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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Strangely the opposite. Things have never been busier where I am. Not a metro or tourist driven economy here, so little has changed during the past 20 months, with exception when in total lock down. But most business are long time operators, building owners, and surprisingly a few new places have successfully opened since. Quite the risk takers and so far, paying off.
  2. I'm waiting till the FDA, CDC, WHO get done their research on up or down recommendations. Until then, I'm doing my business outside in the yard. With all that stuff going airborne...hope y'all are wearing your mask.
  3. As is the rest of the world, if not the top MSM news coverage everyday, fear would dwindle and profits would suffer.
  4. Already enlarged, and thankfully outward, so still a stream vs spray ... ????
  5. KhunLA


    If everyone acted responsible as yourself, then laws wouldn't be needed. Unfortunately ...
  6. That's way too much work. After 65+ years of practice, my aim is fairly perfected. Of course when I look down to aim, I can actually see, where others may have a blocked line of sight, in which case, they may want to sit. It would be the considerate thing to do, unless enjoy a bit of clean up after. Weighing those options, sitting sounds the better option.
  7. KhunLA


    Because it's the law. Class 1 covering your vehicle & occupants is optional for your protection. If you pay extra to extend coverage to others, that's also 'your' option.
  8. he, she or it, should know better. Wait & see what happens on he she or it's return to Thailand.
  9. Noted. Also note you were the first person to attempt to offend someone in a reply. Let that sink in.
  10. Simply make an length adjustable folding stock universal to all long rifles. No need to make a 'small Asian' firearm. Hopefully it is adjustable, as short stock rifle, would be very hard to shoot accurately. Already available for many of the .223 (AR15, Ruger mini 14) & AK47, and many others. Just a headliner for the ignorant buyers.
  11. Just my opinion, but I've yet to read about a woke issue, that didn't come from an idiot snowflake.
  12. AND .... More fear monging headliners. I'd be more concerned about the Hep B & C in monkeys the scratch & bite tourist, locals & expats here. When was the last time you got bit, scratched by or ate a bat. If cooked properly, no worries ????
  13. Since women are the main 'seamstresses' of the world, making men's clothes, simply stop putting zippers in pants ... problem solved. Surprised the 'woke' haven't had zippers banned as 'oppressive' to women. First time at daughters condo, she says 'don't forget to put the seat down'. My reply was 'you got a choice, you want me to pick the seat up, or put it down' ... wife laughed, she didn't. Of course I put it down, it's her house, her rules. Ours house, 2 toilets, problem solved.
  14. 2 brothers are envious, but rooted (family) and can't leave the USA. 1 brother is too Hi-So to move to a 3rd world slum. Keep in touch ? .... only reason I'm on FB
  15. Yea, people who actually want to end it ... succeed.
  16. News-blip says they tested positive, didn't say they had symptoms, and 5 were vax'd w/2 shots, plus 1 having a booster. So much for that ... read into it what you want. ???? "Test results of the victim’s four family members show her mother and elder sister are infected, while her father and a seven-year-old child are clear of the virus. 14 of 22 neighbours were tested this morning, with 5, including the grocer, tested positive. Health officials said that four of the infected are fully inoculated with two AstraZeneca vaccine doses and the fifth has received two Sinopharm doses and third AstraZeneca booster jab."
  17. 2030 (UK's ev mandate) ain't that far away, they're going to need one anyway. If springing for a new house at silly price, guessing they'll be springing for a new car within the next 8 yrs also. Just hope they're compatible, and could be a wasted install.
  18. Yea, I think the first so many (???) MG EV buyers, when promo was going, got a free home fast charger thrown in with purchase. Now I notice the HS PHEV its still free, I think. Should be for the price of the car. "[3] MG HOME CHARGER 1 set value 42,057 baht [4] MG HOME CHARGER installation fee worth 18,692 baht" https://www.mgcars.com/th/Promotion/Detail/re-start?gclid=CjwKCAiA4veMBhAMEiwAU4XRryZ7Wq5D9rrHtleDQhSFnDiw_smj01kV-ODnEx2WUd03pX3TMstlcRoC05AQAvD_BwE
  19. Since 'plan' for new homes, then don't think it will matter. Seems main point / complaint in news-blip, is poorer folks will be left out. Don't think they'll be buying new homes anyway. If anything, it will help the 'have nots' as less public charging ports needed in the future, as the 'haves' will have theirs at home. win win ????
  20. 97k @ https://shopee.co.th/Honda-รถจักรยานยนต์-รุ่น-New-PCX160-i.123470177.5514951024 ???????????? ABS ???
  21. However, do many people actually find their soul mate, by cruising these dating sites? ....plenty of success stories out there. Along with horror stories, and probably more of, simply because people are more apt to complain than compliment any situation. Maybe you have some tips to share? ... as with everything, rent before you buy, and only after test riding, living with. Talking/texting is free, keep it that way and nothing loss.
  22. And they have way too much of both, of & on the Sheeple. Som naa na
  23. Notice CM forum stating available at CM area. Anyone know if any hospital, as titled, closer to PKK, will do both shots with Sinovac. Don't mind traveling, far (few 100 kms) if necessary, and hanging out for couple weeks, but would obviously prefer something closer to PKK. I can get the first shot in Hua Hin, but seems local hospitals want to administer a mRNA vaccine for 2nd shot. Not my preference. Any help appreciated, THANK YOU
  24. Oh hell no....???? When they had a CarreFour there, probably had the best deli section / pre made subs around. And decent price vs my usual 'assemble of' at Gourmet Markets when in Krung Thep. By the time I buy the packaged Pastrami, salami, ham, swiss or roast turkey, depending on mood, along with some roasted veggies from salad bar, and nice baguette, it turns into a damn expensive sub. But worth every baht.
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