need to assess their risk, and take the action they deem necessary for themselves.
  19. Most retirees, their life expectancy is more based on their lifestyle of 65ish years in the home country before they retired. For others, like myself, actually being in Thailand 1/3 of my life, almost half of my adult life, then Thailand is going to effect my life expectancy, maybe. And in a good way, so far, as I do seem to eat, drink and exercise more healthy here, though that is more down to age, maturity, and more time for home / healthier cooking, less (20 yrs) processed foods. If all in USA, when born in 1954, life exp. was 66.5 for white male If make to 65, then good chance to live 12.8 more yrs, so with luck 78. No chart if making it to 75 ... seems all bets are off. If reading this CDC chart correctly: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hus/2010/022.pdf hmm ... 66.5, guess they didn't expect me to collect much of my pension or SS. Which actually agrees with my work / IAM union #s, as they issue on average 18 monthly checks past 65 yr old, and only 11 checks in my job classification. Scary stuff. Glad I took everything early. As I should be dead already, or, if lucky, squeeze out another decade.
  20. 3 people 'masked' ... what do you expect the police to do, besides checking out any available CCTV ? And 'ways to make them' ... ????
  21. Since people can't be trusted to follow current restriction rules, then they'll surely abuse any relaxation of the present rules. In the news constantly of violating alcohol & closing times now. Som naa na When wanting, I drink alcohol with my meals, self serve (BYO) in restaurants, I bring my Yeti, with my 'ice cold' bevy, whether my favorite beer (they wouldn't stock anyway) or my Mochita. Better & cheaper ... win win for me. AND ... don't have to put up with any drunken gatherings at the nearby tables. May the restrictions last forever.
  22. An op-ed, nothing but click bait for their adverts. US news ... healthcare highlighted where in the USA, the insurance premium per month is more than I pay to stay health with a full check up every year or so. The co-payment for meds in the USA is more then the meds cost here in Thailand. Other aspect, healthy food, lifestyle, that's everywhere, except you actually have to eat it, and or get off the couch and go out & enjoy your life.
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