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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 70 seconds  
  2. Don't know how anyone can be offended by that ... I guess they, crying snowflakes don't watch their own local programming on TV, Not that's embarrassing
  3. Still haven't a clue what a libertarian is, though definitely anti-authoritarian. That I'm a bit right isn't too surprising. EDIT, OK, Libertarian works for me. Wow, got my own label. 'Right leaning Lib'
  4. Blame the EV for being overweight I guess he blames his frig when home. And that damn freezer forcing him to eat ice cream all the time. Damn appliances ... After 3+ hours on the road, I'm hungry, and eat sensibly. Live (or die) with your choices.
  5. My journeys in our EV vs ICE don't take much longer, if at all, when O&A. I'm going to stop, P, walk the dog, and grab a munch/coffee. I can do that all while the EV is charging back up. Most times the EV is done charging, before I'm done munching or finishing my coffee. Them be the 'facts'. I need that break every 3-4 hrs, no matter what. YMMV
  6. Haven't got a clue what left, right, dem, rep or liberal means any more. I'm all for less govt involvement in personal home life, business, regulation, redundant taxes. Totally against foreign aid ... any foreign aid, as long as home country citizens are suffering and theirs a national debt. How does a govt borrow money to give it away. No household can, would or get away with that. I don't believe in sending military overseas, especially as a corporate security force, without being compensated, and on a voluntary basis only. Don't know what label gets puts on me. I believe socialism & a democratic republic can co-exist. If the govt didn't ruin everything it touched (think USA Soc Sec), then they should be in control of the basics. Make them affordable for all, since 'non profit'. Education, healthcare, utilities/energy, (oil & electric). But greed & corruption seems to be all that matters, no matter how many lives it destroys or even kills. So I don't think I fit into any label, left, right or in between. Actually prefer not to be any part of it. I don't believe there even is a far left or right, or left or right. There's the controllers, and there's the allowed perception of left & right for idiots to distract themselves and argue about, while getting royal screwed doing so. You got the <1%, (horrid humans) laughing all the way to the bank. Another <1%, GODsends, knocking there heads against the wall, try to make a better world, for the other 98 ish %, that are total ignorant idiots, so self absorbed with there stupidity, they haven't a clue. Not a fan of humans. Almost embarrassed to be one. Can I identify as an Eagle. Wow ... that was fun I feel better ... did someone say soapbox. I never ...
  7. Beef is pretty darn healthy and nutrition packed. Leaner cuts probably a bit better. Excess fat and you get 'free' tallow, and better than most cooking oils. I like getting a picanha every now any then. Don't mind all that fat as renders down to a lot of tallow. Hard to find a thick meatier one at Makro, but always buy them when I see 'em. Pretty much the only beef I buy now for steaks or roasts or roast beef for sandwiches. Not sure about a 100% diet of, and can't imagine anyone actually does it. But if going 'all anything', that would be one of the best choices.
  8. Whoa ... there's a flashback. Use to play that a lot. The game really does represent world politics & domination of. That game brought out the worst in my one brother
  9. On that, CA ... just saw a YT short, chickie noting LA petrol, $7-$8 gal. I thought nah, BS ... nope. That's just silly, especially for a country with so much oil. Along with record windfall profits. I know CA is probably one of the most expensive (added taxes) but that really is a silly price. Let's say $7.50 = ΰΈΏ270 = ΰΈΏ72 per liter Also saw where they charge $.40-$.60 for kWh to charge at fast charger for EV. Again, use $.50 = ΰΈΏ18 and 2X+ what they charge here / TH. ΰΈΏ5.5-ΰΈΏ6.5-ΰΈΏ7.5-ΰΈΏ8.5/kWh Add the solar & BEV are silly priced in the USA. On topic ... CC really don't have much to cry about here. Even ΰΈΏ60 more for that buffet, as stated early, I could make a hell of a chicken salad sandwich, that would be ΰΈΏ100-150 at an foreigner managed bar/restaurant. And if grilled red/green peppers (not cheap) and fake crab salad is on the buffet, then not too bad at all.
  10. I was too much of a CC at the time, many years past, for Electrolux, and explains a lot. Now a big fan of Electrolux πŸ‘
  11. We use to take our grinder with us Not just grind and put in little baggies. 1 week old coffee won't kill us. Had to get de-snobbed, and lower my nose a bit
  12. Also a good choice for coffee, and we have the exact same type, again, stick with stainless steel. We also have the aluminum Moka Pot, but you may notice a metallic taste. Good pot & all, but we just prefer SS. Ours came with a electric heating pad, for like 100 baht more. So I thought, why not Because it would take a few days to get warm, although I wasn't really surprised. Do give the 'combo' offer a pass. I literally put my hand on it, and it wasn't even uncomfortable. Hopefully just a defective unit, and they're all not that bad. When using a Moka Pot, I tend to put heated water in it, then to the hob to boil. Saves the coffee grounds getting exposed to excess heat. Not sure if it does anything beneficial, but is a bit faster. Just need a towel to tighten the pieces together as it is near boiling when I add it, so the water reservoir does get instantly hot. Too hot to handle. If taking O&A with you, and little gas hob works very well.
  13. I've been using our French Press of late, for ease of use & clean up. Actually the wife does the clean up at home (wanting grinds for compost), but when O&A, just rinse plunger and hold 'carafe' upside down over the toilet and use butt sprayer to rinse out. Too easy. Wife still used the machine at home, as liking the crema. Personally I wouldn't bother with the expense of a drip machine, as yet to have own that worked right, or easy to clean, or the glass pitcher that never sits right on heating pad, wasn't silly priced to replace when broke. I would just get one of the stainless steel 'V' strainers, and paper filters. A little wasteful with coffee as takes 2X as much as the French Press for a bit less yield. I actually use one to pour the French Pressed coffee through anyway. Takes the cafestol out, and any sludge (rare). French Press ... get a stainless steel one from LAZ. Ours is 5 or 600ml, I think. I've broke a few glass ones. Get the Daiso branded 1-4 cup filters from Daiso. Work good and no sludge. Also on LAZ. Just make sure they are 'v', and not flat bottom. Very versatile also: This makes a good cup of coffee. I use a fine grind and give it a good stir, and plunge all the way down, hence the need for the paper filter. 10 minute seep.
  14. A better choice, for the view. Off the room balcony, and behind the bungalow/parking area.
  15. Not sure where to stick this (no, it won't fit) ... but at Future Park, Rangsit area the other day, and coming down for higher parking level, and nothing but roofs coverer with solar panels. Don't wait for your govt or power company to help ... just do yourself a favor, install solar. Stop being a putts.
  16. To the title, almost On Topic, I think ... ... At the mall and saw this shop "Apple Sheep" ... for the sheep that buy overpriced Apple accessories for their phones. OK, plenty of knock off shops, phone accessory shops everywhere. Funny part here is, the name & location, right across from Apple store ... πŸ˜‚ (look at top of vid, read fast)
  17. I guess it would depend if you like chicken salad & tomato soup enough to justify the added 60 baht. Obviously you're not going to eat a kg of chicken. I'm a fan of chicken salad sandwich and make them at home occasionally. And if what I make at home was served at a restaurant, Thai or Foreigner managed, it alone would be about a 200 baht value. Considering 200 baht doesn't buy much any more, at any western fast food restaurant, and if you pig out, it's still a value. Comparing apples to apples. Can't a double buy Whopper for 200 baht any more. Or a Big Mac meal, or possibly even a Big Mac, as haven't in a long time. And yes, you can get a bag of salad at the fresh market for 30 ish baht, and 3 double pork burgers at 7-11 or mix up 2 or 3 pre made meals for your 'DIY buffet' ... but you do have the comfort of AC, proper table to sit at, and hopefully better selection of salad items (fake crab or potato salad), fake bacon bits, Caesar dressing, and maybe grilled red & green peppers (not cheap). And hey, if you're already there ... as always UP2U Memory serves, been a while, but add a protein, and salad comes with it, pricing used to be in the 200 baht range anyway. 169-239 baht, I think ... as stated, it's been a while. I never got the salad bar alone, as adding a protein made it a better value. If you really want to be a CC, just pig out on the salad bar, and take the protein meal away, back home for another meal later. Usually after done eating at Sizzler, always thought, "damn, I could of had ... ", probably why it's been so long since my last LPOS visit to any of them. Along with no longer living near a mall that has one. As for the foreigner shaking head and stating 'too much' ... not sure how rude that was, Thinking the 400-500 baht a day employee would be in agreement with that statement, and didn't take it personal
  18. https://www.facebook.com/reel/472335898766660 https://microlino-car.com/en-ch/microlino
  19. And to sell petrol, oil, repair & replacement parts, along with constant service; oil changes, turn ups, replace exhaust systems. Maintaining ICE is a huge part of their profit margin. Using a fuel the degrades every part of the vehicle it touches is just good business ... for them.
  20. Just like it says in the post ... "Wife building" ... that's her doing just about all of it. She'd hire a helper for the days she needed. That's actually her putting the roof sheeting on, in the one snap. Did all the welding and everything. Her nephew taught her how to weld when he added the carport and some other things around the house. Excellent builder himself. Roof is some Poly ??? clear plastic stuff. She can look it if need to know the exact material. We're O&A now. The whole thing is screened in, keeps the bugs, squirrels and birds out. She even added a self watering system, since we're O&A a bit for a week or 2 at a time.
  21. An observation from far west side of Ratchaburi, near border, DTAC, NO service at all. Which also means, if you use your phone as a hotspot, as I do quite often, if hotel's wifi sucks, or don't have, then you are without wifi along with phone. If wife didn't have AIS, would be hard to make reservation for tomorrow, as going to check out the other valley about 20ish kms away. A lot more over there anyway.
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