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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not sure how one could improve much on electric motors, as they kind of last forever already. Battery tech, weight & cost will be the major changes for EVs. Range range range seems to be most people's concern. Grid & availability of charging stations. No prob in Thailand, but few EVs on the road, so we'll see how sales go, with the increased petrol prices. Definitely motivating me towards an EV, though TBH, at this point, I don't really need one, as the E-motorcycle gets the majority of my everyday kms now.
  2. Chicken farm shut down, birds gone, ground scraped / cleaned & refilled with fresh soil ... ???? Like they were never there. System works, just have to know how to use it when needed.
  3. Volt was a total joke, and shouldn't even be mentioned in any intelligent conversation about any cars. ????
  4. Don't care what Forbes thinks, as I know what I know are facts. And I'm in Thailand, so any other country, is very irrelevant. I'll also use solar 99% of the time for charging, if owning an EV.
  5. Agree, but more than few members here are simply anti EV, for no practical reason, and use some of the silliest excuses not to own on. Along with Thai & Chinese anything bashing. I just consider the source & ignore them.
  6. My calculations definitely proved to me, they'll pay for themselves way before the 8 yr warranty expires. E85 has risen 60% since those calculations, so ROI is even faster. EV is a no brainer ... IF ... you don't mind the additional cost now, know you'll keep the car for long time, and if doing out & abouts, don't mind driving slower than usual, or making multiple charging stops on longer legs of your journey. I'm on the fence at the moment, no inventory coming to July or Nov anyway for some models. Plenty of time to mull it over. I do believe my driving habits are changing, so I'll probably wait till end of 2022 or 2023 as got a few pressing things going on at the moment, financially. Balancing, I simply want, with do I really need, and the practicality of it.
  7. So we should ban the ownership of some dogs. All firearms And ALL MOTOR VEHICLES ... got it ... ???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. Personally NO, AN members, more than a few.
  9. Here's one the anti EV crowd must of missed ... https://www.facebook.com/candace.l.metz/posts/10219714762729658 Reminds me when the LPG NGV cars use to line up overnight in Udon Thani, when converting was all the rave ... oops ????
  10. I've played with a few of those natural born killers, and only fear was being slobbered on to death.
  11. Why ? Can't think of any Russian products. Can't think of any product, not whole or part Chinese. What EV would you recommend ? Already have MG ZS (2020 ICE), and best car I've owned. Probably last ICE I'll ever buy. ICE needs oil / petrol, so may have some Ruskie in it. 90% of my electronic are whole or part Chinese already. As long as they make the best at best price, don't see a reason not to buy.
  12. Doing a 'bang up' job then, and Darwinism is thinning the herd.
  13. I'm guessing the great majority didn't even know they had it ... IMHO
  14. Good Luck ... ???????????? ... sorry, good luck though. do have a Plan B
  15. Very rare (N), and minor damage reported when it does happen. Suspect poor construction of those buildings affected. 1 reason I moved to Thailand, lack of earthquakes & typhoons.
  16. Simply consider the size of the battery. MG ZS for instance is 50Kw, and 1 unit of PEA, is approx 4.25 per. 0-100% charge would be in the ฿215 +/- range. Depending on driving speed / load, MG ZS estimates / rated at 403 kms @ 37 kph (NEDC), or 320 kms @ 47 kph (WLTP). http://tiny.cc/tpkpuz So I would personally expect about 200 kms for an 80% charge top up, if just around town driving, to avoid going below 20% reserve. Always good to calculate on the negative side. Would hope to squeeze 250 kms around town, but really depends, if using all options, AC, sound system, lights/night driving, 1 or 4 people load. We don't drive more than 200 kms a week, so about 800 km for the month, if that. EV cost est: ฿690 (high end est) vs ICE cost: ฿2352 (exact cost) MG ZS (800 kms / 11 kpl = 72.72 L X 32.34 (E85 today)
  17. Just quoted what was posted. I've read people quote as low as 7k for an agent, though simply for convenience sake, not 'providing' paperwork for approval. Others are happy paying 50k to bypass the rules. I simply follow the way too easy to comply rules for FREE IMHO ... if you can't make the financials, you really should reconsider retiring overseas, as home country will have safety net for you when that oops occurs.
  18. Agree, mostly, with there are no bad pets, just bad owners. Although ... you do read the off stories of dog turning on owner / child, when it was so protective and obedient in the past. Rare but does happen, and always the 'headliner' breeds making the news of any incident. Survey (USA) says ... Poodles bite the most people. My dogs have always not liked people I don't like, without encouragement. Would never snap at a family member, but possibly a stranger if not knowing how to approach a dog. I also encouraged all my dogs, not to trust strangers, so need to be a bit more responsible when we are around strangers. Present best friend is a Jack Russell mix, and doubtful she would harm anyone, aside from a snap or 2, if you encroached her space.
  19. Have you gone to the CA station to ask, as would think they would be able to sell the tickets. At worse, guess you'd need to buy point to point tickets; CA to Bang Su to BY. Though that does sound a bit silly, not be able to buy S & NE line tickets at same time. Checking SRT schedule, and it won't show CA - BY, but point to point via BKK, no prob.
  20. Only watched 3 of them, P of Dog, DLU, N Alley, and wouldn't watch any again. Actually struggled to finish those 3. Subject matter of others, or after watching the trailers, so figured I wouldn't waste my time.
  21. Can't wait for the news-blips ... "I just survived the flu or head cold" "I stumped my toe the other day, but I think I'll live" Had a cough, sniffle, and I recovered ... ???? Best part, scared to go to hospital, have insurance, but have to pay first 40k ... ???? My daughter survived it ... without the drama.
  22. Reluctant because long term lease need to be registered. Imm would accept, at least hey except ours, 1 yr with ongoing clause monthly till cancelled. If you know you are going to be someplace for 10 yrs, why not just buy a condo ?
  23. Stressing will only kill you sooner
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