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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Most if not all the cases against Trump will be dismissed / reversed ... IMHO The beauty of the USA legal system ... things are usually set right, eventually.
  2. One does have to live with one's choices, or not. Do agree with the 'don't get married', though have done so, fairly happily, 4 times. 3 didn't work out as planned, but no major regret, or losses, and not much (financially) vested in those. Hence the escaping free, financially. #4, I'm all in, but better choice, not repeating same mistake ... short courtship, early marriage (2 yrs / 2yrs / 11 weeks ). 8 years living together, now 10 yrs more married. Her involvement with our investing has earned as much as my direct financial contribution. Moral of the story ... 'chose wisely' ... worldwide. Safest way (financially), DON'T GET MARRIED Simply complicates things legally when you realize you made the wrong choice. Rule #1 in any relationship, personal or business, never invest more than you can lose. That uncommon common sense. We can repeat it so many times, but the you kids (not my daughter of course) just don't listen Live & Learn ... or not As our parents said ... 'Do as I say, not as I do'
  3. How old is that news-blip, as completed a few years ago ... ... old link here Gmap shows it
  4. I'm still tryin to figure out how you get grease all over the oven. You could line most of it with tin foil. I enjoy breast, but usually use thighs, having a bit more flavor, and more forgiving when past prime temp. Really hard to ruin thighs, vs breasts. The do sell stainless steel solar ovens, same concept, smaller and more controlled heat, and less attention needed. Though still too much hassle for myself. Why do 50 at a time, as would take me a few months to eat those, besides not having the room in the frig or freezer. I think you need a bigger oven, or better yet, a BBQ grill, charcoal or gas. 50 breast would take me about 2 hours to cook., and that's using 1 shelf in oven. 1 hour if using 2 shelves, as takes <20 minutes to do a batch. Better yet ...
  5. There's a lot more south of Bangkok, than just Hua Hin (gets smoggy also). We go South all the time, and haven't been to Phuket since the tourist returned. Headed south this week, as soon as there a break in the rain. Probably spent a week to 10 days in Phang-nga province. Not Khao Lak. Stay away from Ao Nang, Krabi, Khao Lak, Phang-nga & Phuket, and you'll avoid most of the tourist. Don't really need to leave the mainland, as we don't. Take a few weeks in each province, below HH to Malaysia, both sides, Gulf & Andaman. We knock around down there quite a bit ...
  6. Agree ... and he's not speedy, and nobody seems to be alarmed 🙄
  7. Made these today, trying to use up my whole wheat flour, as not a fan using in my bread, even at 20%. Strangely, when O&A, I make a point to use 'Royal' whole wheat bread when getting my bologna & chips sandwich fix on Anyway, they're easy to tasty & tasty. No photos of mine, as not as uniform as hers, using a wobbly pizza cutter, and I forgot to 'fork' them, which didn't make much difference. Guessing you could use AP flour, if not having whole wheat. Other recipes call for adding cheese & such, and can really personalize them, also a nice plus. Use to eat a lot of Ritz crackers, but they are so unhealthy, if eating more than 2
  8. Most of our shopping is done at Makro, as stated, Lotus's is terrible, and almost always more expensive. I think 7-11 cheaper than Lotus's. Lotus doesn't carry half the stuff we buy, and meat, veggie & fruit selections are dismal. No Tops or Gourmet Market here, though we pop into GM when at Hua Hin. Even when we lived in Udon Thani, lots of options, but still shopped mostly at Makro. When we can find, buy veggies from fresh market, and the broccoli & asparagus is much cheaper, but hard to find. Getting a supply of asparagus in the greenhouse, so that's a plus of late.
  9. That's what they tell you, so you buy the, more profitable, unhealthy 'vegetable' seed oil. Then they can sell you some meds to correct the effects of seed oil on your body. I lost all respect for FDA, CDC, WHO, or any govt health advisory organization. All corrupted by food manufacturing industry and big pharma. IMHO
  10. to the title ... ... thank him for being a sparring partner, and letting me get some exercise
  11. Weather permitting, I'd use my bicycle or MC back in USA, unless shopping. Not much difference here/TH, except my back isn't up for long MB rides any more. I'll even do lite shopping with the MB here, unlike USA. Scooter have more space to carry, w/basket & foot platform. Even have a big A$$ box that came with the scooter, and keep thinking about putting it back on the scooter, since wife is rarely riding with us (dog & myself)
  12. After ... no different than before. Just watch MSM for all the BS they spew ... ... IMHO
  13. I'm surprised it's only 16k. Most of our food budget is Makro (only game in town (Lotus's sucks). @arick and yea, depending what you buy, it can add up. We eat salmon, beef, shrimp, green/red peppers, broccoli & asparagus (if none in garden). Along with less expensive chicken & pork.
  14. Avoid seed oils, all. Along with high temp frying. Pan frying better than deep frying. Air fryer even better, though still need oil Coconut / palm Tallow Ghee Olive Avocado
  15. Actually, AOT is public company, which is kind of strange, as it's a 'spin off' of gov't agency, along with being the major stock holder of 70%. AOT controls the 6 international airports ... ... Suvarnabhumi Airport ... Bangkok International Airport ... Phuket International Airport ... Chiang Mai International Airport ... Hat Yai International Airport ,,, Chiang Rai Samui Airport is privately owned and operated by Bangkok Airways. Most flights from the island are operated by Bangkok Airways.
  16. No Mosins ... AK Mini 14 Mossberg short 2 Springfields ... far left & right FN49 Mauser Hakim
  17. I owned a few, and had a FFL (Fed Firearms License) to sell & collect firearms. So I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'm talking about. A few of my toys:
  18. Assuming that's kWh/units on your bill, which is a 5k-7.5k baht bill. Our system is 8kWh, means the hybrid inverter will accept about 8kWh from the panel, and put out about 8kWh to the house/load. Any more, and it will shut down. Our system is just enough, on crappy, overcast, rainy days, to supply enough for the house, and recharge the ESS/batteries, we use for overnight/non production hours (14 hrs). That's about 6-8kWh overnight. When not home, house uses about 4kWh, just keeping the 2 frigs running, and maybe 1 light. On a good, very sunny day, and using everything w/EV plugged in, we can produce & use 50kWh, total, for house, top up batteries, and EV. That's about our max production/use, and don't think we could squeeze too much more out of it. On a crappy day, lucky to get 10kWh, total. I don't 5kWh system would meet your full requirements, or even 8kWh. 10kWh (two 5kWh for redundancy) would work for you. If you're home during the daytime, 5kWh would certainly supplement a good part of your bill. ESS add a good bit of the cost of any system. If not home during the day, then benefits of solar wouldn't really be realized, unless using a lot overnight, which would require a lot of ESS/battery storage. Panel sizes are about 2m² (2 X 1), and we have 18 X .540w = 9.7kWh produce. About 40m² of roof need. Split even, 9 panels facing S & W. Any more, and would be waste, as inverter will only accept so much. We don't have East facing, so lose a bit in the early sunrise.
  19. That's definitely the wrong place to gain info and form an opinion ... Just a few folks with more gun knowledge/experience than yourself.
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