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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I gave up a long time ago, when they ???? started changing the meaning of pronouns. How do you even use 'them' or 'they' in a conversation without shaking your head. Imagine being a sports commentator: #35 they just passed the ball to #3, and them went for the lay up, but passed to #10, and they shot and was block by them.....W T F Riddle me this from a Gsearch:
  2. Nobody loses until you sell ... The only learning curve to investing in the markets, is knowing it's a scam (with few exceptions), only then, can you use the 'scams' and make a lot of money, and retire early & comfy.
  3. When approached at the beach, or anywhere, if ignoring doesn't work, then ... .... No hables ingles
  4. Even noticing or caring about one's appearance, says more about the voter, than the candidate. Total political ignorance is why the world is in the mess it is today.
  5. You want to end gun violence, and or all conventional wars .... ... simply solution would be stop making firearms & bullets. But do consider, the 5 permanent members of the 'UN Security Council' (oxymoron) just happen to be 5 of the 6 largest arms manufacturers & sellers of. A bit of a conflict of interest, and unlikely the world will change in our life time, or the next century or 3, as long as gun violence, war & death is profitable. Those that make the laws, for or against firearms, have their own personal 'armed' security forces. Falls under the 'laws for thee, not for me' scenario.
  6. As long as criminals have them, it would be nice to be able to defend yourself....equally. You're assuming there is never a need to defend yourself with a gun, in our non perfect world. That's not reality
  7. hmm ... wife doesn't work, and I pay for everything .... oh c r a p
  8. And I thought I got bored at times ...
  9. On the subject of Xmas, saw a news-blip, Santa in Norway is now gay. I didn't know he and the Mrs got divorced. Say it's not so .....
  10. Technically, yes, it could be an issue. Realistically, highly doubtful, as someone would have to report you, and in a small village setting, don't think much to worry about, since only popping in for 1 class, and probably won't be ongoing anyway.
  11. If having the option, head over to Khon Kaen for cardio healthcare.
  12. He wasn't talkin % of GDP, just % of baht influx. Good luck with those numbers. Be lucky to get 1 million true tourist a year, within the next 5 year, if nothing major changes.
  13. As long as it stays weak the first few days of the month, I'm happy. Yep, that's when my dd arrives.????
  14. Say it's not so ..... "Police find no prostitution in Pattaya… again" https://www.pattayamail.com/featured/police-find-no-prostitution-in-pattaya-again-352486
  15. ฿50k would be 5% on our present house build, and that's a ฿1 m build, which is inexpensive. Most are ฿2m & up, so even less, and more realistic for the simple addition of a cable & outlet. It's silly enough that a EV could cost as much as our house, or any car for that matter.
  16. I found the refund process quite easy, and goes to my bank. Don't understand why all the problems.
  17. Whoa, that's a wee bit excessive. Might cost that here, 50k, but that in THB, not GBP ... ????
  18. If they can afford a silly priced legal firearm here, I don't think they'll be showing up in flip flops.
  19. I actually ignore any news-blip from MSM or any source with covid in the headline. Don't need to read the same fear monging echo box over and over. Rely on my common sense and free thinking. Kept me safe all these decades. Live in fear if you want. I prefer to live everyday like it's my last. With that, off to the surf, w/ no mask & BYO ???? ... have a good one.
  20. With ฿20m / $625k USD, I could retire anywhere I wanted in the world, and Thailand probably wouldn't make my short list, or any country. I think I'd play nomad for first 5 years, and keep my options open and just keep my base in home country. Take time to explore other options, as you already know Thailand. Not sure how that would work with Indonesian passport.
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