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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree. Considering biden somehow got appointed by the EC, and the deep state likes things just the way they are, I'm pretty sure harris will be appointed next. Only the voters like Trumps, and they simply don't count. Win win me. Rest of the world, you're screwed. Continued proxy wars & inflation.
  2. Had to google that ... learn something everyday.
  3. Whoa, that's inexpensive. These new prices will definitely put a dent in the JP badged 'made in TH' entry level cars. And never pay for petrol again. Can't see anyone getting another ICE when the time arrives. And if a pick up hits the market this year or next, I think a few more auto factories will be converting or shutting production in TH. Get any cheaper and I might just buy one for the hell of it ... In the USA, I always had a spare car or 2, along with a scooter. Only reason I kept the ICE MB so long, as rarely drove it, except to put air in tires & top up the tank. Actually like driving the E-MB.
  4. Added some salmon to my usual brekkie ...
  5. That would prove you're a resident, and not tourist. All find, found all the rules quite easy to understand and follow here. How people have problems is beyond me. Makes you wonder how well they functioned in their home country. An agents dream client
  6. CoR from TH Imm is way too easy to get. Nothing here is complicated, for marriage or retirement visas. Never did the work visa thing, so haven't a clue. Simply have to prove where you live. Required and not hard in any country, I believe. This ain't rocket science.
  7. Yes, you have to verify your address. Easily done with yellow book. But nothing from the US Embassy as stated in the OP. Even a Yank in the USA has to verify their address to open an account in USA, though a license works. If no yellow book, then OP will need to get CoR from Thai Immigrations.
  8. Never heard of that requirement or been asked to provide. I (a Yank) have had numerous accounts with numerous banks in TH. Have BkkBank account now, simply for Soc Sec deposits, and the wife has a bunch of multiple accounts
  9. Not much detail on them, since someone posted an advert about a month ago. Finally noted they are 2 yrs old. No mention if show room cars, test drive cars or staff company cars. Only about 150k off a new one, when on sale, (829k - 869k), so not sure I'd bother.
  10. Was a Datsun/Nissan fan back in USA. Datsun 310, Nissan pick up (only new vehicle ever bought in US), and Nissan Maxima, a very fun car to drive. Thought about buying one of the 300Zs many times. Wouldn't touch a Nissan now, or the past 25 years.
  11. Geez, I'm not that old. My mother lived 5 years longer than my age now, and she was a stone alky & chain smoker. I never smoked cigs, and rarely drink alcohol, the past 10 ish years. Already passed my father age, by a few months, and he had the same lifestyle as mom. Might have another 10 years in my, as my one brother is 7 yrs older and still going strong. My cousin, mother's side, is 15 yrs older than me. Got a lot more Soc Sec to collect, and continue to be a blight on US economy. Though if the didn't steal those funds, it would be self generating & flush. Love how people comment and members they know nothing about
  12. Never let the facts get in the way of a good spin: 39.2 % + 58% = 48.5% of dems voted for it (source)
  13. Plenty of good Thai food, most everywhere. Though I never seem to remember the name. But know where and why, which items I usually order. Had a nice Crispy Pork GraPao the other day. Have couple spots that put out nice Kaeng Khiao Wan (green curry). Panang & Massaman are favorites also, the latter hard to find, especially beef. Yum Woon Sen is another. If none available, always fall back on a Sweet & Sour or Ginger Chicken/pork/shrimp
  14. Same ones that told them, she wasn't fit for the job in2020 Didn't even make the first cut to get in the 2020 primaries
  15. Yep ... the dems have nobody else. No name recognition, no other progressive label to sell. The MSM savior, and they will be pumping her up, telling all, she has the backing of everyone, and the best thing since JFK Think selling WMD, covid, locdowns, the vaccine ... all for our own and the world's safety ... ... 2024 GO HARRIS 2024 ...
  16. I eat some kind of meat/protein, almost everyday. Bacon today, pork loin yesterday. Salmon is always in the freezer & available. Same with eggs, and usually 2 scrambled most days as 1st meal. Do stay clear of fast food, none really here anyway, just KFC, and rare that I bother, as something I get when O&A, though haven't in some time now. Sweets, something everyday, maybe blueberries, or dark chocolate, as always in the house. Usually some kind of pastry a couple times a week. Evening snack seems to be a bowl of corn flakes & blueberries of late. Then a 12-15 hr intermittent fast till first meal around noon. Morning cup of black coffee is about it till then, while catching up on the world and trollin" AN. No alcohol, or very rare. Don't even have any in the house. Agree, cook & eat in mostly. Simply because we enjoy cooking, and dining out is very limited here especially if wanting AC. Not sure I'd go with OP's diet in the OP. Think it lacks some of the basics, as meats provide a lot of nutrition.
  17. tic toc ... hope it was your first & last shot I'd point you to a peer reviewed study posted in the peer reviewed 'The Lancet', but it would be deleted.
  18. MG (SAIC) setting the stage for happy sales & customers. Now if they'd include the ZS/EP/ES in with that warranty, that would be nice Not that I expect that we'll ever need it, as doubt the rest of the car will last longer than the battery & motors. Would be nice piece of mind though. If the Maxus 9 would have been released earlier, I think I would have been tempted to get that. Minor conversion and I'd never need a hotel again If not for the wife, the dog & myself would be happy living in that, playing the nomadic tourist. Still crosses my mind, and if a wee bit younger
  19. So anything anti biden or harris is T cult ... <removed > lives MAGA ... a nice thought, but a pipe dream. Preserve what little is left is about all that is hoped, until digital money is forced upon all. That will be the final nail in the coffin. Why I'm happy not to be there. 3rd World countries rock The only thing the USA / UK / EU provide to the world, is comic relief to expats living elsewhere
  20. Not in the T cult, but when it comes to which of the 2 is more qualified to lead ... ... harris is a joke, always has been, and always will be. Her qualifications for being picked as VP were and now as P nominee come down to 2 ... female ... mixed race A blind person can see that
  21. While producing bz3/4x with CATL batteries and some production in China. That Chinese threat ... maybe should be the threat, of not building or supplying the parts that make their EVs possible to exist.
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